/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

FOUR Days Edition.

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Helpful Links: tools.aggydaggy.com/# (Still in beta)
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg/
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

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GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org/
Haxe: haxeflixel.com/
LÖVE: love2d.org/
UE4: unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4
Unity: unity3d.com/

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

Other urls found in this thread:




lolidev did literally nothing wrong

1-5 dev
6-9 fap
0 worry about life

I will start right now

how does it look?



How do I go about making the camera smooth?

tfw multiplayer browser based space fighting is going to happen


tfw you gave up on your games

Will nudity in my game put sales/marketing in danger? I make art for an RPG game, It´s not a porn or lewd game in any way, but I want one character to appear nude, in a non sexual way. Do you think that it may possibly cause problems with steam and sales overall?

It's likely that it'll just be slapped with an AO rating and nowhere'll stock it

what is that ? runescape ?

does anyone knows a good program to make sprites ? even if they are at paying i`m ok with it



How do we fix adventure games? Isn't there another way to encourage exploration and still have gameplay besides the typical puzzles/platforming/combat schtick?

Depends on the art style you're going for


>begin making lewd game
>draw art
>look at art
>it's shit
>give up

you mean it's broken?

artist here looking for a programmer, just post a little of your code and let's talk

this isn't spam by the way, I just posted in the wrong thread but I guess this is now the new one

what program are you making your art with?

for(int a = 0; a < numofnodevs;a++)
print "just kinding nigga,lol"

Can we just start by talking about your game? I have been trolled too many times here

return 1;

..be gentle senpai

I said post code not your abstract art

programmer looking for artist who wont do that thing where you start taking longer to reply to each email until you finally flake out because you arent getting paid and you realized you need to do actual work


Here is the step event for my player. You can contact me at [email protected]

if keyboard_check(vk_left) {hspeed-=0.4}
if keyboard_check(ord('A')) {hspeed -= 0.4}
if keyboard_check(vk_right) {hspeed-=0.4}
if keyboard_check(ord('D')) {hspeed -= 0.4}
if keyboard_check(vk_up) {vspeed-=0.4 gravity = 0.9 friction = 0.2}
if keyboard_check(ord('W')) {vspeed -= 0.4 gravity = 0.9 friction = 0.2}

if hspeed > 0
hspeed -= 0.1

if hspeed < 0
hspeed += 0.1

if collision_point(x,y,obj_wall)
hspeed = 0
vspeed = 0

this is code

Not exactly the style I'm looking for but looks pretty good


Garfield without Garfield is the most depressing shit I've ever read.

hey look at that you got input and physics in the same place

thats real convenient

Never forget our fallen devs


nice work breh but i would view it in flat shaded mode if you're going to hand paint

here is some guy painting wood

What the fuck is that user



oh shit guy,buddy,pal


is this some kind of sick joke?

If a long dead AGDG dev came back out of the blue and released their game, how would you feel?

everyone who reads this post will make it in indie dev

Hey /agdg/, do you fap to your own games?

I missed you cave explorer

Competitive and bitter.

No, that's lewd and our forefathers would disapprove.

pic related


My art isn't good enough.

Why would this make you feel bitter or mad? I'd be happy for them.

A lot of the old AGDG devs endured so much shitposting and bullying


I'm making a turn based rogue like. How often do you think you should die? Something I am really not sure of is just difficulty levels.

>he doesnt write his own engine
you might just end yourself

>tfw starting to like your own character
>tfw you realize she's a 2D version of the gf you will never have

make it a game where dying is an ordinary part of the game

I thought Rogue and its clones were already turn based though

because they left and came back only for us to buy their game

Human nature.

What if some of them released for free though?

IIRC Marmo wanted to do this

What's the best way to store a database for spells, items or dialogues?

One of coding's most important concepts is functions so you don't have to write the same five lines a million times. There's no need to reinvent the wheel. If an engine suits your purpose, then its fine. The only reason to make your own engine is if you want complete control over everything that happens.

i put everything into text files

mysql lite


It's supposed to be. Dying doesn't mean starting over. It means you get new traits to replace the old and lose some stuff.

I fap to my lewd art while drawing it when I'm in a lewd stupor but after I finish fapping my clarity returns and I realize it's all garbage

Microsoft SQL Server

your own implementation of json

Lua scripts.


wolfenstein 3d looks better

>mysql lite
Holy fucking shit. I wish I would have known about that earlier. I'm not the original asker, but thanks.

I wish meme games died.

man, I got these cheeseburgers.


What the fuck drives somebody to think they need a database for this?

Were you living under a rock until now?

It's current year.

Why the fuck would you want to associate with mysql.


That looks kinda cool

Depends on how much flexibility you need. If you want the ability to perform complex searches and queries on your list of items or whatever without implementing that functionality yourself then having something like mysql lite is a big advantage.

in a game where every 4 turns you should expect 3 random events and one scripted how many random events do you think it needs to stay feeling fresh? Each turn takes 3-4 minutes.

Why not?

What is the alternative?

Everything should be completely random and I don't mean pseudo random RNG or sampled noise I mean truly random.


There are many alternatives that are simpler than using a database. How do you expect to get that data from the database into the game?

I'm going to use search and replace on my code and you can't stop me

>FOUR Days

void Database::Query(std::string &database, std::string &query, IDatabase::Result& result)
int rc = 0;
char* zErrMsg = nullptr;

auto it = m_db_map.find(database);

if (it != m_db_map.end())

rc = sqlite3_exec(it->second, query.c_str(), callback, &result, &zErrMsg);

if (rc != SQLITE_OK){



Doesn't your IDE have refactoring functions like renaming and such?

oh the manette

I notice a distinct lack of mobile dev around these parts.

Why aren't you making a game for Android / IOS user?

Is it just platform snobbery?

Holy shit, you don't just mean using the database to author the content, but to actually be queried at runtime?

I'm not using an IDE

Still I'm pretty sure editors like notepad++ and sublime can do this for you.

Because the mobile market is literal shit with like one or two games taking the top until the end of time and then several hundred clones of those two games following up after. It's a fucking shitshow.