Path of Exile General - /poeg/

No animoo edition

>Atlas of Worlds information
atlas mechanics:
essence challenges:

>2.4 patch notes

>Ascendancy Offline Skill Planner

>Helpful links (embed)

>"Hey guys what's the price on this piece of shit item"


Other urls found in this thread:

first for ziggy :D

People are actually playing rather than shitposting. This won't last long.

Previous map:

Having a bunch of 1+ good roll alchs is pretty crazy.

Good night poeg.

ded is applicable to the thread and not the game for once, help me out guys, I can't play at the moment. Regale me with shitpost about essence.

So is CoC truly dead?

anime edition =^____^=

Not much to say, really.
>Click 2 times, set up whatever if you need to if totems/summons/traps/etc.
>Click third time and kill them, try not to get hit by their special thing, from Arctic Breath with double GMP in a circle to lightning streams from mobile flame totems, to extra summons

1-3 Sniff Ranger's sweaty armpits
4-6 Sniff Ranger's dirty feet
7-9 Sniff Ranger's smelly pussy
0 Sniff Ranger's stinky butt


Chanced this
Only had 1 other unique box appear for me naturally (ignoring prophecy, darkshines etc).
2x chance doing work?
Imagine if it was so small floating point precision made it far less.

I'm afraid you must have missed the OP. It's OK, just remember in future this is NO animoo edition (it's a buff). Thanks for participating in the thread.


Any decent trap builds that aren't bladefall traps?

>kill boss in 0.1 second

>kill boss in 6 seconds

wow its shit


I remember enjoying that show with my sister.

My sister is dead now.


how is it?

You should live for her then user, don't be down.


How common is the new BV flask? Seemed like it wasn't going to be too rare with how fast it was found but you never can tell.

The chimera boss is insane as fuck

Rate my BV spec.

Skyforths Y/N?

I'm using Headhunter and LL of course.

That divine orb is so close, yet so far away.

is it possible to just play this game solo without trading?...

Possible, yes. Good, no.

if you don't pick a build that needs specific items to work

Yeah and in the long run it'll probably keep you sane to stay away from the trade autism - but it's probably still a good idea to buy something once in a while.

At the very least learn to buy shit from

this, drop a few chaos here and there. When it comes to buying shit for multiple exalts then you need to take a walk and forget about it, you're getting sucked into autism.

I've played mostly self found since release and it's possible but you need to play a different strategy if you want it to work. Also you'll never be some op badass that clears gorge in 20 seconds but whatever. Just trade it's easier

>fireball now has 50% more damage
OH BABY this is the kind of shit I live for. gmp/crit/pierce fireball should be fucking amazing now.

Is everyone playing solo?

snaptrap builds still delete everything as well as ever

just not poison meme efficient as other stuff

> for various Uniques
>Pic related is the only Victario's Charity in either League



what the fuck is up with the atlas bugging out and not updating with the map that I finished?

>The Lord's Labyrinth
>Grinding Gear Games
>For your Ascendancy Points

Damn.. 20 minutes of effort once per difficulty..

>ice spear
>70% more damage
wasn't ice spear already good? I remember rolling it like two years back and clearing high end maps no problem. Why such a large buff?

so they have something to nerf next big patch

it's shit

You don't HAVE to do it. You're just severly gimped if you don't.

About 2 Leagues too late.

Okay can someone tell me what skills are absolutely trash so I can avoid them? I don't want to ask for a cheesey build that's FOTM or meta I just don't want to pick something really trash. Game's too punishing to change how you want to play.

There is a fine line between consideration and hesitation. The former is wisdom, the latter is fear.

Single-target Melee.
Fireball unless it's in CoC.
Single-target ranged that isn't Puncture.
Non-crit ranged
Elemental weaponry

avoid melee skills that require you to hit an enemy to gets its effect. Static Strike and wild strike are prime examples. Same goes for melee skills without a built-in area of effect.

traps and mines

Flicker strike is consistently the best skill for fun and clearing while avoiding cheesy meta.

>Fireball unless it's in CoC.
I'm telling you user, it's good. Take the gem out of an old coc character and give it a whirl. Crit, pierce, gmp. Clears really well. Even more so with the 50% damage buff.

I think the problem is more you basically have a single target skill in a meta where aoe is king.

Holy fuck guys
I quite PoE back during warbands. I tried to build a frost wall kinetic blaster, but GGG kept fucking around with whether it worked or not, I build the whole char, they stealth disabled it, then reenabled it weeks later, I must say, in d2 blizzard never hotfixed any build like that and they sure as hell never made a big claim of "We support our players intelligently combining mechanics to make new clever builds" and then raping the shit out of them

so I was just reading patch notes when I heard about this new expansion and found out not only did they completely gut CoC, they made frost walls not even work with projectiles at ALL anymore?

holy fuck I'm glad I uninstalled this game when I did. Some game developers are bad because they are incompetent or greedy, but GGG are the only developers I've seen that actively fuck their playerbase in the ass on a regular basis in response to them ever having fun. Has any other company ever micromanaged a game this much for the purpose of hammering any good playstyle?

t. misinfo agent

Traps are viable if build right. The only mine that's viable is arc mine.

This was with GMP thrown on for clearing trash. I rarely had to swap gmp out even for bosses. It was just mindless fun. That's why I'm confused about the buff. It's massive.

ice spear AoF + cold to fire is a fun way to spread burn but yeah its still retarded

Nice blog


>good playstyles

post the reddit link

i subscribed to that blogpost

play specter or SRS summoner those are the noob friendliest

>You're only allowed to play the game the way WE want you to play it XDDD

into the trashcan with this game, where it belongs
and where its been all along lmao

dead game, dead thread, won't be missed

damn nigga

>the game should be how I want it
>I hate this game and you mom and dad
>I'm leaving and never coming back

Fuck off for good you little shit

Rolling Flames , my man. Rolling flames.

boner for an elemental overload build

user calm down we're all going to be okay

git gud

if your eo builds needs that to crit every 8 seconds, you most likely took Rt, which case you have mental problems

Why did this league become so popular?

No better than any League.

>tfw playing self-found meme Earthquake build

It's ok 5/10. Would've been much faster with trading, though.

guild when?

Melee should be better this league since you can use essence to craft them as you go.

I poked my head in after reading about this, I haven't touched this game since whenever that was, wasn't it like a year and a half ago?

>git gud
>gud gets nerfed
>no longer gud

so git gud, which part of the concept is hard to understand?

part where i qit 4 gud

probably gud desu, you win

>negative fire res going into cruel
>instantly positive with an essence
man it's a shame most standard builds are kill right now, this is gonna be a hell of a league for alts

fuck off westerncartoonposter

I've moved onto more popular games where they don't fix exploits, at all
1.5 years straight of building guardian greaves on tinker
has valve nerfed it overnight when it was brought to their attention? nope

its pretty fucking refreshing to not have developers breathing down your neck nerfing any build you make. I made 5 chars in my time in /poe/ and every single one was nerfed to oblivion within months, some got wrecked midleague. Your only options are to play suboptimally and sneak past unnoticed because you're not OP enough to nerf, or to rice up the items to complete your awesome build and then watch GGG disable it the next day because fuck you thats why

id rather have eastern cartoon spammers rather than western cartoon posters

We have come full circle, it is great. I would have just said cartoon though, I think the distinction between anime and cartoon is clear in context.

GGG was always anti-fun, been known for years.


If i want to do a wildstrike build, should i take 16% phys or 8% increase AS in bandits cruel quest?

I'm going to post this everyday until xmas and/or you like it

id take the as

phys scaling is only important if you use phys weapons. AS is important on any weapon

yeah but theres a few things that set GGG apart

1) they hyped up their game by saying it was putting players emergent gameplay first and giving you tons of mechanics to combine and encourage players to be creative and not punish them for being clever

2) GGG is incredibly vigilant in their anti-fun and have destroyed more good builds than most games ever normal builds. How many developers wreck a playstyle within hours of it being posted to reddit, or micromanage builds every patch this hard?

at least post a good cartoon like thundercats or rescue rangers

Is it easier to get 16% phys with a passive or 8% attack speed? That is your answer.


eastern cartoons to the rescue desunya

>cartoon that literally advocates transexualism

i like this league

should i buy a supporter pack?

I'm sure we can coexist peacefully user.

How do people usually scale wild? there are more gems that give more physical

also does it hit with 1 random element at a time or is it like ele hit?

if it doesnt then tri ele weap plus hartred means phs damage is kinda pointless

everything turned out better than expected .jpeg

