Dueling Network General - /dng/

Dueling Network/Yu-Gi-Oh! General #2290
Last thread: Tins From 2003 Edition

New Banlist

● YGOPro is an automated simulator.

YGOPro (Windows): docs.google.com/uc?id=0B6B7GsCVf45zRUZnVHJid0N0eHc&export=download
YGOPro (Mac): mega.nz/#!fREAVBwZ!cOQG_5oHFKgjfwz4dVUtAW88w9gqRrvWyeFZ7zI_bVM
ygopro.co/Forum/tabid/95/g/posts/t/23339/The-Ultimate-HQ-Card-Project (High Quality YGOPro images)

Useful Links:
Current Official Rulebook, last updated 6/27/15
Wiki with a wealth of information for the players
Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market
OCG decklists
TCG decklists
TCG/OCG news sites
>ygorganization.com/ >blog.livedoor.jp/maxut/
>Hypergeometric Probability Calculator

The Official /dng/ ruling test can be found here:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Extra Pack 2016 (September 10th)
●OCG: Structure Deck R: Machine Dragon Re-Volt (September 24th)
●OCG: Raging Tempest (October 8th)
●OCG: Booster SP: Fusion Enforcers (November 12)

●TCG: Legendary Decks II (October 7th)
●TCG: Structure Decks Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba (October 21st)
●TCG: Invasion: Venom (November 4th)

Before asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards
● Lurk and read the archives
● Google your deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play
● If you want to improve, take advice and playtest constantly
● Don't dismiss suggestion you haven't tried, you never know what crazy tech might work. You do NOT know everything

Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone have Cardian deck list?

Rumor for anyone who missed it for Raging Tempest

>Fusion slots 4
>Metalfoe monster
>Frightfur monster
>Daemon monster

>Synchro slots 4
>Crystron monster
>Crystron monster
>Cardian monster
>Performapal monster

Xyz slots 6
>Super Quint monster
>Black Luster Solider monster
>Raidraptor monster
>Lyrical Luscinia monster
>Cipher monster
>Pendulum Dragon

just what the hell is this daemon thing supposed to be
people say some kind of RDA meme or DDD but neither seem right

>mfw no infernoid synchro monster

Some user posted this ages ago, It's fun when it works.

>/a/rc-v is dead because the writers ruined the show
>/dng/ will die because Konami messed up the banlist again
Press F to pay respects.

>New Super Quint and Cipher Xyz monster
>New Cardain shit
>No new Shaddoll or Ritual beast fusion monster
please be fake.

Someon post Ninjas

What is so difficult to comprehend about an RDA/Odd-Eyes fusion that that's implying?

I think that set of rumors is fake (albeit with things that'll actually happen like the double Crystron synchros) anyway but that's one of the least questionable things on the list.

its going to be another stale meta isn't it boys

TCG exclusives are literally killing YGO.




>signer and dimension dragon combos
jfc konami

We may as well be stuck in November 2015. Kozmos and BA never die

And because Percy can't code for shit and YGOpro fucking sucks and is loaded with problems.

I feel like it's real because Kaito getting another duel makes me angry. I want to rage out as Kaito steals more screen time with another bullshit monster that Blue Eyes can abuse to win more.

Why are you complaining? Not like you fags ever played the meta anyway

at least dolls and r4 toolbox had some variety to them

>Monarchs gone, cannot keep BA in check
>Pend Magicians bullied even harder
>BA still number one
>BEWD promotions
>ABC and D/D/D coming soon
I want to Qli my self.

>Kaito getting another duel
What? Kaito getting another duel? Where did you get this info from?

>>Pend Magicians bullied even harder
>Wisdom at 1
>Pendulum call at 1

Might as well limit Timebreaker to 1 and semi limit Amazing Pendulum even through it's a shit card.

I've been running Monarchs for the longest while.
I play meta and even I'm sick of either stun and float.dek or floodgates.dek.
It's these or whatever crappy deck Konami is putting out in these sets these days.

>Zenmaines, Tour Guide, and Rescue Rabbit were $100 each when I started playing this game
>A playset of 1 card would've costed me more than my entire deck, extra, and side

Just assuming, I mean why else would another cipher be in those spoilers? Kaito doesn't have any left to print right now.

What's that card on bottom left of the main deck? between Hidden Armory and Cardian spell card.

Odd-Eyes Number Xyz when?

Kinda glad that new Ritual Beast Support won't be in the form of a new ED Monster. What they need is something to fix their consistency. I was think of either a ROTA or a Stratos that also Special Summons a Ritual Beast from the Deck when ever its banished. That way you can Combo it with Kanna or Gold Sarc for a first turn Ulti-Ulti Kanna Hawk. But who am I kidding we are probably going to get som Spiritual Beast that Banishes a card from your hand to send a RB monsters from your deck to the grave.

Never mind. Galaxy Queen's Light.

>Outside of Zexal
It's not going to ever happen


>use one
>draw two Maxx C

Still not as bad as Drawing Triple Demise with two monsters and theb Drawing into another 2 monsters with one of the Demise.

>Playing Cardians
>Drop Ameshikou thanks to Hana Awase
>Opponent Utopia the Lightning me on it's turn and says "gg"
>I top deck another fucking Hana Awase
>Drop another one
>Win the game out of that

I know this is just the one time I had this luck but I love these "YUGIOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" moments.

>Use one
>Draw 2 Pot of Cupidity
I like to live dangerous.

Demons are Archfiends, user.


>More Archfiend support
Thanks Komoney, keep em coming.

>running -9s

>Tfw you duality and reveal 3 dualities

If Construct was at Three right now what would be the Strongest Shaddoll Variant? I was thinking something like Felgrant Shaddolls.

you want a DN substitute?
go to your locals.

hi pojo

If I don't get my tins tomorrow I'm gonna be upset. It's departed the facility 30 minutes away tonight so it should be here tomorrow

>3 dualities

They already referenced the Crimson Dragon. An user can hope.

Galaxy Eyes Cipher litterally looks like it fused with an Utopia monster, Shun recently used a monster that looked like a Chaos Xyz monster and Neo Galaxy Eyes Cipher Dragon speaks for itself, If you want an actual factual number you're barking up the wrong tree, Konami is never going to finish them, they'll joing the masked heroes, NEX and Yusei's synchro warriors in the "We don't give a fuck" pile.

I used Exchange to take it from my opponent and then used Magical Mallet to shuffle it into my deck ;)

This is the only place on Veeky Forums with yugioh so I'll post here. I haven't played yugioh in over 10 years. I recently picked up a deck out of nostalgia and to play casually with friends. I got the Emperor of Darkness structure deck, will this be fine?


Yeah take it to worlds

What is worlds?

You fucked up,user. This deck is one of the strongest in the game right now.

*was one of the strongest

the yearly world championships, renowned for having the one of, if not the best format in the game


convince me not to spend another $120 on this game.

I can't, it's too addicting.

Give the money to LORD KEK

Funny, the best format in the game is imaginary

thank (you)

Remember when people constantly masturbated about goat format?

>there are people in /dng/ RIGHT NOW who think that construct at 1 would affect the format
really makes your ponder

>Mix shaddolls with ABC
>Put in a BLS because now it's light and dark
>Construct, winda, and whatever earth was because maxx c
>Dump ABCs into the grave while summoning a boss monster

you're a shit player, I can tell just from this one post





but im buying Brick Blader

what's the cheapest way to win a duel?
Which are the most broken decks?

>a non-tuner target for unexpected dai would be nice in case I only opened tuners
>and if it's a hero, it would be searchable by Shadow Mist, E, and Dian
well, it's not like my deck was going to be good anyway

Forget Black Luster, that's the deck they should be fixing, The fusion is alright but all those tuners and we only have one synchro? They should add at least 2 more and maybe an xyz rank 7

That may be fine against dragons, but what are you gonna do when I play THIS?

I think is about time we get something in the OP clarifying common issues with Pro. Not like anyone ever reads the OP, but still, these complaints have become too common now that DN is ded and more fuckers are starting to use Pro just to come here bitching about things.

1. The A key is for getting actvation prompts
2. If you want to stop getting activation prompts press the S key.
3. The AI is unstable. Don't come here bitching about problems/bugs with it.
4. If think you are experiencing a bug that isn't with the AI, first please think carefully of what you were trying to do, what cards were on the field and what effects have been activated.
Is far more likely that you are missing something than an actual bug, so pelase check again.
After that, if you are still not sure, post a screencap/replay.
If you are absolutely sure it's a bug, report it directly to the ygopro forums.
5. Timer on Checkmate
Timers reset for both players at the start of a new turn.
During your turn, the timer moves while you are idle and between plays.
Your timer slightly goes back every time you make a play so you can have long turns as long as you don't take too much between plays.
During the opponent's turn, your timer moves every time you get an activation prompt and keeps moving while the prompt is active and while you are making a play. Too many of your activation prompts during the opponent's turn and you could lose by time, which is why you should learn when to use the S key.
Also the timer moves with lag.
If you think you are making fast plays but the timer seems to be moving too much, it's because you are lagging.
If you see the opponent taking too much to make a play while your timer keeps moving, it's because you are the one lagging.
6. During matches on Checkmate, if you get a message saying that you surrendered, it's actually the opponent disconnecting. You can confirm this by looking at your ranking.

Anything else?

>what's the cheapest way to win a duel?
Costs nothing to build, auto-pilots itself, number one still

Dante is lyf, Dante is bae.

>Spend hundreds to play a children's card game

No thanks

yeah, its struggle city, but i just love him so much
use dragon magician meme tech and fuse him with my buster blader ;)

>Not having co-workers to shoot the shit with and play some childrens' card games with


Feels bad not having anyone who wants to play anymore, even just casually

The last friend I used to play with thinks it's fucking gay now

blistering anus

Burning Abyss son, B A. Well, Beatrice got hit so might want to migrate somewhat towards PKfire and other mixed varieties. Either way, great deck that takes no brain in order to play and floats forever.

what is a good red-eyes deck
i already have 'lord of the red' and the ritual card


Dragon Calling Magician legitimate feels like it was made for that deck, what good is it going to do in Pendulum Magicians when the deck supports a dragon and a paladin and none of the cards change the opponents types? Why make an anti dragon card for a dragon heavy deck in the first place?

its not happening joey
you will forever be a midcard jobber

fuck you

>Costs more than a competitive BEWD deck
>Not even Tier 2
I am so sorry...

>getting 3 black stone of legens will cost you $100
only thing stopping me from running it desu

>Red eyes
Joey's deck was about having tons of unrelated stuff and playing gambling cards to make it all work somehow. You want red eyes, look at Fubuki Tenjoin/Atticus Rhodes

>what is a good red-eyes deck

What's the decklist look like?

>Costs nothing to build
Not anymore

inferno ftk is the closest red-eyes gets to "good"
step 1:
get red-eyes fusion, or red-eyes insight to search fusion
step 2:
get inferno fire blast
step 3:
get serial spell, left arm offering, or another inferno fire blast
step 4:
make falling meteor with red-eyes fusion, send something with 2000 or more attack and burn for 1000+
step 5:
use inferno fire blast
step 6:
use another inferno fire blast, or copy the first one with serial spell, or search it with left arm offering
step 7:
if you didnt open those cards then you scoop

>Don't attack anything
>Don't target anything
>Opponent surrenders
Wow, so stronk

Sorry for the wall of text, but what do you think guys?

Worth adding to the OP?

Throw it in a pastebin and slap it next to the YGOPro link and I'd say we're good.

Wonder what happened to the user who said he was working on the ygodr pastebin. Why the fuck do we need to teach people so much basic shit lately?

Some of it, yeah. It could be shortened for one thing; combine the timer &A/S parts, then combine the bug report and AI bug part.


I don't get it. What are their effects? I've really only fapped to them. Are they really strong?

I had to go in detail about the timer because many people are still confused and they keep crying about the timer being too short.