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Im gonna try one of these death knights out since its basically a free level 55 character

What is the best specialization lads?

any except Frost FROM WHAT I HEAR

Mage or Spriest for maximum fun as a ranged dps class?

I don't care about numbers, I care about interesting thematics/mechanics.

>you will never fuck a elf from behind using her ears as handlebars

Once you hit 110, whats the best/fast way to get 810 for heroic?

they're all fun desu
pretty sure frost it the crap one numbers-wise once you get to end game though

Surrender to Madness can be pretty fun.

OFFICIAL FILTER LISTS that you can use to make WoW General Great Again.

Image MD5s:




As always, add to and prune these lists as necessary so we can keep this general on topic instead of letting avatarfags and shitposters ruin this general.

reminder that Metzen is a hack and believes corruption/redemption is a core part of the Warcraft philosophy

do you guys still think I am cool?

>removing NFA from the OP
>keeping samefag's guild



>all these fucking minions
>haven't even used Army of the Dead

Unholy DK is pretty brutal.

Im gonna make a gnome arms warrior for pvp and there is nothing you can do to stop me

buy high level crafted items if you have money coming out of your ass or grind normal dungeons until you lose your sanity

>tfw shit legendary

Huzzah for procs!

>getting this from NM HoV

I actually heard they're quite tsundere with each other, so who knows, maybe they will fuck. It would be pretty cool to see Baine have a waifu.

Consider the following:

*copper coin removed

*platinum (or non silver colored equivalent) added, worth 100 gold coins

*all prices now platinum/gold/silver


no one cares about your offtopic guild/groupie drama faggot

it should be 1 platinum = 100000g

>tfw it was meant to be

So glad i finally got it.

It makes me sad I will never hook up with one or have your own succubus.

how's Demon Hunter tank? Fun/good?

I just need something to solo Mythic Siege of Orgrimmar

or can that be done with any 110?

Turns out leveling in Legion is fun the second time around

more like the trash bringer am i right :^)

>Panda character

Are you gay?

It'd be more fun for everyone if you btfo ralph some more

Did something handle to the Horde/Illidan guild? And who do I whisper for an invite to LW?

Demonology is fun, FUN!

Its hopefully until NFA gets their business sorted, apparently they have alot of internal issues and may have just died. We'll see what they do, read last thread if you want a recap

What's the best way to get some decent bags? I'm walking around with a bunch of 8 slots

>Lvled both main classes to 110 but don't enjoy any of them

Is it too late to switch?

inside job from literal samefag to destroy NFA.

Just hit 110 lads
Time for Suramar

Oh no!

will i finally be enslaved into the Legion sex pits?

>get to 820 on my guardian druid
>see people need mythic tank
>did only 3 heroics but knocked out 4 mythics already and at 826 ilvl.

Is there any reason to do heroics? Also as a LW I've sold bracers for the obliterum quest made 20k already. Raining money.

No it isn't.

I want to wear sexy cloth pants and top on my Dranei blood DK

Will I get introuble If im not using full plate armor?

No, why do you ask?

>you will never rest your head on the soft pillowy bosom of a qt pure and busty belf

raids unlock at the end of the month
only late if you feel the need to explore these bosses with your friends and guilds, rather than being run through them with 'em


satchels are 16 slot if you have revered with any playable factions, or you know just buy some

>no brothel in the nightfallen city
missed opportunity

im doing tha ritght now

Should I post the rest of the set?

you dont have

>AP cost goes from 1K to 7K right as I get to the first major passive
Fuck, I thought I was almost there.

If I had known I just needed to start using the teleport I wouldn't have stood there for 20 minutes waiting for something to happen like a dumbass.

ProTip for Suramar stealth: There are 'Inconspicuous Baskets' places all around. Should you become detected, you can click these to hide in them, even in combat. While in the basket you can reapply your disguise.Try to keep an eye out for them, as they're the best place to run if you get found out and overwhelmed.

What's inside?


Get those artifact world quests and Suramar quests done and you'll see that first 6.8K done in no time.

do it

Why didn't they just drain demon energy like blood elves did? It doesn't seem like they had any particular side effects other than their eyes turning green. That's still better than becoming I am legend tier zombies.

I love gnomes!

I managed to get my first major passive before I hit the 7k point. They all seem pretty underwhelming though.

>Pallys flat out can't support buff anymore unless you're ret. The one spec that shouldn't have the buffs
>No holy power. Gotta get every ounce of required brain power out of the game
>Light of Dawn is shit
>Giving them a copy pasted steed charge from D3
>Judgement animation is disgusting

>Renewing mist spam and functionality nerfed horribly
>No more Uplift. Gotta get every ounce of required brain power out of the game
>Invoke Red Crane is just embarassing
>No more fistweaving whatsoever. No fun allowed
>No healing orbs

>Removed Chakkra stances all together. Gotta get every ounce of required brain power out of the game
>No stam buff
>Nerfed HW Sanctify to shit
>No PW shield as holy
>PoM has a cast time
>No Shadowfiend as holy
>No Psychic Scream as holy
>No SW Death as holy
>No SW Pain as holy

>Swiftmend doesn't benefit or require the target to have HoTs. Gotta get every ounce of required brain power out of the game
>Innervate doesn't give mana

>Human racial absolute garbage
>Giving everyone a free pvp trinket that doesn't require a slot
>No glyphs
>No reforging

>do Scythe of Elune quest
>guy just hands it to me
>Dark Rider who is fully mounted teleports behind from nowhere
>nothing personal dude
>runs off
>all I hear is Invader Zim when he talks
That completely killed my motivation to play this Druid

I dont know

the black temple had hookers and i thought they would be making a return......maybe in the raid or something

>Why didn't you just drink sewer water like these filthy bastards?

You forgot
>literally the only buffs left in the game are from ret
>BoK and BoW are utter garbage

I'm playing rogue and shaman and having more fun than I've had more fun with them since maybe ever

Though mace spec rogue was hilarious

Just started on Suramar. Was pretty happy when I got an 800 AP item only to discover it wasn't going to get me to the passive.

goodnight wowg

how did you know they were hookers?

did you find one modelled after your mum lol

Cmon bro just have a sip it's gonna make you feel real good I swear



Pls start tripping so I can filter you

Temple Concubine in the den of pleasure

oh my

>Nesingwary shows up yet again
>I fucking hate his shitty hunting quest chains
>mfw he gives me a qt gnome follower


Haven't had to work the past 2 weeks. Legion goes live, work calls me I'm everyday for 10 hour shifts -_- bah.

Atleast I'm only 2 levels from cap x_x

why is leveling so boring ;_;

den of mortal delights

Let's try that again:

I don't know what I did or what happened to me but I've had an extra 60% leech for several hours now and I have no idea where it came from. Anybody else have this mysterious boon?

what's the smallest amount of people you can do legion raids with? 10? or can you go lower?

it was invented by some kids in the 90s and we've been stuck with it ever since with no innovation in games like WOW

Well, it is. Though instead of really exploring those themes they tend to just write the same handful of storylines over and over and are really blatant about pushing those themes. Like the alliance vs horde then finding common ground and teaming up to fight an evil literally every single expansion.

ele shaman was a fucking mistake

Can healing specs restore the hymen and restore an anus or vagina to its prestine state?

Can paladins bubble their wombs to avoid pregnancy?

Can warlocks curse people with STDs?

Can mages conjure dicks and vaginas?

If night elf society is matriarchal is blood elf society patriarchal?

Is belly dancing something blood elfs do because they seem partially Persian inspired but also to distinct/say fuck you too the much stricter high elven etiquette?

Are blood elves like rebellious kids because they dye their hair and get tans simply because most if not all high elves in game have blond hair and pale skin?

What diet do draenei eat that makes them naturally thick?

If magic can do a lot can they increase bust, ass, dick size while making it natural?

Can magic be used to no longer sleep?

I want to wear sexy cloth pants and top on my Dranei blood DK

Will I get introuble If im not using full plate armor?

i'm on the 30 WQ part of my class quest chain. how much further do i have to go before i get my fucking third relic slot? these questlines are pretty fucking long

>that subtle hair underneath

My fuuuuuckking diiick

>tfw can't enjoy WoW anymore no matter how hyped I am

I struggled to get to 110 and now I find dungeons so boring


>even aszhara got turned into a fishlady

do you guys still think I am cool?

>made a dirty humie priest instead of a qt draenai
>already boosted the humie and now regretting it


If you're gunning super hard to finish your order hall campaign don't even bother. I just finished it and the 3rd relic slot on all my weapons is broken and still won't unlock (after multiple logouts etc.). and all you get otherwise is 1k artifact power and a chest slot that may or may not have shit stats for you *830 ilvl*

I'm so glad I rerolled from panda mage to undead

>Druids can stealth, tank, DPS, and healing all at the same time as a single spec
How is this fair or balanced? Why are Druids able to do basically everything every other class can do combined, and just as efficiently?

So for heroics..should I pick specific ones to queue for or just let it random pick? I just need gear but idk, been years since I done these shit

Yes and cute


What the fuck were you thinking

>If you're gunning super hard to finish your order hall campaign

How can anyone "speed through" these? aren't you forced to wait like 7 days and shit because of forced missions? what exactly is the order hall campaign? I just do the quests it gives but most just seem like tutorials for shit and I had one that wanted 30 world quests which idk if it's even part of the order hall campaign

>both normal and elf ears

what the fuck

Should I buy this? Haven't played since MoP

#JustHunterThings #Gnomes #EpicTaurenDong

>really like mobility
>play monk and demon hunter, have a good time
>want to play a caster dps
>have a hard time between priest, mage, or warlock
>do a bg on my mage
>oh shit, I totally forgot
>mages are slippery as fuck
>tfw finally have my class decided on after a fucking week of indecision

feels good man