Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

dead at 292 posts edition

>What's new?


>Starcraft maps, Alarak and Zarya:

>Where do I find you panda-loving faggots?
/join Veeky Forums

>Do you have a discord?

>What hero should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation and see what types you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked. It's not worth it.

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: us.battle.net/heroes/en
General News: heroesnexus.com
Tips & Tricks: heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Welp we tried. How do our threads even survive the night?

Also for discussion, which cross-universe couple do you ship?

Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats: reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/4mh256/theres_a_guy_on_Veeky Forums_who_has_accurately_leaked/


They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!

They aren't really, nobody is. We're dead.

i was waiting for this

The thread's death?

>Want Abathur and TLV for shits and giggles
>Don't own Li-Ming
>Only have 30k
>Want to save for Samurai Blade Man

the rebirth

Arthas is my favorite warrior by far. I can't believe that only Europe picks him

I haven't seen him drafted once on Infernal Shrines in HL. He is so OP on that map

because people in HL cant pick and dont know to counter pick they play they favorite hero or maybe some hero the just feel like is good but whitout thinking of what their team needs or counter the oponent and i am talking about diamond and master players

>Illidan starts speaking Portuguese

Where the FUCK is Maiev????

You've got more than enough time, man. It's all good.

How's Diablo nowadays?

There's no diablo general, so pretty shit it seems.

start of seasons are great huge a mount of player but after a week or two at most players decrease and game is only played by stramers, hc players or people that really want to push gr still great game if you can play whit friends or enjoy random people

Okay, but... how is Diablo nowadays?

In... in HotS... guys.

He still seems angry. Try talking to him about it.


You can get around 10-15k monthly. And Samuro isn't coming aout for at least 2 months. You can buy all three of those you mentioned and still have money in time for TWO Samuros.

Anything to keep this thread alive, guys.

diablo is a nice tank but you need a strong front line for him to make it work

He's okay. Really good for capitalizing on your opponents' shitty positioning.

geez i was just sleeping for a few hours

i'll see what i can do to make it look a little less clean
no promises though


>tfw no bronze shortstack gf
how to cope???

hotsg team when

so, what are you making that 5 for?

did you read the last thread
for the sake of autism, just like everything on here

>letting a thread die
You people are the worst! >.

>292 posts
HOTSG pls.

Zagara and Anub are pretty much canon.

Illidan and Li-Ming because they're both arrogant and vaguely power obsessed.

Also not a ship but I imagine Uther, Tassadar, and Tyrael have a little 'circle of justice' where they hold hands and talk about how great justice is.

What about Artanis in the justice circle?

Lili and Diablo of course.

aren't you the magazine guy? if not, what is the purpose of the 5?

>aren't you the magazine guy?

>if not, what is the purpose of the 5?
memes and autism
see also, keeping the thread off of page 10

>Uther, Tassadar, and Tyrael
Sometimes i queue up with 2 of my friends as these 3. Justice is fun


but thats just one afk bot game. the problem is when youre 60k away from a level up

How would you fix Gul'dan ?

Rework persuit of flame talent and give him a new heroic instead of rain of destruction or at least reduce RNG.

delet him

but I just purchased him

too bad refunds aren't a thing with blizzard

yup, or I'd get Auriel instead, at least she's qt

what if she's a nigger?

then I'll build a cross and burn it in my frontyard

Yeah I can see that. I think that Artanis is more flexible with his concept of justice.I feel like he's more like Thrall- in fact I think that the two of them would get along pretty well.

I would also ship Jaina and Raynor, if Kerrigan weren't around. They both seem like they just want peace to chill and do their own thing.

Also Tracer and LiLi would probably get along like the most annoying house on fire ever.

Thanks blizzard, immersion ruined

Kerrigan and Ming because I main them and I think it would be funny seeing who could be haughtiest

Also, same universe, but sylvanas and jaina because it's adorable and I'm actually nothing but an empty shell of /u/

Li Li and diablo are alright

This is topkek

Li Li stitches is a fun time

>diablo with a vagina
uhmm I thought we got him form d2 tho????

Where do you see a vagina senpai?

where's the fucking D

Diablo never had D not even when he was a boy.

Artanis and Tyrael justice-bros
Anub and Zagara
Li Li and Diablo
Gul'dan and Diablo evil spiky-bros
Aba and Li Li mortal enemies
Gazlowe and Hammer

Don't like the Kerrigan and Sylvanas pairing at all though.

I feel like you could break the Nexus up in to various groups of friends.

Chen, Muradin, Tychus, and TLV probably drunk a lot together.

Arthas and Leoric sit around and chat about being undead and commanding the undead. Xul likes to listen in sometimes but he tends to believe that he's above evil.

Illidan and Valla chat about demon hunting and feeling burning hatred and shit.

Gazlowe and hammer compare mechanics.

Zarya and Sonya try to best each other in strongman contests.

Artanis and Thrall share stories about being the young leader of a people they have to unify, and fighting cosmic evils of the universe.

I'm sure there's more too

Diablo, Gul'dan, Azmodan, Cho'gall and Butcher sit around in a dark basement talking about evil and demons.

Somebody explain this Lili x Diablo meme

we need more casual time between games fan art




>tfw no rokhan for founding of durotar team

Dehaha and Brightwing

At least Samuro will join us soon.

he can't come soon enough


The dream team. Also the only team Gazlowe might actually be useful against, look at all tht melee goddamn.

You idiot, he's a lizard. Lizard D's are internal organs until they expand.

You could do a preliminary Founding of Durotar team with:

Although it wouldn't be the same without Rokhan.

Anyone ERPing on US?

I'll be abathur

>turning Murky into food
>endless supply of free murloc meat as long as you have the egg locked away
Butcher is a damn genius.

>post yfw it turns out to be Jubei'thos instead of Samuro

The thread dying wasn't my fault. I bumped it last and went to bed. I wasn't gonna double bump.

The pig with the cup of brew always makes me laugh.

But I thought he was a demon! :o

what about poor memewing!??!!?

>still no Grom
>still no Garrosh

>Brightwing wants to eat people
>end up food for Jaina and Raynor
Nature is brutal and unforgiving.

brightwing just wants frands, fuck you!!!

i don't care senpai, it might as well be fucking moogul the sly, i just want to


Looks like...she made the wrong friends.

So how do people usually build Chromie?

>tfw I'll never be Johanna's apprentice

shieeeet i've seen this pic before but only noticed kerrigan silhouette right now

I like dragon's breath on her.

SPOOKY, that'll teach raynor tho, fucking cheating scumbag, also fuck sc2's kerrixraynor bullshit

I believe it is now more common to do Blasts than Breaths, though you still get damage in center for breaths.

Cool kids go time trap build.

So, is Valla an edgelord or cute?

everything diablo is edge
>muh hatred
>muh discipline
>muh demons
*vaults all over the place while flooding the screen with missiles and arrows*
ehehe, ehz kid XD

>t. tribound

can't wait to see more of your illidan xD

Sheet, I totally never noticed it either.

Li Ming isn't all that edgy desu. Also Xul despite appearance is pretty chill and humorous.


Li Li x Sonya for best adventures.

what's with this retarded diabloxlili meme

Yeah but I like to imagine as soon as she's out of her element and is interacting with people rather than killing demons, she becomes a sort of cutie. The sort of cutie who is polite and reserved in her treatment of others. You can kinda see it in how she's patient with and amused by the Scoundrel in Diablo 3. She may also be so used to bad shit happening that anything nice is a happy surprise.

can't you read? tribound

she's literally burned by hatred senpai, she's just a husk that just wants to kill demons