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Waifus and Lore, living in harmony.

So I just stumbled onto SG Female Textures Renewal, does anyone know what bodymod these example screenshots are using?

Is it UNP or CBBE?

waifus naked



Waifus on horses.

Yeah, I did take a break. Turns out that it didn't last long.

Any anons here want to pay a little visit to the Gray Quarter tonight?

Thats the one then, the one I'll use, with these textures too I think.. they look so good.

was the first beating I gave you not enough?

Post Music!

Do you want TES music or is this a "whatcha listening too?" post?





Dunmer on Silt-Striders and Guar






I'll never find textures I like will I

You kinda have to make your waifu around the textures. Sometimes you find something halfway decent with what you've made so far, but it's unlikely.

Pic related, Triss with a different skin. Some people didn't like her.

I guess I'll stick with FSC then, I don't feel like changing her anymore than I have already


Waifus are for rape


I really love the original but this is the best version by a landslide.

Post pringles

Accidentally formed Orc harem, what do?

Establish a stronghold
Create lots of strong orc offspring
Take over Skyrim

You're the warchief now.

What happens when I get bored of velvety greenskin mouths blowing me all day? Can I just remove them all?

>remove them all
Uh, removing? Like banish them out of the stronghold?

More like genocide actually.


>>What happens when I get bored of velvety greenskin mouths blowing me all day
>get bored
You won't

I second this if its cute lolis eating pringles

smelly cheedar cheese ones

Why would you do this?

Look friend, fucking orc girls all day is fun and all, but they're still orcs, and should still be dealt with properly.

Is it simple and easy to swap between different skin textures for UUNP made bodies?

Goodnight /tesg/

>Looking for waifu to carry my garbage
>Jordis is hot
>Gotta be Thane of Solitude
>Okay whatever time to buy the house
>Thought it was 5,000 gold
>See this


Looks like it's time to find a different waifu



>Not picking Lydia
Might as well buy a bag of dicks and choke on them

I would keep her just as a default but I'm too lazy to start the main quest

Get a tesg waifu. They do it 4FREE

>says the drow

I would, but I can't stand the generic voices.

>Not using Hjoromir from interesting NPCs

He even has dialogue specifically for this

do not bully!

How are the vanilla follower voices any less generic?


Gayfag here. Looking for attractive male followers.

Anyone know of any?


I have a bit of a crush on Inigo. Don't know any other than that, but I'm interested too.

Anyone else use nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57413
I was using Immersive creatures but I was getting some CTDS after installing it.
Using the lore friendly patch for this it's pretty great, especially for my hunter character.
Found this big boy on the side of the road.

Any recommendations on mods that add Big Monsters to the world?
A bashed patch would work to make the two compatible right?

Males of Skyrim?
Follower Facelifts?

I'd snuggle with that badger


>I'm not going to work on it no more.


>not working on it
>hides it
why is this a thing
At least in morrowind modders just left their unfinished work

Everytime. Fuck these people

What was it?

I was halfway done downloading it and my internet shit itself.

His conversions are terrible anyway, use this if you need a quality UUNP vanilla outfit converison


Only bad part about it's CT77 Remodeled version, but it's better than nothing

what badger breh? That's a Megaceros. According to the mod anyway.
The mod adds a bunch of ice age type wild life. Like wooly rhinos.
My one gripe is that, with ENB, the white animals look too bright.

Why not leave it open with permissions? Why hide the files?

Skyrim Enhanced high polygon UUNP clothing mod.



Looking for a new creature mod, sick of SIC and Monster Mod. What else is there that's okay?

He's pretty CUTE too

I dont get why they do this, the egos on these people are huge.

Neat!!! :))))


>spend two days modding skyrim
>get it to work
>decide to add a few more mods after i decided against them
>game wont work
>re-install 6 times over said two days
>get it modded and running again
>got some nice mods in
>tfw afraid to add anymore for risk of game shitting itself again

oh shit. I haven't seen one. I've had the mod for weeks now and I still stumble across new animals. Like that Megaceros. I mean visually it looks like any old Elk, but once I got up to it to skin it I realized how fucking huge it was. Apparently it's only in Falkreath.

I would recommend it for creature overhauls, I always wanted more fauna in TES games.
Got killed by a moose I was trying to sneak up on.

>ywn be ratto-kun

I just started downloading


Hows this compare?

iktf I also save very 10 seconds.

damn son. I don't know how you could fuck up a skyrim install so badly.
The worse issue I've had is that my saves won't load right off once I installed Halos poser mod because of too much animations or something.
It looks like increasing my memory block fixed it though.

What mods were they? are you going through MO?


i want to correct my statement. i installed skyrim, modded it, and tried to get it to work for two days, not take two days to download mods

>oh hey, everything looks like its wor-

honestly, i tend to install mods all at once so i kinda kick my own ass but i think i found out what some common issues were (crafting overhaul, an enb that for some reason when i deleted everything related to it it caused the game to ctd for some reason)

Skyrim modding can be a cruel mistress.

>tfw no playable penguin race
at this point i am ready to pay someone to do a proper penguin face/helmet mod just so i can get away from the helmet...:'(

>american badger
>not superious and totally medieval related eurasian badger
Shit mod, would not download.

I wish it added something like Russian wild boar.
Shits are aggressive and fucking massive. In the one area they can be found alongside bears, they're aggressive to the bears in some cases.

I used to hunt wild boar, but where I live they only reach a max of 250 pounds, and they are pretty fucking frightening. Russian boar are supposed to get to 600.
that sounds like shitty luck bro, sorry.
I have the same poor mod install habits and I never had something that bad happen where the game was flat out unplayable and I had to reinstall. I've wiped my saves once or twice, but that was from installing big mods that made my game unstable and not testing it on only one save.

What FOV do you nignogs play at?

That sounds pretty boaring

Fuck I didn't know boars could get so huge

thats a lot of delicious pork

More like a lot of haram .

Punny user.
Seriously though. those shits are horrifying even at half the size. Me and my dad used snares to get them, and they make horrific noises.

I always thought Skyrim or Oblivion, because of their more real-world type enviornments would have benifitted from making animals the bulk of the things you encounter in the wild, and have them be as nasty as they can be in real life. And then just bump the deadliness of monsters up. Make them stand out and be incredibly deadly compared to normal animals.

Rare, with powerful and expesnive alchemy ingredients.

But then again, maybe I just want a medieval hunting sim.

I've spent more than a few hours on this character. She's not an adventurer, no deep and tortured past, just a simple bosmer hunter trying to save up for a house. Having fun.

My edgelord vampire playthrough has gotten a bit stale anyways

Really terrible. use what i posted instead

>Rare, with powerful and expesnive alchemy ingredients.
You're talking about boars, dude. Not some mythic and fantastic creature.

Yeah man, I was reading that some parks in Russia have warning signs about them. Recommend to run up trees, and to make sure you pick a decent tree because they can push weaker rooted trees over.

How many boars do you see walking around

Reread the post broheem. I said fantastical and mythic creatures should standout in Skyrim and Oblivion by having powerful and expensive alchemy ingredients and being dangerous.

the greentext was actually something that happened the other day lol

Where? In a city? Sure, not a lot.

My mistake.

Come on, I've been setting up for 3 days and I'm eager to play a hunter.