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Mei is still bae edition (Our world is worth fighting for!)

Previous threadCompetitive Season 2 is now live on PC and Xbox (PS4 players RIP). How are your placements going?

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Just got into 2200

How many wins do I need to move to plat?

Where can I find people to play with? solo queue is seesaw nightmare. I was 70 last season and am struggling to even get into diamond now

Better luck next season.

4th for Squic

Jamison Fawkes!

Just finished my season 2 placement games. Gold. Am I shit? I was hoping for at least platinum.

Gold is the low 20% of MMR I think

With an average of 30 points per win you'd need 10 wins to make it to plat.

Hope you have friends to help carry you. Try not to get pidgeonholed into playing support all the time.


idk what that means

so yes i'm shit...?

Yes, you're shit, but you can get better

Hana Song


how do I track with shots properly?
I feel like the controls in this game are...too...loose? the only character it's not a complete problem with is mccree; soldier feels like I end up spray&praying and eventually they die or run off, zarya is like I'm drunk and i cant aim with lucio at all with his knockback. help

Does the whole "forced 50/50 win-loss" apply to comp too? Because it sure feels like it.

I feel like I can't win two games without losing three afterwards.

Cutest and best pairing

It means you are pretty bad and average is around grand master

I like this


Another epic Q for the highlight reel

This cracks me up every time.

Especially how asshurt the cosplayer is about having the fart added in.

Comp is 100% skill based
you can easily get 80%+ winrate if you are good enough

Fuck you. Genji x Mei is the purest pairing.


average is top 500

If you hit constant headshots with mccree or widow then sure, you can solo carry

Can I still climb rank if I do very well but lose?

I just played qp last season until I got guder so I'm not sure how a lot of the comp matchmaking works.

>(Blog post of recent win/loss)
>(Reaction pic related)

Stop that. I'd rather get waifu shitposting than seeing people bitching about comp.

no, if you lose you lose points

lmao source?

she totally fucking asked for it

Can someone help me with my last few placements for comp? I've had five wins and two losses in a row for my last two from two separate 5-mans all intentionally feeding. Blew my fucking mind watching that shit go down two games in a row.

I main Zenyatta. I'm pretty good. Not incredible, but I can do my fair share of work.

>tfw start playing Mercy because i can't aim

>mfw I start getting gud
>putting in work on the regular
>start getting matched with higher ranked players
>enemy teams are challenging and fun but not impossible
>teammates are great and super nice
>start complimenting everyone on being great teammates
>they start complimenting back
>"You were great too!"
>"Yeah that ult Of yours really saved it"

I've never had so much fun. It feels like a sekrit club and I never want to leave

>Can't queue with people 500 points apart from you
>Can still get matched with people 1000+ points apart from you

>if you lose you lose points

Like comp points for gold weapons? Cause if that's so i can already drop it before even doing placement matches.


>battle.net tag turns into a tripcode
I'm not a clever man. Natehz#1259

I don't like that pairing very much, but that's okay! You're entitled to your opinion!

This. Blizzard sure is retarded on that kind of stuff, i'll just wait next week hoping they will find out.

You're gonna want to start lowering your sensitivity. The default is like 40 or something crazy like that iirc. Most people hover close to 8, if not 8 exactly. It might take a little getting used to, so slowly increment yourself down to those lower settings, but you should notice your aim getting much better the lower you get


She posted in the comments.

Hana Song

I can help you. I'm a 100% Genji main. We can teach each other many things.

I-is there a YouTube link you can post? I'm mobile rn and can't watch webm's, but everyone's laughing and I don't want to be left out

Yeah whatever works. Honestly I'll take anyone with a mic right about now. It's fucking astounding how shit people are this season in terms of communication. Shoot me an BNet request.



Sent :^)


Hana Wrong

Symmetra is out of your league. She laughs at your meager attempts to tap that.

How unsightly.

Hana Dong

How are you guys placing? I'm lower than I was in S1 but I definitely don't feel worse. Trying to get into Diamond is hell, reached 2940 earlier before loss, loss, loss


Who best tank here? Tell me how your recent match went.

O-oh, I thought the original webm was something different. thank you though


This was my placement, how did I do?

>Symmetra will never be real

Survived the first two rounds of KOTH as Rein thanks to Mercy+Zarya but I had to switch to Winston for the last one

i've buggered my placement matches

>Take a white woman and paint her brown
Yeah, no shit, fuckwit.

>1 point off being Perfectly Average
you're a failure

What if it's a draw? Do i get nothing?

Completely average
It's the equivalent to 50 S1


Where did you place user?

Mine was the complete opposite. 6 wins, 1 draw, and 3 losses.

Gold is average, so congrats on no longer needing to wade through ELO hell for comp points

Also, is it just me, or is it way too easy to get POTM as Mercy?

>tfw you throw you ulting meka at advancing enemy and grandpa hammers it down as they are trying to scatter

Totally getting that autograph tonight.

Looks like you've got a case of the bads.

Play reinhardt or dva instead. That way you could at least be useful


>start drinking since 10AM because I have some alcohol left over
>decide to play OW
>expect shitfest
>way less twitchy and shaky
>nearly impossible to tilt
>accuracy literally 2x better than sober

Did I discover some new kind of magic? I thought playing drunk/high was just a meme.

so I hit default to all characters to see and my setting was up there pretty high.. thanks so much. even at 15 it's SO much better. I never recalled touching anything in settings other than the video mode, so weird

I was placed 47 during S1 so I'm making progress.

Average is closer to 3500 IIRC

Yeah no worries man, hopefully now you can transcend into the higher ranks

Still better than mine. 1 win, 9 losses.

It went well.

>Greek ruins comp KOTH
>On the hill, just finished smashing up D.Va's mech
>Zero suit D.Va starts running away up the ramp
>Oh no you bitch, I'm not done bullying you
>Follow her up the ramp
>Most her team is up there clustered up getting ready to charge down into the point
>Whole team of squishies knocked down
>Your powered up, get in there!
>Left click
>Team Kill
>Spray and taunt

Easily my best play this season.

You just divide by 50 to see what the rating would be in S1 since the ranks are now up to 5k rather than up to 100. 3500 would be rank 70 which is top 1% of the players or something like that.

>1st comp match after placements
>go all the way on attack numbani
>teammate leaves right after
>get rekt on defense
>don't capture shit on attack
>somehow by the grace of god hold them on defense to a tie
>40 elims, all 5 golds as zenyatta
>no rank points at all
i thought we get points for a tie? what the fuck that was one of the best games I've ever played

If gold is the equivalent of last season's 40-50 wouldn't that make it more like the middle 50%? The average rank in s1 was like 43.

fuck off

I once got a 42 elim 30 objective elim 18kdmg and 19khealing on a zenyatta on illios.
shit was so cash

Am I officially the worst player on /owg/

>Rank 70 in season 1
>Got Platinum in my placement matches
>Whatever, let's climb to Master's again
>Have some even matches, notice that my team and the enemy team average in 65R
>Have some terrible matches, notice that most of my team is R50 or less and so is the enemy team
>They are so terrible I can single handely carry the game
How can anyone say this shit is working as intended? Surely platinum rank shouldn't be a mix of R40 to R70?

What maps are good for widow? I switched to one on payload attack once and it won us the game

Most maps are bad for her tho

I had a thought last night. I'd rather not go into detail because I think it'd reveal a bit much about my mental state but today I went out and bought a knife and I've initiated her on myself

the pain is nothing compared to the beauty laid out before me

blood dotting up where she danced across

I've restarted a very bad habit but my heart is fluttering and it's a feeling better than an orgasm or even ten. It just lasts and fills me with eyes-rolling-back emotion. Rivulets running down my arms and legs is my ultimate desire

I thought I was broken before. The voices, the noises, the insults. I know those have nothing to do with it because I am broken now. Am I human?

kill yourself my man

>play Mercy
>literally lose every game

I-I don't know what I'm doing wrong

>tfw rein main
>too scared to play placement matches since blizzard can't balance shit

Honestly i don't want to win or lose, i just want to have some fun and honor my teammates, but doing it soloq it's always a gamble.

send help


is reinhardt still op

What the fuck is up with attack bastions what the fuck I mean what the fuck
Got two in placements, lost both, now got two again - one lose, other JUST BARELY won.
How the fuck are these retards have platinum is beyond me.

Jesus christ Im triggered


what the actual fuck are you talking about?

>most balanced hero


Rein is fun no matter what. You can always just blame your team for losing since they never make use of your shield.

>do all 10 of my placement matches
>plauged by leavers and dps-shitters
>lose 6 placement matches, 3 wins and 1 draw
>get starting rank 2301 gold league

is this good?

unless you're a genji main, then it's a cameo as the ult who was shutdown by torbjorn because you dragonbladed when lucio/zen were around and everyone just looked at you, shot and laughed at how long it lasted

still ridiculous

>choose the weekly brawl to find a game faster
>Traveling to Nepal