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Looking for hints with withered training, let's all help one another

First time I did it I killed the elite behind the door, took ages and killed all but maybe 3 of my withered and turned out to not be worth it AT ALL.
Second time an elite randomly spawned and started raping me and my fellas where the spiderpeople are, and they all died.

What are you actually meant to do? The elites are way too dangerous.

Gather mana and max mana upgrade to get to 1500.
Then gather 1300, this should let you kill mobs a lot faster.

Also try to stun and silence anything that uses aoe like those white ghosts.

I still havent managed to kill that night elf 26m elite that comes, too much godamn damage.

And after sometime it looks like the withered run away more and more often so you have to rush it.

Still not sure if the treasure boxes are worth the withered cost

We don't have an official guild or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not guild or discord groups, promising raids or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

Legion is pretty fun

I have a Berserker from killing the Dryad boss and I kind of hate him because he taunts and makes it harder to kite the Volatiles away from the group to make sure they don't AoE kill everyone. I've noticed if you Frenzy them they seem to move less so you can kite away more but run the risk of one fearing and being unable to catch up.

Do we get further types of Withered or is it just Berserkers?

I like that you don't always show your name and guild above your head for attention like the rest of your creed.

Technically there was one, then Icy got buttmad i was in there in secret, started witch hunts and then went to make her own discord where each person adds him for "proof" and then send gay nudes to the admin of the main discord so he can make sis a mod and destroy it by kicking and doing shit so people will move to her discord.

Man i feel like an oldfag

>have a warrior dk warlock and hunter at 100, leveled spriest to 110 first
>feel like i should just reroll before raids but dont know what i would even pick since dk's seem like ass and warriors are just dps bots with no defensives

Oh look, retarded panda things game is fun, oh wait, he is a delusional loser who doesnt know what fun really mean and uses abstract terms unironically xd


I don't know why people show own name and guild name desu


>tfw you learn incestral was the fart fetishist all along

How do I get to friendly with The Nightfallen? I've done the entire zones story quests and can't find any others, I'm 250 rep off. I've obviously missed something but I'm not sure what

>so many posts hidden
>check it out
>it's ralph


It's essentially avatarfagging or having a trip, saying "look at me, I'm so important that i must have my name above my head for all to see who I am".
Although you can't see the name, the guild in this image is the attention grabber as if to say "I'm part of this super important guild I'm important, please join"

is there a better feeling than getting all the buffs from Roll the Bones?


Also the leyline quests give you 75 each and there are like 8.

And just do well in training missions

>intentionally take a screenshot so guild name doesn't show
>get called an attention grabber for showing guild name

>They had a bunch of lines voiced for Baine to be in Highmountain
>Baine in-game even says that they can learn much from the Highmountain Tauren when you click on him
>Doesn't appear in the zone
I'm actually really fucking upset.
Blizzard just couldn't let him do something, and it makes the most sense for him to be in Highmountain.

>The same person posts with his name on bg boards to get praise
>Not an attention whore
He is just doing it for ui reasons, not for not getting attention

>120% increased armor below 40% health
>additional 200% from maxed artifact by the end of xpac
>~50% missing health heal with basically no cd
>8s shield on a spell that basically resets the CD just by having you think about it
Why does it look so good on paper only?

>everyone linking a trrinket they got from suramar wq
>fuck i gotta get one
>grind out the nightfallen but not forgotten line
>no fucking wq's nor that one whicch dropped the trinket shows up


is that actual blizzard artwork?
cause if so thats a badass picture

>use saber slash once
>double combo points and saber sash hits twice

If you truly wanted your guild name not to show you wouldn't have it showing at all. Nice damage control though, faggot.

>Finish Azsuna
>going to Valakasaha Shalashaska next
>tanked HoV earlier on my DH
>fun as fuck
>EoA wasn't anywhere as neat as HoV

How's the Emerald Nightmare or whatever? EoA wasn't bad, it was just kinda... flat

I could understand the name fagging but I think you're off base with the guild name since there's only like 3 known guilds in the world at this point



what the fuck does that even mean? you're really grasping here

I like my guild name showing. I've had my name and guild name showing since bc before i even knew what a screenshot was

>outlaw and ass at the top
man I am so getting nerfed

I'm no longer responding to you, attention whore.

Someple please PLEASE post cloth transmogs that aren't dresses and slutmogs.

Is spriest good? I wanted to play a dk but my buddies are all melee retards so I have to play ranged. Super saiyan form is cool.

Is it possible to titanforge gear higher than 450 right now?

>post-Garrosh horde

>shadowpriest in 5mans
end me

Is this rare or does everyone get one from boss

Chose high mountains as my first zone. Just glad that Im done with it. Now the fun begins

>specced fury
>arms at the top



damn dude you're so much better of a person than him xddd
>people who unironically put "qt" or "lol" in their name


>ask guild what they need for legion
>they tell me to go ele shaman coz are good and really strong

>Implying fem blood elf trannies wherent on during garrosh's era.
Trannies are everywhere in wowg so you cant rly stop it unless you remove them from the horde

>queues on Arcane Mage take fucking forever
>decide to bit the bullet and play my Discipline Priest a bit for some healer queues

>its artifact quest is THE SAME FUCKING THING that Arcane's was

Wow. Blown away at how fucking lazy this is.

Aren't you a cuntboy? You're not better than other trannies.

Reminder that if you're a DH who chose Altruis over Kayn you're a retarded faggot cuck. Illidan is the only one who can save us from the Legion.

Big Fat Belf Tats

Stormheim > Val'sharah > Highmountain > Aszuna > any WoD zone

We can all agree on that last part at least, right?

Dont ever bother with bearfart, he acts all nice and good but seeks attention and shitposts with others when he is in the mood and then comes and says "all my posts have been game related, i dont shitpost"

Nah that is a meme, because i dont use my dick for sex stuff outside of fapping doesnt mean i have to be a cboy, how would you even fap as one of those

>fat fuck cuntboy
holy shit im going to throw up
please post name and server so i can report you

>Arms that high

Holy shit what happened? I feel like I'm a little low at 110. Does the tier set and gear make that big of a difference for it?

Let me know what your favorite was afterwards. I'm guessing the people who hate High mountain like Aszuna for some reason

Assuming no one hates Val'sharah

This post has nothing to do with the game (World of Warcraft). Please remove it and do not post anything similar again or I will be forced to filter your tripcode.

what artifact level are you losers, also should I feel bad for not having arcway and court of stars unlocked yet

What did the Aliiance do in Stormheim to piss off the locals?

Val'sharah best zone

shame it's such a short one

>>Arms that high
>Holy shit what happened?

>starting a wow thread
>not posting thick goblins

what the fuck is wrong with you

Dont fall for He doesnt care, he just wants replies.

Highmountain was the most comfy zone desu, i kept it for last.

The others werent really that interesting, stormheim was fun because of sylvanas/genn

Could be worse, not really in a bad place and probably won't be nerfed

Holy KEK. Is that with a rotation that just mashes execute every 30 rage or that only executes with colossus smash buff?

>tfw will never be a cute goblin girl and get tossed around and choked by a manly man

Where is this from? Noxxic has a different ranking


>There are cucks that believe damage sims for tier pieces we cant even get yet

>Noxxic for damage sims ever


Either use SC or fuck off.

Highmountain was garbage, it felt longer than the other zones and 90% of the story was treading water healing a feud that shouldn't have existed in the first place.

Plus you spend way too long in/around thunder totem.

also relevant


Is there a guide that actually shows the campaign quest order? I want to see how close I actually am to getting the third slot now that Remulos is the only follower I dont have

>Execute does THAT much damage in T19 only cast after CS

Holy shit. Is that gonna get nerfed? It definitely fucking looks like it might.

>37 APM for 300k DPS

Yeah might be.

Can you post the Fury one?

>he wants to be bored during fights

Going to kill myself if it does desu. I'm so happy I don't have to play Fury meme spec for an expansion finally.


Well highmountain was really beautiful visually, it just looked comfy.

The story seems to be the usual thing with the tauren, they are too nice and get raped, just like they were getting raped bythe centaurs before orcs arrived. But havent finished it yet.

Druid stuff, malfurion getting cucked, Tyrande being useless as always, so nothing rly interesting

Some demons, some dead highborn, one queen azhara appearance, boring

Valkyr and fun faction war and sylvanass/genn fighting

Suramar is more fun because of all the drug addicts desu

oh nah I'm totally playing Outlaw till it gets nerfed into irrelevancy, but it would work quite well playing assas since my guild is retarded and I'm probably gonna have to do 90% of the mechanics, whilst also calling out everything to them.

Sure, Fury looks like shit.

Got to focus on them raid mechanics

Future patch bud

>oh nah I'm totally playing Outlaw till it gets nerfed into irrelevancy
p-please dont let this happen

outlaw is so much fucking fun
>dont stand in shit

really deep raid mechanics

What are the best & worst tanking specs?

Honestly perplexed at what the future patches will be, except from Thal'Dranath

gladiator warrior was fun when it first came out and look what happened to that

Guardian and Prot Warrior = God tier

Everything else = meh

Demon hunter = Shit

I'm not sure, but it better be. In the beta or alpha or whatever, he was with Mayla a lot when questing, and he has a bunch of voiced lines commenting on how they're both Chieftains with much to learn and whatnot still.

its still behind arms and druids tho
so maybe we'll be fine?

Prot is going to get nerfed for sure though, IP is fucking broken as shit.

>surrender to madness

Is this a meme talent?

>implying they won't nerf arms by removing it's high APM shit, buff feral because i'm 99% sure someone high up in blizz plays feral given how strong they've been for a long while, and then remove roll the memes from outlaw just for a laugh


/v/-tards are truly retarded

Maybe. IP is honestly only really bad because of the bonuses it gets from the artifact. I think if they nerfed some of those nodes a little it'd be fine.

with mass hysteria and correct gear it's pretty damn good, in theory

are you fucking kidding me

i just failed that 16 hour mission with a 98% chance

>Its an immolation only gives you one soul shard during its entire duration episode.

At least the RNG aspects in Outlaw is fun.

I am also wondering how other specs are doing but as a veng DH I can tell you that I feel pretty strong, In heroics I do 50%+ of the healing and can pull extremely aggressively and do fuck tons of AoE damage. In mythics I obviously am not soloing the whole place but I still feel relatively safe, never felt like I was taking too much damage, as long as I don't fuck up a mechanic I stay pretty healthy.