/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

Nargaslut Edition


>I have a question!
pastebin.com/7Aa6HxUh (embed)
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 / Search
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHFU, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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Nothing personnel...

why are different gunlance types a thing?

like i know the pros and cons of each but why are they even necessary in the first place? why not just one type of gunlance that uses all the moves

When am I gonna run up against a wall in MH4U, up until Harth its been a breeze

best girl

I want to muzzle and bind Tama for casual use!

Monster Hunter got rid of walls during story/village mode when P3rd came out and hasn't gone back to them since.

RIP Tri Barroth

RIP surprise deviljhos on mundane hr peco quests

I hit my wall at caravan azure rathalos, took three tries
hit another at guild azure rathalos
I hate azure rathalos

G2 Jinouga sub and Brachy. The rest is pretty much piss easy to solo.

Do you think Rathalos will learn how to flash hunters instead

Can rathalos breed with gypceros?

Unlocked turns MHGen


What's the fastest way to make zenny?

Does anything beat coal hearted?

Well, it already bred with a Kut-Ku.


Stop making shit gear you don't need.

Reminder that Rathian and Rathalos are the same species

Why even post?

/mhg/, would you?

I don't blacklist that easily. Someone has to pull some actual shit on a hunt or in the room to make me do that.

What's his greeting and did he stack evasion?

Even then it would hinge on whether or not he triple carted

On sight. Fuck that shit.

I use a mathematically not optimal but still decent weapon because I enjoy how it looks


steve GS

>use SnS
>incredibly tired of just barely whiffing the monster's nuts on swings
I need a break to meme it up or something
Maybe Aerial Greatsword, I don't know

Fuck you, shitter faggot.

>Making quests take 30 seconds longer


Fuck off reddit

Better go a bit slower and have fun than go faster and have no fun :)

you're right, you do triple cart faster :)

What weapon type has the best synergy with the skills of the Stonefist Armor Set (female)?

some pom poms to go with your cheerleader set

So Adept DBs?
I'll have to find the most meme-appropriate and yet still viable ones

Not sure why using a different weapon would make me cart faster :)

>The style with least rolling
>On a set all about rolling

>triple cart to akantor in 4U because I forgot adamant seeds
>think I know I can do this and justify to myself I just don't want to
>do it with one other person
>almost no satisfaction
>feel guilty about not soloing it

i wouldnt know a thing about that, you're the expert on carting here :)

Charlotte room up, 2 slots

lets do some events

>in high rank, Zinogre does a charged second slam instead of three slams

Is it just me or is this actually a lot less threatening?

Is it me, or are you to do what if the me am to do

Honestly, the triple slam wasn't much more threatening, but to avoid that you needed 75 stamina as opposed to 50 currently. Shoulder slam > Tail slam is Zinogre's most dangerous string right now.

Zinogre's tail slam is one of my favorite attacks in the game
I feel you actually have to think about which side you dodge towards instead of just "get out of the way!" as you'd expect

ebin hackers, can rook talismans get 3 slots?

I know lances do whatever is the highest damage type to that body part; for example if the body part takes more damage to slashing you'll do slashing damage, and vice versa making it a very versatile weapon. But can any lance users tell me if it's reliable for cutting tails? Beyond whether most tails will take slash or impact is it really even easy enough to lay the needed hits on the tail of most moving monsters?

also, which talismans come from mystery/shining/timeworn charms?

non-legal talismans can't function and the editor tells you this
so I guess so? either that or they are the epitome of mental disability

go do your own homework you retarded meme fuck

but mhg is my tutor and now is our private session

The lance's moveset just isn't as good as weapons with overhead strikes. Straight up if the monster is too big you might not be able to hit the tail unless it's knocked down. I mean MAX Enraged Guard and Corkscrew Jam, but eh.

How much of a buff is the Triforce Palico skill?

anyone wanna do events quests?

not enough to be worth the 4 orbs it costs

What's your current title?

24/7 # black

Free Hugs

Chest or Hips

*summons minions*
*leaps past you*

>*jumps backwards to dodge you*

And that's it

I'm losing hope of ever finding a perfect fighting prowler that isn't one of the 3-4 that get shared around to everyone 24/7

Cat sluts

Whats your name, friend?

Shaggy, no!


Why, you want to blacklist me for no reason?


trying to get into kinsect, what bug do i make?

Ramen Rider

it does

Balanced if you don't like grabbing extracts, sped if you must be 100% super DPS pro jap TA

Gore Magala is my name!

Where did blacklist monster come from
Is it purely from this image?



Just unlocked High Rank and I'm feeling overwhelmed. What's a good early High Rank armor set to focus on getting right now? I play GS

Also, question: I've been upgrading my armor from LR and I've noticed that the same sort of gear is now appearing but with S after the title (for example, why am I wasting advanced armor stones on my Tetsu hear from LR if there's just an S version now?) Are they seriously making you grind the same armor set you already acquired?

Zinogre Hips

Are you seriously complaining about making more than a single armor set in the entire game?

Oh boy.



i used an upgraded lr rath set for early hr
you can buy armor spheres from the cat vendor by the way

I'm in a serious rut, /mhg/
I've been taking it slow all the way up to HR5, but now I'm in HR7 and want nothing more than to rush these keys and start doing shit
I also have absolutely no idea what weapon type I want to use

I hate this so much

Volvidon S for Focus.

Don't bother unlocking without the Hayabusa Feather unless you wanna get blacklisted.

these memes need to stop

Spelunker of underage

World's best villager

I've actually done every single village quest but the last 3 Advanced
I wouldn't use that anyways; I want a full set for aesthetics, but I know that's part of my rut
Trying to find a nice fullset and weapon I'd enjoy using with it

You don't have to use it, just unlock it.

>Worthwhile female Zinogre porn is lacking
>A good deal of male Zinogre porn has shitty out of place OCs involved

Oh well.

that lucent narga OC is a solid 3x worse

I just think it's weird that I would have to grind to get the same armor I already had? Why not just let me upgrade it to S through High Rank scales and such? Seems a little extra grindy for no reason.

The hayabusa feather (and other earrings) are actually pretty good, I don't consider them clownsuits at all.

It's just like not wearing a helmet, it looks good with almost all sets.

He doesn't sell adv armor spheres though

No I was gonna give you a perfect fighting prowler made just for you!

Can I take my pick of the litter? Are any of these a quitter?

i remember him being able to
only heavy spheres are missing from his stock

Are they finally banning furfaggotry?

>furry posters getting deleted
At last, freedom from pseudo-mlp fucks that think this shit is relevant to the thread.

Upgrading it with high rank parts would be no different than just crafting it with the parts to begin with. You might want to switch weapons and just craft a new set of high rank gear, instead of having to farm out the low rank set first, then upgrade it into a high rank set.