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Previous Thread: Competitive Season 2 is now live on all platforms. How are your placements going?

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So, are you glad that comp is back?

first for Junkrat best dps

>players get triggered because 60% is a bad score in school
>let's give below average players gold, the symbol of first place

playing wow, is comp nice? all I hear is whine



Hana Song

Mako Rutledge!

They've made changes to offensive assists. You used to only get offensive assists if you discorded a target and did not hit it yourself. You currently get assists for targets you hit now, which means the off/def assist numbers are getting hugely inflated.

I'm not sure if it's a bug or what

is amped up lucio speed boost still worth using?

>game doesn't save highlights once you quit
why? I just played some fucking incredible Junkrat and now i can't even save a portion of it

No, may as well not even amp it up anymore.

>Was a rank 65 last season
>this season you're in platinum
>can't get out

what the fuck? why am i stuck in the 50s if I was a 60 tier player?

I just want to hit the top 500 before it gets too far ahead of the pack.

>in placement match
>someone asks whether they should play mcree or pharah
>say whatever you're best at
>responds with "well I'll play mcree if you guys want but i'm shit with him"
>"then why would you play as him"
>"cause he's good"


You should have it one whenever everyone around you is at full health or when your team has a number advantage over the other team

God yes. Even now in the clusterfuck that is the first week, just having a game mode were everyone is actually trying to win at the video game is enough.

I'm all for fucking around but some fundamental part of me needs to compete and win.

>when you end top 500 last season and your placements have 40 mmr dps players on your team

ended 4-6 and 2950 lel

top 500 isn't even activated until few weeks into season so shitters like you can't cheese the rewards

ended 3 win 2 draw and 5 losses

why does this season feel so much more stressful than last? Is it because I'm actually winning, and I fear the incoming loss streak to punish my hubris?


Its going to be a LOONG competitive season, isn't it.

At least I got all 5 Silvers so maybe I will get some ME OOGA, TEAM BOOGA credit from Blizz

Is 144 seriously better than 60-100 fps? Does it actually make difference in the game when aiming and shit?

zen bois ww@

Tell me your most hilarious fails of the game

Who else /gaveup/ on competitive here?

I placed 39 after that support getting less ranking fiasco, and carried myself to 67. Then grouped up with regular team until 79.

However, I will not be playing ranked anymore because Blizzard likes to make changes to competitive mid fucking season.

>Season 1 is about to end
>Temple of Anubis
>Score is 2 / 2
>take objective A
>entire team thinks we have won
>chat gets filled with "gg"
>chat gets filled with "wtf"
>fail to get objective B
>lose both points

During overtime, you used to only have to take objective A, and due to the coinflip, whatever team got to attack usually won.

I refuse to play anymore competitive until they stop making changes while ranked is going on.

the week Ana was released was absolute hell. What the fuck is Blizzard thinking?

Why not release new characters during off-season? It keeps players from leaving until the new season starts, and you get time to test them out.

For some people it does.

>placement match
>get put in with a three-stack of southeast asian tryhard
>broken engrish all day erry day
>win first round defense on kings row
>say "nice" on the team chat
>one of them spergs out "EXCEPT YOU!!!"
>the fuck?
>were attacking
>pick widow to take out turrets and also the first point is such a nice sniping area from all the way inside spawn
>SEAmonkeys laugh in broken english
>won anyway because defense cant set up right from me sniping at them
>won with me being in more than half of the kills

none of you know toxicity until youve played SEA servers on any game

Here's my tier list.

T1: Zenyatta, Reinhardt
T2: Zarya, Roadhog, Lucio
T3: Reaper, McCree, Junkrat, Widowmaker, Pharah, Solider: 76, Mercy, D.Va, Winston, Hanzo
T4: Mei, Torbjorn, Tracer, Symmetra, Bastion
T5: Ana

What do you guys think? I think Ana is on her own tier because she kinda really sucks, and I think that Zenyatta is still the best support. Reinhardt and Roadhog are both great tanks depending on the situation. Genji feels really powerful to me so I kinda want to place him higher even though he got nerfed.

>backpeddle down well as Mei
>try to ult
>it misses the edge and falls in with me

Or, stay with me now, do what League does for professional matches and:

>Always playing on the previous patch

being able to adapt to changes is the sign of a truly good player, you filthy boosted shitter scrub. good riddance, no one will miss you tbhsmhirlfamily

Cutest and best pairing

>thruster self-destruct sequence on what looks like the entire enemy team
>they all avoid getting tackled by it as the booster sends it flying right off the edge of the map
>now I'm just a tiny South Korean girl surrounded by 6 enemies

>average weapon accuracy as Zen is 28%

People fucking disgust me sometimes with how bad they are.

Right here, bruh.

everyone is a noisy scrubmonkey or a tryhard, got it Mr perfect :^)

>its a full solo q against a 6 stack episode
I thought Blizzard would fix this shit.

Amélie Lacroix
I love this qt smug blue sniper.

t. 30% accuracy Zen player

So tell me, Do I get less retarded teammates in competitive once I place out?
I have two placement games left, but so far I had an attack Bastion who did nothing but talk shit to us once we capped the first point (because it obviously worked, and we didn't carry him at all), and a duo who threw a fit because the team didn't adhere to the 2 Tank 2 DPS 2 Healer (when one of them locked into Tracer after we had a McCree and Reaper who decided he needed to try and lie about his season high last season (claimed to have hit 96, which I don't think is possible. Was actually a high of 47 or some shit), my other loss was with some kids who somehow managed to do so little that we lost to a 5 man.

I've carried 3-4 gold for every game. Will it get better? It's really disheartening. In quickplay it's funny to watch the Widowmaker pitch a bitchfit because she gets out sniped by the soldier, but I really don't want to deal with character stacking.

Post some QTmaker.

post your comp s2 zens, zen bros

My matches have been pretty short, so I haven't had the time to get as many elims as I'd like.

Ana doesn't suck, people are just retards who think they need to stand in the middle of the team and try to use their scopes.

>Bad after this patch
>Better than McCree

Oh so you're just stupid, then.

Won 6 of my placement games with 2 draws.
Now I'm on a 5 loss streak. It never gets better.

I got put into near Platinum only playing Mercy.

However, I got put into a scenario where some guy instantly locked her in so I was forced to Lucio. Did I play him right when I say all I did was idle around, boost on reaction, and ult for teamfight?

I didn't really jump around or shit.

I attempted to punch a Pharah out of the sky as D.Va on Illos and fell to my death

39% actually.

someone just reached 1k

>no smugberry gf

>Blizzard adds going prone to the game
How would this make you feel?

I don't even care about losing.

I just want the idiots who put us in the shitty situation to stop shifting blame and trying to make the other people on my team feel like shit over a game.

Genji is still OP, he's just not easy to play well.

replace poison mine

and unlike bastion, once prone you need to wait a few more seconds to be able to get back up again

Reminder that if you ever get upset at this game you are the problem and you don't belong in ranked.

You spam down hallways, use the proper aura and build your ult, yeah. He's not very demanding.

>what the fuck? why am i stuck in the 50s if I was a 60 tier player?
Because you were carried

Why isn't the competitive queue limited to 2 players in a team like it's in HotS for example?

I hate getting into matches with 4 stacks and 5 stacks when I'm solo-queuing since it's basically a coinflip, either their stack or yours is better and more organized.

>Tfw no friends

I have a feeling that if I play ranked I'll get a much lower ranking than I deserve just cause I'm solo

Your main concerns as Lucio are staying alive, keeping healing aura on, and spamming your m1 to build ult a bit faster. Then, you apply your ult at the right times and occasionally you'll want to speed boost your team so they can flee from certain ultimates or losing fights.

On maps with prominent bottomless pits you'll probably also want to keep an eye out for opportunities to boop people to their deaths.

>play on previous patch

What game are you playing? If you're implying don't play on PTR ranked, I never fucking do. I only test out things for a bit then go back to live game.

>being able to adapt to changes is the sign of a truly good player

Yes, I agree 100%, but only about character balance. Not in this case.

>filthy boosted shitter scrub

ah, this is quality bait. how many hours on hanzo do you have btw?

I noticed a huge increase in my number of assists in on the PTR by no one else in game or in /owg/ believed me.

I spam left click down choke points a lot which brings down my accuracy. I get the occasional lucky headshot, like I'm a discount Hanzo. Don't judge me.

That doesn't end either.

>people tell you to switch off Zen
>tell them to piss off
>win the round
>do it again the next attacking round
>say fine to prove a point
Take that suckers

>people tell you to switch off zen

I'll take "things that never happened" for 500

The solution isn't to limit it to two max in a party, that would be stupid.
The solution in a perfect world would be to absolutely match up a full team against other full teams. The reality is that you can't always get two teams of six.

From Blizzards perspective that would be a really stupid move to make. They want to encourage people to play with friends, this helps push sales if you have four friends playing and they can pressure two of their other LoL player friends to pick the game up to make a six man group.

You're thinking about it all wrong

>Not slowly and methodically picking apart the enemy stack and their strategies
>Not carrying your team to victory while forcing the enemy stack to start arguing in chat
>Not getting added by your stack after winning
>Not telling them to go fuck themselves because human beings are garbage

Embrace a positive mindset, it'll really help you.

how is this even possible

no, really, what the fuck

no one cares about accuracy in a game where everyone has infinite ammo

especially dva who literally has infinite fire with no reloads

No matter how criticized I'll get golden medals on damage(if you are not junkrat) objective time does count as carrying a team.

Account shared by 2-3 dedicated players. Anyone who thinks that's one person is an idiot.

Why would I EVER use prone, then? What advantage would it give me besides being an immobile piece of shit?

>Charge D.va off of Route 66 as Reinhardt
>Her boosters are off cooldown and I didn't destroy her mech

It wasn't recent but it happened before, a few weeks after the patch where he got buffed up to 200 HP and a bunch of other stuff
I just remembered it happening after seeing a post last thread about 'Heroes that never get told to switch'

they need to make it so you don't lose any ranking at all if you have 4+ golds on a losing team, or if your teams combined objective time is play tank/support
>gold objective time by an absolute fucking landslide, im talking 2 minutes+ on silver, let alone the rest of the team
>gold objective kills every single time
>always a medal for kills, usually silver, often gold
>if playing tank always gold damage on top
>lost 5 games in a row.
>initially placed at 2716.

im at something like 2520 now. this shit is painful.
solo q matchmaking is cancer.

i dunno, damage buff/faster charge buff?

so which hero is the best to do soloQ placements with? my friends just ditched me for being a dick to one random guy who wasn't even in our premade comp so I'm basically planning to do all of the matches with voice chat muted and text chat disabled

are you a Torb main?

>6 games played after the placement matches
>lost 5 of them because of people leaving

Nice game

>tfw got four matches in a row with bastions on my team

I should've listened when /owg/ told me that doing placements on the first week was a bad idea.

pretty standard

hooked a dva ult into my team, it got POTG to boot and won them the game since it was also a team kill

Does the game take into account you winning games even if someone leaves your team? I was doing placements and my wins and losses were pretty even, but then on my last placement game this dude left and we still won 5v6. I ended up 2277 in gold ranking.

Don't play while tilted. Chill out for a bit then talk to your friends again. Tell them you were just feeling a bit shot and it's all good now.

Soldier and D.Va are both great for solo queue if you can't patch things up, but do try to. Friends are worth setting pride aside for.

That's about as stupid as that user's idea of letting Widow dangle from her grapple like a pinata.

>Play Zen
>Pop transcendence to save team from a potential team wipe
>Idiot fucking Lucio decides to sound barrier a couple of seconds after I pop
>This happens 3 times

I hate Lucio players

>tell the time
>genji puts up reflect
>i get nervous and fire

>we seriously have sub plat shitters ITT.

Something's wrong with the player pool in placements. It's similar to how it was in the first week of season 1. It's a bad time to be solo queuing as support.

I placed Diamond twice in PTR, but my placements were complete cancer yesterday. Without exaggeration, every single game I was getting elimination and damage medals as support. Ended up placed in Gold with something like 3:7 win/loss. Almost back up to Diamond since then, so at least it'll even out past placement.

That's a shit fucking idea. There would be absolutely no reason for me to go prone at that point. Maybe if you could go invisible while being prone that might be okay but the reason I spend 80% of my time unscoped is to be able to move.


>"..." fucktard

I placed at 2981 and lost 450 points mostly to leavers and salty fucks who throw games because their main got picked. Not even DOTA or CS:GO has this amount of cancer in its competitive.

I was saying that it wouldn't be too stupid to make ranked play on the previous patch, barring important bug fixes.

Shitters get to try new stuff in customs and quick play, and ranked doesn't get fucked by stupid shit added, or at least you get some warning and time to adjust.

>be DVa in Volskaya/Attack
>do the perfect flank, pick 3 people off without anybody else noticing
>my Ult is ready
>the 3 guys who died came back without realizing I'm still behind them
>decide to self-destruct behind them because fuck nobody in the enemy team is fucking paying attention to me, it was the PERFECT chance to get a Team Kill off that self-destruct alone
>but because I threw the self destruct with the thruster, a few milliseconds before exploding, the mech slid right past and in front of Rein's shield, ending up dealing absolutely no damage to anything or anyone
>the enemies finally notice me and kill me
>be completely fucking useless for the rest of the game

after that day, I never played DVa again

>people seeking validation on their ranks from /owg/

What the fuck

only done two placements yet, one in the morning and the other just a couple minutes ago

first one was decent, the second one was a win despite teammates being absolute retards. thankfully the enemies were even bigger retards.

im positively sure its gonna be downhill from here

>playing mercy
>res meter goes up to 4
>move a bit, press Q
>didn't notice that it went down to 1
>ressed a single Hanzo

Alright enough whining about placements, time for you to come clean.

>Top 3 most played heroes
>The emotes you use for each of them

Post 'em

-Mercy, sit down
-Junkrat, puppet
-Symmetra, ribbon

