/lolg/ - League of Legends General

big bara goo titties edition

old thread: Current patch notes: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-617-notes

Yorick rework: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/yorick-champion-update

Artbook: artbook.na.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/volume-one

Current PBE changes: surrenderat20.net/p/current-pbe-balance-changes

Useful sites:

Other urls found in this thread:


I can not tell what is happening desu I just know we won

2nd maybe for top lane

xth for fertile dragons

can someone edit the signpost so it shows fertile?

xth for the lolg allstars ranked 5s team, which is currently looking for a d5+ jungler on NA who wants to play with us
add ign swedish on na or reply to this post if you're interested

nth for accepting that you are shit and are in the elo you belong.

Evelynn is best waifu!

By that logic, no one should ever attempt to rise in rank

i was d5 on my old account until it got banned


i just play top mostly now though :(

>Annie flash ults the support when the adc is right next to her

This is bronze right?


Why there will be no rework for this qt for upcoming assassins update?

Because Akali, like every other champion who has to wait til level 6 or late game to become the strongest champion in the game are inherently cancerous and need to be purged

it is one of the things I suck the most at
telling what is going on in teamfights

I literally just saw a lot of flashing lights

the only thing I noticed was annie flashing in and ulting

everything else was a yellow blur to me

First rough draft of new commission
Waiting on second one!


Tank ekko nerfs when?
Yasuo nerfs and bug fixes when?
Riven bug fixes when?
%Hp damage removed when?
Giving resourceless champs a resource when?

because she doesn't need one, she just needs her e to proc her q again and slighly higher damage if shes gonna be an all-in kinda champ

Do you guys have a autistic anime weeb pro player?

>Talon mid is a dude that played his last game 8 days ago, losing 3-9 as Tristana, and the other one was 15 days ago
never dodged so fast in my life

>mfw I reverse sweep my promo series

>Someone is saying mean words to me on the internet
>I better spend the next 5 minutes saying even worse things back to them!!

It's pretty easy to deal with being flamed.

Looks noice

Haven't seen a pose like that in a while

why can't people just fucking play shit that works
they have to be special snowflakes.
jax jungle, corki adc, jayce mid.
like for fuck sake theres a reason meta exists

That's nice

>That hand

They played kalista and that is just asking to lose

Just lost a game of Twisted Treeline 3v3 to Intermediate bots.


>9 losses
>Increasingly tilted
>Almost every lane lost EVERY GAME

How the actual fuck do I have friends that got B5 out of their placements?

when's the yorick update

They started at lower MMR from the previous season.

xth for rape

>buy mankind divided
>my pc is too shit to run it

back to league i guess...

your normal mmr influences the starting mmr for ranked.

Did they play last season? If so then the game intentionally places you lower than where you really are.

Can you even get s ranks in aram

Can anyone teach me to not be terrible at this game?

Does anyone have the patience to guide a plat baddy to diamond?

> They started at lower MMR from the previous season
The MMR soft reset at the beginning of the season doesn't always lower your MMR. It brings it closer to the silver III baseline (you get the average silver III mmr when you first do your promos). If you are a bronze shitter you actually get a free climb at the beginning of each season.

so I've tanked my elo from high plat to gold
what am I meant to play in gold to carry shitters?

>tfw you love taliyahs laugh
>tfw you want to play her
>tfw you keep throwing her e in the opposite direction

It's a bug user.
This last patch introduced an issue where some skillshots go the opposite direction they were supposed to.

what server

How did you manage to reach the top 10% of the playerbase and still no idea how to improve?

Late game hyper carries.

Gold elo doesn't know how to harass and deny early, so you wont be starved as you transfer into your powerspike.

>people build this SHIT on diana vs velkoz

that theory burns out when my entire team feeds because they're gold shitters and we lose inhibs at 20 mins though.

> How did you manage to reach the top 10% of the playerbase and still no idea how to improve?
Pure mechanical advantage.
Good attitude.
Using broken champions.
There are many ways to get top 10% without having good decision making.

Iswear this is a droolgag
what else can it be

the item icons look totally bootleg if you look closely at them tobe honest

It's a prayer bead

that doubles as a droolgag


By being a support, less impact on the game cuts both ways.
I got carried in a run of good luck to Plat 1, then I crashed and burned back to Plat 5, and I seem to have stabilized at Plat 4.

only if you go like 17-2.

the rank system cares a lot about your CS ,which you don't get much on ARAM. and you die a lot since you can't heal back and your only chance of shopping is dying

How does it feel to know your game is dying?

so I'm only shit
not completely shit

What do I build on jungledragon? I played her once and found her quite fun.

Read his post.

He shat the bed in placements and only got Bronze 2. He was wondering how his friends got Bronze 5 from their placements.

Wit's end+ruined king+tanky shit

> where some skillshots go the opposite direction they were supposed to
Wait, does that affect Vi's Q? I've had it going in a completely wrong direction a few times recently. I've just written it off as me being retarded and clicking on the minimap or something, is there an actual bug though?

Bloodrazor>Titties hydra>Boots>Any 3 other tank items of your choice

solo dragon at lv6-7 once you get bloodrazor, assuming mid and bot are busy and enemy jungler isnt around

Fellow support main. I feel you. It is most important that your mid and top don't suck. I have been learning top as usually they feed and tilt the most. If they aren't snowballing they play like they are fed and feed. After some time playing top I can see why that happens, if it is two melee champs the one that gets fb has a huge advantage and can keep the other from farming indefinitely if the jungle doesn't come. Additionally there is a level advantage to over come that allows some champs to solo dive at six. Basically, you have to forsake all cs if your jungle never comes.

pretty sad, it's been a bad year for league, it's viewer rate dropped alot of the e-celebs are dropping it to which will in turn stop main streamers from playing the game more. Their champion designs and kits are becoming less fun and LCS is breaking apart since the new blood isn't as interesting as the old (imaqtpie, Dyrus ect.) So I feel sad but content it was a good run but it's slowly dropping now for real this time.

It applies to all skill-shots.

bloodrazor titanic tank

Plat is fucking easy if you're not a shitter

Like, if you get semi competent teams in plat there's no reason to lose games

I love Lissandra !

im gonna make it back to plat playing nami ONLY

but therein lies the rub

Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.

Check out LS' channel, he uploadings his coaching sessions with diamond+ players.
It's very indepth though


I just had a leona s rank that went 6-8-25 and had 29 CS

Been trying top myself, but being behind the learning curve for toplane is brutal.

Honestly if I had better reflexes I'd try to learn jungle, seems to be the best way to help where your team needs it.

post nami

> Diana ulting Sej after missing her Q when there are Vel and Cait around
> no way she didn't notice Vel cause she got hit by his Q a second before





I typically win duels. Avoiding enemy jungle ganks is my issue. I get too obsessed with cs to ward. Additionally I need to figure out how the enemy summons their jungle when behind, I can never summon mine it seems.

> It can do damage
> It can help the team



I've got you.

why did you flash in

explain what?

I don't mind it that much. League is way too big to completely fail. The players lost lately went to overwatch, and sooner or later there will come another game that "kills" overwatch. It's how things work.

The other players who have left are mostly bad (you can't really enjoy the game when you're not good at it), or lost interest and looked after other games, so i'm not really mourning their loss.

Hopefully we can achieve an "old blizz game" state, where only the hard core of the players remain, but it's still an acknowledged and sort of respected game.

About the esports scene, i don't care that much, but it really hurts to see the viewership drop so incredibly hard. Of course the overwatch launch had an effect on this too, but no one gives a shit about LCS anyways. Riot has made no efforts to make EU lcs interesting even at least a little bit, especially with the bo2 format. Maybe in the future riot will find a way to repopularize watching league and esports in general, because they were one of the biggest helpers in making esports of this caliber a thing.

I'm not saying this is the most rational answer, but this is how i feel about the whole situation.

rip fishe



old pot looked better

>barely able to endure anymore, you excuse yourself and go to your towel to cool off with the excuse of tanning
>you lie down and close your eyes
>it seems you finally managed to shake her off
>then suddenly
>"Oh but summoner, how are you going to tan without sunscreen?"
>knowing full well what's going to happen, you try to get up but she's faster
>she non-chalantly sits on top of you and starts applying sunscreen in a painfully slow manner that reminds you more of a massage than anything else
>"Wow, your back is so stiff, let me help you relax"
>she starts slowly grinding against you with an almost imperceptible movement nobody else seems to notice, while you feel her wetness spread on your lower back, exactly where she is sitting

eve lewdest and bestest waifu


she claimed she was lagging, may have actually been true


delete this

the hair makes it so disgusting


It's a catfish user.
I'm sorry but that's not Nami.

I wonder if that feels good

Pimp as parkour over a wall to link down attack on yas.

>eve is fotm again
>waifufag comes out of the wood


I like how Yasuo mains think their windwall is absolutely infallible

In any situation, even to try to block turret shots or to try to save themselves from hemoplague, they throw up that wind wall.

It's truly amazing

>tfw you will never get your dick sucked by nami

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

I think he was trying to go for Q>windwall cancel > E+Q knock up> auto attack for the kill.