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Never heard of that game but the logo looks familiar.
We need a good paragon thread. This is going to be a big game i hope
Same here, I think it has a lot of potential to be pretty big
its styled after the Quake Arena logo.
im downloading this game right now.
>free beta
prepare your butts. this game has potantial to be YUGE
Holy SHIY paragon finally has a general.
Ask a ranked 120~ player anything, played since march.
what are the top 3 heroes now
Murdock any good? What about Howitzer?
being raped by dmg built tanks is frustrating. Is there a point running a support when you can build it as a caster and get similar efficiency. ... except cdr and no wards ( nobody even cares if there are any ) .
on the other hand - if you focus on the lack of movement speed while in combat, you can easily consider Paragon as fucking trash and DOA.
Murdocks the best ranger in the game atm, being able to lane safely with traps (and traps retaining usefulness all game), his Q gives armor pen to the rest of his attacks, his ulti is great all game and can combo with others...
Howitzer is real good, but hard to play properly, might be the best caster but it's hard to say
dead general in 20 minutes.
>inb4 bumping the general.
On a serious note - I technically hated all my stay in Paragon. Movement is slow, it's clunky, shit's unbalanced ( inb4 beta ), attack speed is something that you wish was there, doesn't feel like they know what exactly they want to do. Full supports are decent, full tanks are trash and lack in absolutely everything. No dmg, still high cdr. The art-direction ( if there's actually any ) is inconsistent. Feels like someone said " Hey, you know, we must have a fairy " and there she is, meanwhile there's that fat robot guy from Quake 2. No explanation of anything. The pre-made decks and the overall deck system feels dull at the moment, you can't really change your build on the fly in case you need to counter something ( inb4 beta ).
what MOBA has tendencies towards high movement speed during combat?
also what about mod support? its the unreal 4 engine after all. most likely you can mod your game install with you and your friends and play with them as long as your checksums are the same
I don't really expect to have high speed while in combat, just want it to be reasonable. It's not normal for a ranged character to run backwards with the same speed I move forward towards him and rape my ass like it's nothing just because tanks are supposed to lack dmg and be some shitty sponges... and are not supposed to move. At least Riktor has his hook ...
Sorry I was away.
Murdock is best Ranger hands down.
Khaimeria, and grux are top 2 jungles hands down
Dekker is a must ban in comp play with steel being the only real replacement.
There not many hero though.
Considering Rangers build tank right now just to survive I have a feeling you're terrible bro.
Not that I agree with the meta.
>murdock is best ranger
Since his nerf, I find Sparrow to be much more effective. Murdock is the best for noobs, definitely , though.
does using a custom deck make any difference compared to the starter one ...
The balance is really quite good when you get into decent levels of play, the main "balance" issue atm is stat point balance, most notably armor being way too good (and not having hard enough diminishing returns) leading to a very "tanky" meta.
Hero balance for a beta is pretty incredible, granted the hero pool is still small. But the only "bad" heroes atm are like Kallari, Narbash, Sevarog...?
Depends on the hero, but in general, it makes quite a difference, and it's honestly one of my bigger gripes with the game... at least deck building isn't really monetized (you can't just buy cards), but it's still kind of shitty that a new player starts off less powerful than someone with a bunch of cards.
Anyway, notable examples of custom deck advantages with cards that you don't start out with:
* No Cast/Strike tokens in any starter deck, or way to get early damage - a common thing for everyone except supports to do is to load out with some of these, these are basically like "branches" from dota - 1 point equipment for 1 point of damage. Rangers should usually load out with 2 and a health pot. You start with 0.
* Tainted Magick on iggy - this hero is literally made or broke by having this card.
* Support cards on supports: there's a bunch of support cards in Order/Growth/Intellect and you start with none of them. Examples include Mender's and Shepherd's Phials, Tempus Pearl, Honor the Pure, Barrier of Will, Overflowing Gifts
* Just about every Jungle item. Beastmaster's Key, Jungle Drink, Madspore Sash are some big ones.
* Ward/Key upgrades. Sage's Ward, Guardian's Ward, etc. (Still need my damn Guardians Ward :/)
* Armor pen. It's an important stat and, for example, I still only have one Rust Breaker. At least everyone starts out with the 10-cost pen items (Hand of Prophets/Fist of Kings) but not having these commons hurts builds a lot.
That said the fighters/casters do just fine with starter decks typically.
>also what about mod support? its the unreal 4 engine after all.
ha. if only Epic and modern gaming in general still gave a fuck about mods. The only way to get mod support for ue4 atm is to be a special kid basically since only ARK and like one other game has it.
In any case it wouldn't really fit for Paragon though I could see them doing some kind of steam workshop shit eventually
Gideon is my main---- hands off
did they buff the shit our of her or something
she's just ridiculous
>great stun, which is rare as hell in this game
>giant slow bubble amazing for chasing/escaping
>2nd best escape in the game that doubles as a pushing tool
>ultimate has the most synergy opportunities: gideon, steel, howitzer, gadget, etc .. and can also be used for both chasing and escaping
If you've got the cards to make efficient decks, yes, always.
Murdock is top pick and ban in comp games.
No, her wall is just retarded as fuck for organized teams to abuse with no real counter other than "don't be there"
Game has some stunning visuals.
>unreal engine 4
Are you surprised?
No, but I do feel bad for all the poor "pc gamers" who can't play this because their gaming pc is a 8 year old laptop that can play Dota 2, league, and cs go, but not this.
Sort of bad.
i this game ded yet? thinking about trying it out i guess
implying any of those games would work on an 8 year old laptop when my 5 year old laptop struggles with them
if gaming wants to advance we will need to advance with it
My 8 year old laptop plays league at least, but it has a dedicated gpu, $900 when I bought it. Probably plays Dota 2 as a result
1mil+ daily players
It's liv
Can somebody please explain to me what the point of pen is?
Like I know it goes through armor, but why would I get pen over more damage?
Because stacking armor is the meta currently due to all the fighters deathballing
Wouldn't more damage achieve the same end?
Pen negates armor at a 1:1 ratio, and since you get 16 points of pen per stat point and only 6.5 damage, you in theory get much more out of investing in it vs. damage
Not sure if these are still accurate but an epic guy posted the damage calc function in March:
though i can only trust a man who intermingles "x" and "*" to represent multiplication so far...
Not necessarily, armor is a percent so at 250~ armor it's like 58% negated or some shit, so adding 12 cxp damage is like 38 a hit, where 12 pt of pen is like 148 pen which is more than 39 damage in that case, idk math is hard.
there's also this for armor efficiency:
Post 'em
shields up ironbreakers
I made a thing, not sure if it's helpful, if I knew how to make a graph I'd plot this mutha
you can save a copy to your own googles and then play around with the numbers in red yourself to see how stuff changes
and this might be super incorrect anyway because the epic guy never explained what that "Lookup" function does >:T
Why come this game doesn't have much exposure on youtube?
I'm not sure, honestly
It's sort of funny,
Moba fans are the biggest "my moba is the best moba" but they almost always write off ALL other mobas
without ps4 this game would be dead, IMO.
>mfw endgame grux
>can take like 3 niggas on and still win if i get behind them
Feels goodman
also that ruby skin
im just waiting until i get enough coins for that shit and it goes on sale that shit looks amazing for grux, also whats your deck?
i am only now realising the power of fury after dicking around with greystone
I use the skin, it's glorious
Epic recently announced new hero and new skins this week!
>MOBA relying on consoles
o really?
give detaiils
a-are these stats good? /p-pg/
They have a weekly rundown developer blog thing where they recap the last week of releases/ info and then give a tease into the next week.
Scroll down to below the embed videos
Yeah, do you have an idea of how to make League and dota fags quit playing their precious moba they spent 4 thousand dollars on?
I added a graph to my dumb spreadsheet if anyone is interested in looking at probably non-helpful data?!
pic related is sheet 2, you can change the top 2 row values to modify how the stats grow, can enter negative numbers on some of them to start at 0 etc. do file->make a copy to play around with the numbers yourself
(also added a graph to visualize the decrease in armor effectiveness by level on sheet 3)
my end goal here is to try and figure out, by armor value, the curve for penetration being more efficient to have than damage, but i'm a scrub
i'm not that interested in the graph but i wanted to reply and say i respect the effort
Ye, i also respect the effort. I"m too drunk to realize what most of this means i'm sorry
what a god. who do you main
Why is support so fucking good in this game?
ROBOTASS is fucking fun
>Universal super and giving 500 shields while dealing surprising burst damage with her slow
Truly fun
The only reason I downloaded this game was the Lil Drummer Ork. Working my ass to unlock him.
>No, her wall is just retarded as fuck for organized teams to abuse with no real counter other than "don't be there"
SOme can jump over it like Dekker herself, steel or muriel
Steel and muriel have to waste a super though
So does Howitzer
Build him as a tank when you get him
Fuck support, become a tank
Thanks for the tip. I'm playing Khaimera right now. Shits intense with the lifesteal, I feel like every enemy encounter I have to go balls deep to win.
To be fair this is pretty much the support gameplan anyway lol
I hope they don't sit around on Narbash too much balance wise, even if he is new he pretty obviously needs buffs imo
I wouldn't mind if they made his attack speed higher even if it does lower dps because that melee takes forever. Also get ready to stack mana cards to be slightly useful. His heal needs a buff and his speed boost should kick up to sprint speed.
The speed is fine I think (could last a bit longer maybe), and the stun is good, but my god the heal is SUCH a mana drain it's basically useless? In theory it'd be good if you could heal your entire team, but realistically you're only ever going to be healing like 3 heroes max. And at 2 mana for each health it's just the most inefficient thing ever. Slow, too
And his ulti really, really needs to be able to absorb at least one stun, or something. Maybe just make him immune to stuns during it, I dunno
godspeed, paragon general ;_;7