Have you ever used your car as an excuse to get out of social obligations?
What was your best excuse?
Bonus points if it was a real reason.
Have you ever used your car as an excuse to get out of social obligations?
What was your best excuse?
Bonus points if it was a real reason.
I was stuck in traffic once, which made me late for work. That's it.
>have a test in the morning
>car overheating in traffic
>email prof a pic of the temperature gauge saying I'm going to be late
>finally get to class half an hour late to find she moved the test to tomorrow
Subtle favouritism
>running late to class
>Park in space without a sticker on car
>Get ticketed
>Go buy a jug of water after class
>Show parking police the receipt and say it overheated
>Spent 1.00 to get out of a 25.00 ticket
I once said my car broke down when it didn't because I was last for work after stopping to chat with a girl I was trying to bone.
This thread doesn't have much potential does it?
I'm changing out my blown apex seals
Told my boss I couldn't work on a Saturday as I was replacing headlight fluid.
It worked.
Oh man, I should try that.
>Leave my house for class
>Final in 30 mins
>One block later car looses power
>Stalls and dies
>Turns over but dies a few seconds after
>Eventually car won't even start
>email professor my car broke down and I won't be able to make it
>Call up my uncle who was the only one in my house
>He checks the battery connections, n nothing wrong
>He turns it on himself
>Car started just fine
>Keeps running
>Drive to school with anxiety
>Miss final
>Professor was cool and let me retake it in his office
>Week later i took it to a shop
>Needed new spark plugs and wires
Boss: Why are you late?
Me: Car wouldn't start this morning.
Boss: Why not?
Me: Because I was asleep.
>call into work
>"Can't make it in today."
>"Why not?"
>"Snowplow plowed my car in, it's going to take hours to shovel out."
I also had to call into work once due to transmission failure. Boss didn't believe me, so I had to send him a picture of the diff spider gear that blew out the side of the case.
I was late to work one day and just said "I had rotor problems" and they went with it.
>be me, 17
>supposed to go to this formal dance at my high school called with some girl named Annalise
>I took her to lunch a couple of times, and I invited her out a few more times
>the last 3 times she declined because she wanted to hang out with her friends
>started getting pissed at her for not wanting to hang with me
>mom wouldn't let me ditch her at the dance
>needed creative plan to get the bitch off of me
>I eventually tweeted not so subtly that "the formal dance is cool and all but I would rather be working on cars, but I have already bought the tickets so I'll go anyway"
>She broke down over text
>sold the tickets to my buddies for a profit
>put the money towards the Miata
>alpha as fuck
>December 12, instead of going to dance I went to a car meet
>met some awesome guys
>learned a lot about cars
>had an awesome time
>she's dating a nu male now
>i am dating one of the guys I met at the meet
>I left that bitch for a guy
>I'm gayer than I thought
I got to skip class once because my upper radiator hose burst open and puked out all my antifreeze while I was driving.
>comes into work late
>Boss:Why are you late?
>Me:Did you know you can start your truck with a pair of pliers when the relay stops working?
>Boss:"...You need to get rid of that thing"
>Me: "You don't pay me enough"
>Boss: "goodbye Felicia"
>late on my way to picking up gf
>send her a video of the radiator broken and going to shit
>I actually only poured a bit of water near the cap.
Fag, I'm happy for you though. You gay guys seen way more happier not dealing with women.
>stand behind RX-7 for less than a minute in the morning while accessing rear hatch space
>clothes and cargo saturated with the gassy smell of carbed rotary exhaust richer than a Swiss Jew
>gas smell overpowers all other smells, also gives an excuse for being spacy
I miss that FB
>leaving parking lot in front of goodyear
>in 79 buick wagon with a 383 and 4 speed.
>tech says to light it up
>drop clutch in first
>wheel hop
>rip all studs off of passenger rear wheel
>goes flying past me and hits a garbage can
>car ginds to halt
>survey damage
>not that bad, replacing studs should get me on the road again
>call in to work saying I probably wont make it today
>of course they dont believe my story
It's great. I don't have to deal with all the emotional bullshit women give you. Men are more logical. Yeah, I deal with a bunch of anti gay comments and stuff, but I'm not offended; I can handle the bantz unlike most of the other faggots. Regardless it's still better than being financially and emotionally to a filthy whore. Women suck, and they have no value other than being a convenient dick holder with a body attached.
I just bought an FC and I love the smell of the exhaust. I use 2 stroke and if I put too much it smells like muffins. I fucking love this car, don't even care about filling up every other day
nigga they're school dance tickets
how you gonna put like $30 to a new car?
It adds up.
I'm a Jew, I save up and eventually was able to rage my dream.
this is why most gay want fem boys it's basically a woman without breasts the tradeoff being no emotional rollercoaster
say whatever you want about being whipped and losing all your money but the biggest problem with this is men who get roped into fatherhood because they can't say no and then you have children whose father hates them from before birth.
>Veeky Forums - miatafagging because women
Yes. I told my mom I couldn't make Easter dinner because my car was too fast and too awesome.
I know he claimed Jewishness, but my exes' high school was nuts.
>Homecoming tickets $40 per person
>Winter formal $50 per person
>prom $200 a pop, photos $80
So glad we dated when I was in college. Hearing about that made me cringe because poorfag.
>"""alpha as fuck"""
wew lad
>>she's dating a nu male now
>>i am dating one of the guys I met at the meet
>>I left that bitch for a guy
>>I'm gayer than I thought
Straight savage.
Down for a threesome? Guy here?