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Previous thread:

Already one up

Was made after this one

You got 3 moves that do damage as a MM hunter

Barrage, sidewinders, and marked shot

2 of those moves have fucking massive cones and range, and you need to use them to be able to used marked shot

yeah they could not do that, but then you are just gonna bitch that their dps is bad

Should I save artifact power for when research finish?

do you guys still think I am cool?

I think youre cool

thank you so much!

What's a good addon to track Atonement?
I kinda need one to git gud at Disco.

No, the AP amount stays the same if you gained it before the research finished.

>casually fish while levelling
>get 7 random lures
>actually go out of my way to fish rares with arcane lure
>20 minutes with nothing

gee thanks blizzard

>Professions without the matching farming profession even worse than before

Fuck this.

>scored 70 only at training the withered because I thought cheat death would work
>nope, you hit low Hp and it just ends

Yeah, I still like you, Visas Marr

just make a gathering alt bucko

>Surv hunter dorf
absolutely haram or fine, rp wise?

>Survival hunter
>Expect an ultra l33t pvp class that is all about setting traps, luring and using traps to your advantage
>It is just another derp melee dps
So disappointing

>paladin order hall has statues for great paladin heroes
>no horde paladins

LMAO horde are you even trying?

Sure, they can make a statue of a naaru surrounded by blood elves with straws.

What name would fit the best for a fun homosexual tauren paladin?
As in fun meme name that has to imply gayness and not the dom kind

thats what we get for the fuck up they pulled with professions in WoD