Bears Bears Bears Edition 002 Last thread: >What is Rust? First person PVP-focused server-based sandbox survival with dicks Early access / alpha, updates VERY often $20 on steam, ~$10 on G2A you dirty thief
>Differences from Minecraft/Ark? Rust is balanced around PVP, and its combat and building systems are designed accordingly. Ark has more varied PVE and NPCs; Rust relies more on player interaction.
>What server should I play on? Most people keeping this thread alive right now play on Rustchan. You’re welcome in the thread no matter where you play though.
>Steam Group: This page is the official place where Rustchan server address / live map / Discord links are kept up-to-date, as well as (short) rule list and mod list. No need to join the group.
>Discord (out-of-game voice/text comms for players and clans):
>Recent gameplay updates ( Sep 01: (125) Graphics and environment overhaul, dark/no-gamma nights, bone armor remodel Aug 25: (124) LR 300 rifle added, sleeping bags can be picked up Aug 19: (123) Researching added (destroy item to get blueprint, slight relief of linear nature of XP system), flat firearm dmg buffs, rifle ranges increased, shotgun spread increased Aug 11: (122) shotgun dmg buff, supply drop position variance increased, lower value loot removed from supply drops, code locks work both sides of external gates Aug 04: (121) crossbow buffed, some crafting times reduced, satchel added/explosives rebalanced, healing ppl gives xp, xp gain rate from toolsharing increased but capped, shelves/barricades/waterpipe shotgun levels reduced, doublebarreled shotgun added, crate loot buffed, turrets buffed, armor rebalance, headshots more difficult but do more dmg, rotate things with R, pick up projectiles immediately
flamethrowers are basically NVGs for offensive-minded people
Cooper James
Isaac Cruz
>tfw kicked out of nogf will anyone take me in? does someone want to start a new clan?
Michael Murphy
nogf rebellion when?
Blake Bailey
Can't wait for the undertale expansion dlc pack thats coming out. Fuck monsters are sooo hottt. uguuuuuuuuuuuuu
Thomas Nelson
OK /V/G/
Jackson Jackson
This smoke is very dank
James Martin
Veeky Forums is bad at video games and don't like anything with PVP.
Prove me wrong.
Robert Gonzalez
Barb you seem like you're losing your shit, so I'll try and help you out. You're never going to get any new recruits from Veeky Forums at this point. Your posts on /v/ were the best you could do, and anyone on Veeky Forums who plays rust probably saw it. If you want more players, you're going to have to jazz up your server and advertise it on, unfortunately, reddit. You seriously might want to consider making the map smaller, doing bi-weekly wipes, and increasing the gather/xp rate to 3x, as there is a major deficit of servers with those rates. Look at the servers with the most people on them and emulate them, just without the pay2win cancer like you've been doing. Oh, Make sure to put in your reddit post that you actually have players on the server. Put as much info as you can, really.
Hope that helps.
Aaron Russell
>increased xp rate as if it wasnt easy enough just pls
Brayden Morales
It might be easy, but it's still grinding, and if you're a new player on the server and xp hasn't wiped in a month, then you're facing clans that have been max level for a while now and have nothing better to do than murderhobo around looking for anyone, including nakeds trying to grind.
Long xp wipe cycles with low xp rates kill servers just as much as long wipe cycles with high gathering rates. People just get bored or frustrated and then leave. Might not be the exact playstyle you want, but it very well may bring the players in.
Jack Parker
that wasn't me though
Ethan Anderson
xp increase below a certain level then or have new players start at average xp/level
Tyler Bell
wew, falseflagging
i'd say that long wipes + low rates are unappealing to some people and short wipes + high rates are unappealing to other people. really it depends on what the preferences are of the people you want to play with (in this case, anons).
the server does currently start you off at level 6 and most of what i read says that levels 0-20 are not really a huge grind; it's the late game stuff that is kind of killer.
the xp system is flawed to begin with, honestly, and it's not like FP is unaware of that. They are working on it.
no matter if XP or BP systems are used, larger groups benefit more than smaller groups. it's the way sandboxes work. To me, the solution is either to (my preference) cultivate a recruitment culture where no one has to play alone and nakeds are hot commodities for clans, or (alternatively) to cap clan size and cultivate goodfights. neither of these can be enforced mechanically because that's how sandboxes work, but if the majority of players support something, it can happen organically.
Nicholas Thompson
>cap clan size PURGE NOGF
Kayden Cook
Limit size to 5 people Break up nogf and make them fight each other. They've recruited nearly everyone on the server because they have simple standards, just apply inside, it is so stupid.
Blake Johnson
i don't think nogf recruits from within the game, they're an EVE clan
regardless i should've done this sooner
clans capped at 8
Jaxon Bennett
>eat burnt meat >die explain this garrytards
James Kelly
I can't :(
Lincoln Ortiz
it really takes some of the fun out of the nights being dark, when all the hackers can see you either way so you are just fumbling around in the pitch black like a blind dude with a big red box around you.
Christian Morales
>Confirmed spawn rate for LR-300
Brandon Reed
Literally free food from cacti in the desert, why would you live in the temperate or cold zones?
Asher Butler
Sup /rustg/, what DLC are you looking forward to when RUST gets out of EA?
Brody Morris
rusts community really is the scum of the gaming world. absolute fucking rats.
Adam Brooks
>being unironic sandniggers gtfo filthy casual
Ian Jackson
This game has weed growing everywhere, it is the tits, I mean, you have to play with these shits but hey!
Kevin Diaz
>mfw the only posts in this thread calling for caps on clan size are from confessed nogf members shitposting culture is real and affects lives, just say no
Lucas Taylor
How so? I'm looking for comparisons to the communities of other sandbox games, if you can be specific.
Carter Wood
I quit when xp system was implemented and i was right to do so. I started playing with a friend a few days ago and we literally couldn't do nothing against high level players. By the time we learned how to make a codelock other players were torching down our house and killing us with guns. The late game - early game is just too retarded now. How am i supposted to have fun if i can't kill fully geared noobs with just a bow and bandages?
Chase Bell
>How am i supposted to have fun if i can't kill fully geared noobs with just a bow and bandages? I'm having trouble seeing how this sentence has to do with the rest of your post. If you are unable to kill geared noobs with a bow right now, you would not have been able to kill geared noobs with a bow before the XP patch.
Alexander Torres
Are you EU? Its probably the way it is because its been practically free on numerous occasions, opening the door wide for the hordes of poor, enraged russian and eastern european kids. They practically cant even run the game on their "computers", but luckily for them rust has no working, enforced anti-cheat system. Rust isnt really a sandbox game, its a poorly running team deathmatch/job simulator for the cognitively dissonant clanster fags who still havent noticed they're not actually having fun. everyone else just runs around investing time in trying to build a base that one of the clans will come raid on wipe day+1 with stuff that you couldn't even get on your own in weeks of work, and hacker marksmen to boot.
Xavier Long
I raided my first base today, as a lone wolf. The feeling after having been noob-raped a few times is amazing.
Henry Smith
Tell me how am i supposted to fight if i can't craft arrow that go along with the bow mister smartass :^)
Jackson Parker
You say that it's not really a sandbox game, which gives a convenient reason to avoid comparing it to other sandbox games, which is what I asked for.
The reason I asked was because your complaints regarding people who are willing to treat it like a job, who minmax hard, who only get enjoyment from shitting on other people, who play with clans because that's the best way to "win" - all those complaints are things I've heard from people about Eve, another game that I enjoy a lot.
The differences I'm hearing from you is that poor people play Rust (where Eve has historically been subscription-based) and hacking is prevalent (Eve is pretty much hacker-free; "exploits" and botters are a different matter).
I'm trying to figure out whether or not I should take your complaints seriously or whether you just don't like this kind of game and I do.
admittedly, in single-server eve if any group gets too big for their britches there's almost always a bigger group to wreck them. In independent-server rust, the barrier to "ruling" a server is much, much more attainable, and so more likely to kill a server.
Ryan Howard
I dont get why youre so interested in comparing it to other sandbox games. If other sandbox games also have shit communities, does that make rusts community less shit?
Jason Turner
I'm interested because if you think that all sandbox games have bad communities, maybe you just don't like how sandbox games naturally turn out and there's nothing to be done about it, so why play them or talk about them?
Maybe it's fatalist of me, but I think that most sandbox communities are similar to this, and if a dev somehow changes mechanics enough to where the kind of behavior you're talking about does not exist, I'll be very suspicious that the game is no longer a sandbox.
>If other sandbox games also have shit communities, does that make rusts community less shit? you are correct that other games having shit communities doesn't justify rust having a shit community. I just think it's unrealistic to expect anything else, and it's unfair to come into a thread saying "rust is shit" as if there's a better alternative when for the same reasons you could and should say "ark is shit" "dayz is shit" "eve is shit" etc etc.
basically I think you're being overly specific.
Eli Ortiz
I've played around 500 hours. Guess my mistake was building a base. Yes, I know there is no survival in this game, it is a complete joke but Im assuming that one day they will fix it. For the time being i am having fun killing people and taking their stuff. The fact that I can't log into a server and just craft a bow and arrows by just farming a few trees really annoyed me since playing this game as a survival focused one is pretty pointless at this stage in development. I'm really glad they somewhat fixed the gamma thing during the night, but at the same time pissed because again I don't want to play it as a survival game atm.
Nathaniel Cox
>find a secluded spot >building a house >see two people run towards me >raise my spear to scare them off >they gun me down >steal my stone >destroy my sleeping bag so this is how natives felt like when columbus arrived.
Charles Phillips
>playing rust >make base on mountaintop >someone walks by >i get sacred and run inside and say "who r u" >ends up being a girl >shes friendly, leads me back to her base >huge base with clan members >gain their trust >join their clan >get invited to discord >play with them for a few hours >girl is fucked in the head >talks about getting boob job and sucking dick for dabs >get offline around midnight >come back online today >shes online >someone calls her by a name thats not her gamertag >i ask whats that mean >she tells me she doesnt go by that name anymore >i ask why >she says she got famous on Veeky Forums cuz people found out she did porno >i look up the name the kid called her by >find out shes a tranny cam whore with a dick