/smtg/ - 真・女神転生 / Shin Megami Tensei General

>SMTIV Final/SMTIV Apocalypse information

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(This build is downloadable and playable)

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>SMT If... Tips & Tricks:

>Running Giten Megami Tensei in windowed mode with Chiitrans:

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=smt imagine wallpaper&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=1018&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiq8eT3y_POAhVD2B4KHekcAvAQ_AUIBigB

>post yfw



Got any good wallpapers of SMT Imagine?


>Jungo's cat running around looking for Jungo on the last fate event

google.com/search?q=smt imagine wallpaper&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=1018&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiq8eT3y_POAhVD2B4KHekcAvAQ_AUIBigB

Pic would be the best SMT wallpaper if it weren't a shitty size and didn't have those marks on them.

How well does that Chiitrans work for Giten Megami Tensei? I'm sure it is shit, but can you at least playthrough the game like that?


What's the best route to hunt for fiends in SMTIV/Which route has it best for leveling?
Law/Neutral since the Lucifer's palace has such high leveled mobs?

Does Chiitrans work with emulated games too? Say, I want to play the PS1's Soul Hackers version... will it work?

The user who tried it said that there were some (not serious) errors in translating, but otherwise it worked fine. So I'm going to say yes, it does work.

Only one way to find out

What's your current physical game collection, /smtg/

I got
>Soul Hackers

Raidou is in my nearby thrift store going for $30 with the instruction booklet intact & the cover with slight wear.
Is it worth it

I forgot to add that I have SJ as well

It doesn't but it should be possible with other tools and some expert knowledge. When I was reading up on PC98 texthooking/machine translating I've noticed this dude was able to texthook stuff from PS1/PS2


Don't ask me how though.

What is the consensus on Danu's portrayal in Final? Do players like her or hate her?

This is now the Mothatron general.

Murickan Persona 1
DDS1, DDS2 (w/ Art book and poster)
Persona 3, 4, Arena, Ultimax

This is an Inanna general.

I also have DemiKids Dark and the rest of the Devil Survivor manga. Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Catherine as well as honorary MegaTens.

I have
>DDS1 and 2
>Nocturne (Lucifer's Call with the ugly box art)
The I have digital copies of P1 PSP, P2 Innocent Sin, SMT4, DeSu Overclocked and Soul Hackers because they were on sales and PAL copies of the 3DS games are super expensive for some reason. I plan on getting Raidou 1 and Strange Journey this year if everything's fine with money, too.

I also have Persona Q but I always forget to finish it, the Persona crime/sin and punishment in French, a figurine of Nanako, one of Teddie (I wanted a plush but I didn't find one in a con, I regret it because I found a Teddie plush in another con), a strap of Orpheus from P3, I think it was for the movie.
I should tidy up things and take a photo of all of this someday.

What's laying under here
I'm slightly interested

P4G, DeSu2 RB.

Oh and P4DAN and P4AU of course.

I need to do any quest to get neutral ending in SMT IV?


You have to do quests to complete it, but you don't have to do them until you're locked into the neutral route. So if you're following a guide you're best off doing no quests because some of them can change your alignment, then just do them all after the alignment lock.

First time playing SMT IV (first actual "MegaTen" game too), should I worry about alignments or just see where things go?

Play it blind your first time. If anything, try being a lawfag so you can unlock the Law route only demons. Chaos and Neutral have demons you can only unlock in NG+ so it'd be a waste to play them first.

I personally find it much more fun to do a first playthrough making the choices you like. (Still don't know how I managed to get neutral doing that).

>SMT III: Lucifer's Call
>SMT DS Soul Hackers
>DeSu OC
>DeSu 2 BR
>Persona 1 Portable
>Persona 3 Portable
>Persona 3 FES
>Persona 4
>Persona 4 Golden
>Persona 4 Arena
>Persona 4 Arena Ultimate



If we include Persona stuff.

I also have SMT I but I forgot to get it out because I'm dumb.

Persona is the future of SMT. Of course you should include it. You played Persona BEFORE it got popular with P5 after all.

I want to say this right now before P5 comes out and everyone assumes it's just P5 being shit that makes us say this.

P4G is a good game. I liked it, still liked it, will always like it, but fuck me if I'm ever playing it again. Love the writing but what makes Fatlus think 100+ hours of just time planning can carry a game.

>All my friends are dead
God dammit, you made me laugh so hard my lungs started to hurt.

Did IV Apocalypse leak yet?

Desu 1 and 2
Souls Hackers
Persona Q
Strange Journey

shit i forgot that i uploaded the pic with the post

The game has been out for 7 months.

P4 is terrible. But not as terrible as people make it out to be. Also, it does have its couple of good points.

>Love the writing
Oh sorry, you just have shit taste. I don't mind discussing the value of P4, but, if anything, the writing is terrible.

Where dat P2 EP at sonny?

Gonna import P2EPP and Devil Summoner once the translation patches for them come out. Probably in about 20 years.

Maybe after that one group is done with P2EPP, they'll take over Debisama, since that one single user will take years to do it by himself.


It's happening.

Will the absolute madman release it sometime this decade?

He should drop SMTIV Final and get back to If...
Never ever

almost ready for a 2011 release

Timetraveler detected.

>collecting useless space wasters
>collecting inferior dub-only physical versions

Go away Otakuro.


can't wait
Can't wait

i will kill god and win for once not end up like all the SMT main characters who got a fate worse then death

Who /massacre/ here?

Anarchy ftw

There are people in this thread who don't know the 2011 Megami Tensei 1 meme.

>He should drop SMTIV Final
What the fuck is he doing with SMTIV Final? It's already being localized. Officially.

Why would you pick an early bad end, chaosfag? You're siding with YHVH.

Playing it

no i am killing him, demons and all other beings and taking the place of god making my own world with no monsters.

He means massacre.

>ambiguous endings that depend on the protag's strength are good in this one specific case
>But neutral endings in other games are all bad because they're ambiguous and don't solve the problem

Hey /smtg/. Tell me something good about your least favorite mainline SMT.

>Strange Journey
The atmosphere and music are really good. It also has a really unique and cool setting.

Mitsuru is a top tier waifu and the music is pretty dang good.

this. P3's battle presentation was also pretty good and I'd like to see it implemented in mainline SMT (with SMT's mechanics of course)

>mainline SMT

How is King Mode in Raidou 2? Is it a good step up in difficulty for my second playthough or is it just added tedium?

You can get it new on Amazon for the same price. It will be a reprint though if you care about that. It has a thinner, lower quality case but you could probably buy some cheap as shit PS2 sports game and swap the cover if you want a case in the original style.

Devil Survivor is about the only mainline SMT I've played where combat isn't a retarded slot machine with almost no actual skill involved.

Can someone tell me the decives choices to do for the most neutral-like ending in Apocalypse?

But then why don't you like it user?

>mfw I realized I misread the question

SJ has good dungeons

"Destroy the Cosmic Egg", that's the only choice you need to make to get the most neutral-like ending.

Is there any way to go to /pg/ without wanting to kill myself?

A neutral ending aren't ambiguous about the future. It is clear that another conflict will come. All that is ambiguous is what that next conflict will result in.

In the massacre ending it is ambiguous if there will even be another conflict. Either there is another conflict, in which case it isn't any different than a neutral ending, or there is no conflict in which case it is better than a neutral ending.

SMT4A Massacre >= All neutral endings

SMT4 made the basic parts of fusion and character building of mainline perfect.

Hold your pillow tight.

You could go try going there and not reading anything.

The thing with massacre is that it essentially asks you if you trust yourself. It's a self insert ending, but not a power fantasy.

So, what would you do if you were the God of SMT's universe user? Would you force humans to worship you? Would you give them free will?

I'd impregnate cute demon girls.

So wouldn't that make it better than a neutral ending because you could do whatever you want?

Me, I'd probably keep things peaceful and shit, but I'd spend a lot of time watching people fuck because what else am I going to do?

That is a fun question. What would you all do if you were god? Remember, all endings are canon so long as it is your ending, so if you pick massacre ending whatever you'd do is canon.

Do we KNOW P5 is going to be shit? I mean, compared to P3 and P4?

Neutralfags who circlejerk massacre but hate law are truly ridiculous. The ideological slant you have on massacre is either 1: lawful, or 2: you just don't give a fuck and its an evil ending. The game refusing to call it law because the system is based around you rather than pre existing doesn't change what happens on the actual ending. Since the ideological slants of standard law endings involve specific actions that are there whether or not you do them in a "lawful" way. Vis a vis hikawa.

Is there any way to make money past a snail's pace that doesn't require me to clear the kaplas? I'm trying to get enough money for the two physical magatamas sold by the collector merchant, but this is taking forever.

>self. It's a self insert ending, but not a power fantasy.

It can be a power fantasy. That's the entire point. The game doesn't tell you why you did this. Do you truly believe you can make a better world, or do you just want to be an arrogant god?

>I'd impregnate cute demon girls.

I don't know what I was expecting

>Me, I'd probably keep things peaceful and shit, but I'd spend a lot of time watching people fuck because what else am I going to do?

Could you trust yourself not to go insane though? That is the type of world YHVH wanted before he went insane (according to the interpretations of Atlus) after all.

>It can be a power fantasy. That's the entire point. The game doesn't tell you why you did this. Do you truly believe you can make a better world, or do you just want to be an arrogant god?

Fair point. I believe I would, by taking away humanity's hatred for itself, but also giving them the option not to believe in me, but you can never be 100% certain.

But neutral endings in other games are specifically based around rejecting law, which would solve all the problems forever, and actively accept a slant in which they are guaranteed to continue to some extent. There is no "true law" ending that massacre exists relative to, because the law ending is an early bad ending that is a trick. So only in massacre are you given the power to end strife within the new world forever. Standard neutral rejects the lawful aspects that massacre opens the door to (but due to you being in charge doesn't explicitly say you did next). That's why its the de facto pseduo law ending. Because the reason you would have done this (when interpreting it as a good ending) is the same reason people ordinarily take law. There's little reason to create a neutral world when you already had one. And even if you tried, you're already getting into lawful territory, since even if you have neutral slants, a neutral world that has assurance of a greater peace that you got to by genocide is standard law. Its open ended since as administrator no one forces anything on you. But if you interpret it as a good ending in any way, it makes you already sympathizing with lawful ideology, if not halfway there, since the self consistent ideological stance that allows for this is the lawful one. And if you deviate, you are getting into more self contradictory perspectives.

Couldn't the Massacre ending be considered Chaos as well if Nanashi was just some power-hungry faggot that wanted to become all-mighty and never have to answer to anyone's authority again? He could literally just let humans have their free will (like Lucifer wants), and then ignore them forever and make himself a nice demon harem or something. Even the imagery of him smirking like an asshole with a hand over his eye is Chaos as fuck.

>Do you truly believe you can make a better world, or do you just want to be an arrogant god?

Why not both? I mean, isn't it inherently arrogant to believe you alone can make a better world for everyone?


Alright, /smtg/, time to wake up.

What's the most fuckable cute demon girl?

Moh Shuvuu


Jack Frost

he is moe as shit I might

Does anyone know if the Apocalypse difficulty setting is playable in IVA? Or is it just a gimmick?


Hey, Anthony.

The problem is that that chaos curves around until it becomes law again. You already wiped out any apparent rivals. Which means that at least for yourself, you're establishing a certain order under the assumption that it will remain. Its true that chaos demons are hypocritical and so some would try that, but its hard to spin as directly chaos in any way other than that it doesn't explicitly say that that's not the world you make. But the ideological slant already present doesn't seem to lean that way.