/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

DF Tank Edition

>Patch 3.4 Preview

>Patch 3.38 notes

>The Rising (August 27th-September 12th)

>Youkai Watch x FFXIV Event. (July 26th-October 3rd)

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First for I wish sera would thirst on my c@boi

Dank Knights

All male characters should stop posting.

shh, dragon is sleep

Did someone say something about a Swedish qt?

Why aren't you playing Legion right now?


How many Swedes do we have here?

I want to cuddle this cute dragon.

I don't know. The only Swedish poster I know of is me

post butt


>sounds like a lesbian to me
she's not into girls so nah

>weird boring
she's not weird or boring tho what are you on about

meria (girl)

I'm glad we got a Moogle edition after so long.


Who's this

FFXIV's Next event should be a game show called "Spambot or Roegadyn?"


>she won't date my grown ass bearded overweight self
>must be lesbian

I am, but the more I play it the less I like it. Might restart my XIV sub soon.

Then when 7.1 comes out I'll go back to WoW. It's a vicious cycle.

Because i'm not a sucka?

How do I get into balmung? when i made a character it said i it wasnt open to new ones

a cute

wait for maintenance and be fast as fuck or cough up 17 bucks

Sadly, you'll have to transfer over which costs 18 bucks usd. Balmung is never open to character creation.


>joining a meme server

but why?

Wait for maintenance or pay? I guess they scrub out tons of bots during maintenance, I'll keep an eye out I guess

Go away ugly dragon. Post more cute lei!

bit rude

server is always full so unless you make one right after the maintance when everybody got kicked out, you have to pay to transfer there

I wanted to play on the server everybody else was on.

Try Leviathan.

Why would anyone want to play with Veeky Forums groups?


which race looks best as a monk?

hyur, both midlander and highlander

all combat animations are the same for all races.

highlander, cat

Cats and Lalas.

who is this semen wizard and does he has a soft butt?

Play on Ultros. It has a pretty big Veeky Forums FC. The most stable one.


so basically anything that isn't elf and au'ra

anything that doesn't have weird proportions, so roes are out as well

guys guys guys...
*posts a picture of a character not a single person finds appealing*

I like all femroes


>the cringe when ippiki tried to flirt with meria


oh shit

fill me in

??? I like femroes.
Why do people seem no not like Roegadyns here?
Anything not like, aur ra or a miqote seems to get made fun of

>Anything not like, aur ra or a miqote seems to get made fun of
elezen are nice too sometimes


>zettai offline for 7 days

So what's the Balmung roleplaying community like?

same reason people don't like ugly women in real life

Don't mind me, just sitting here looking cute in the flower patches in New Gridania waiting for it to rain to catch raincallers what the fuck man

I hope not, I got to hang out with them a few times and they were nice to me.

>that quest
Oh I remember that one. Had to wait a couple hours when I did it.

wow what an ugly moonie, how many dicks have you sucked this morning? i really wish all moonies would die.

I know how you feel. If you were on my server I'd give you some.

what do I spend poetics on?

People just don't like muscular women?

tl;dr he'll say cringy thirsty shit directed at her in xivg discord and she pretends she didn't see

Not more than you, sunshine

Less releaving gear

Glasses or NO GLASSES

It's not that they're muscular, it's that they're ugly. It's like whenever you see artwork of a female orc, it's never an actual female orc, it's a muscular woman with teeny-weeny tusks.

No glasses

left is derpy

right is cute

got any logs? please give me more excuses to make fun of pickles

Both are cute. Probably without though.

>Needing glasses

You answered the question for yourself

No glasses or find some better ones.

Bis Koi is cute! Cute!!

>craft high house bustle


I'm bored

Anyone on Balmung need anything

How do you fail crafting glamour

>craft cream cheese


What server?

Which one helps you draw pictures of women being murdered

I dont know< i think the hispter glasses look cute and just sorta work the best.


discord screen floating around of meria sharing a screen of her in a treasure chest and pickles saying he'd spend a million whatever currency on that loot

this 1
removed undesirable elements



fix your goofy ass hair already


Femroe. Literally what even sold me on playing femroe and Monk. Fell in love with the combination the moment I learned True Strike.
Highlander's probably good, too.

What worked the best while you were masturbating to women being murdered?

i think i'm going to be sick

should I play this game or legion?

why do you guys make fun of him so much
he's nice

>Still jealous that someone else is more popular than you know

Im glad she will keep posting.

I'd spend a million [insert currency] on sera desu


Lonely miqote looking for erp


he's everything but nice


I dont really like the look of the other hairs

This requires an ippiki meme montage.


artisan specs are the best glasses