/twg/ - Total War General

Isabella when edition

>Patch notes

>Vlad von Carstein Free-LC
[YouTube] Total War: WARHAMMER - Vlad von Carstein FREE-LC (embed)

>The Grim and the Grave
[YouTube] Total War: WARHAMMER - The Grim & The Grave Official Trailer (ESRB) (embed)

>Call of the Beastmen
gamesdeal.com/total-war-warhammer-call-of-the-beastmen-dlc.html (Cheaper)

>FAQs & General Info
pastebin.com/gZ1T9VCN (embed) (embed)

>Steam Groups

>Total War Warhammer Mods

The Beastmen are a cool faction but the pack is a bit overpriced for what you get. There probably won't be a price drop for some time, so if you really like the Beastmen then go ahead, otherwise wait it out.

Double click a spell (it needs to be a boostable spell and you need to have enough magic in the magic pool) to overcast the spell
There's a 50% chance that the caster damages itself though!

Select your lord (make sure not garrisoned or in a stance)
Select the quest battle (on the map or through quest log)
There's a button in the bottom right of the quest battle window that you can use to teleport for 5k gold (when the battle's finished you're automatically teleported back to your original position)

Group units with ctrl + g
Select your group and right click the enemy
All your units move and automatically direct themselves to engage enemies they get close to while maintaining formation


Other urls found in this thread:


I love Vlad

So this is supposed to show the possible addon area, right?
If an expansions covers the east and the south the standalone version will be really strange and disconnected. The eastern part seems really small too..


>Patch notes

>Vlad von Carstein Free-LC

>The Grim and the Grave

>Call of the Beastmen
gamesdeal.com/total-war-warhammer-call-of-the-beastmen-dlc.html (Cheaper)

>FAQs & General Info

>Steam Groups

>Total War Warhammer Mods

The Beastmen are a cool faction but the pack is a bit overpriced for what you get. There probably won't be a price drop for some time, so if you really like the Beastmen then go ahead, otherwise wait it out.

Double click a spell (it needs to be a boostable spell and you need to have enough magic in the magic pool) to overcast the spell
There's a 50% chance that the caster damages itself though!

Select your lord (make sure not garrisoned or in a stance)
Select the quest battle (on the map or through quest log)
There's a button in the bottom right of the quest battle window that you can use to teleport for 5k gold (when the battle's finished you're automatically teleported back to your original position)

Group units with ctrl + g
Select your group and right click the enemy
All your units move and automatically direct themselves to engage enemies they get close to while maintaining formation


That seems like a pretty big thing to not mention.

It is now September. With the end of the summer months, The sallow season begins. Ros-fothar in the tongue of the Asrai, it is a time of waning. The Consort-King Orion weakens and rages against his fate, destined to be immolated on the pyre in the coming months. The forest undergoes a change of color from the vibrant hues of summer to more subdued and mottled shades of Autumn.

But if it is a time of waning, so too is it a time of harvest. The bounty of the forest hangs ripely, to be plucked effortlesly by the merry wanderers of its vales and meadows. How fitting, then, that in this, the first month of the season of harvest, the Wood Elves will make a bounteous gift of themselves, the latest and greatest of the factions to be released in Total War: Warhammer.

Wood Elves soon.




>Ghorst has a 20% research bonus
Is this true?

I want to be dominated by a best elf!


Just end it

Yeah, he gets a passive trait of 10%, and at level 3 or 4 you can get a skill that gives 10% more

Genevieve Dieudonné legendary hero when?

Fuck Khazrak and his mino-nerds. I've been scumming this defensive battle for an hour now and I still can't take him down.

>DLC 6 : The Green and the Grudge
>Skarsnik and Belegar as LL
>Night goblin big boss and dragon slayer as Lords
>add Mangler squigs, squig herds and squig hoppers for GS, Dwarf rangers and dwarf bolt thrower for dwarfs
>18 RoR
>Wurrzag as FLC, alongside 5 underground maps

Why do I love Vlad so much?
It's pretty simple when I think about it.
Vlad isn't just the best character in the Warhammer world, he might just be the greatest character of all time.
Just imaging him riding through the swamps of Sylvania, the wind in his hair, his mighty steed below him.
As he rides through the World's Edge Mountains, the Lahmians swoon at his very scent.
They know how he smells, the essence of his smell is sold in Marienburg under the the name of "Carstein Orgasm."
The very nature of Vlad is mystery.
Could he be playing a deeper game than even his creator realizes?
The answer is yes, he has transcended such boundaries as the written world, and has free will to do whatever he sees fit.
However, Vlad is filled with such guile, such arcane craft that he does not even use these powers.
Why, you might ask? You will never know, for the mind of the Vlad is not one that is easily penetrated.
Vlad is such a force of nature in his realm that nothing can truly touch him, the only thing keeping him bound to the page at all is his will to exist within the preordained boundaries of his world.
Vlad is not only beyond the comprehension of us, he exists within a plane of true focus and beauty.
Observe his playful smile, his gorgeous and rippling biceps, his gallant nose, and most importantly, his eyes.
His eyes, like pools of saffron, provide the only glimpse into the true machinations of Vlad. Do not stare into them. Many good men have gone mad in the attempt.
Vlad is not just a character, a formless collection of words and images, he is himself is the binding that holds the Warhammer world together.
Without Vlad, the entire Warhammer world, the entire Games Workshop as we know it crumbles.
The Reik would stop flowing without Vlad, Athel Loren would become a desolate crater, and Norsca would melt without his frosty gaze.
These are just of a few of the reasons why I like Vlad so much.

Poorfag here Beastmen or Grim & grave?


Beastmen are smelly and don't know how to witness true power.

Daily reminder that elves are the best race, and Wood Elves are the best elves. Therefore, Wood Elves are the best faction.

>It's pretty simple when I think about it.
>Vlad isn't just the best character in the Warhammer world, he might just be the greatest character of all time.
>Just imaging him riding through the swamps of Sylvania, the wind in his hair, his mighty steed below him.
>As he rides through the World's Edge Mountains, the Lahmians swoon at his very scent.
>They know how he smells, the essence of his smell is sold in Marienburg under the the name of "Carstein Orgasm."
>The very nature of Vlad is mystery.
>Could he be playing a deeper game than even his creator realizes?
>The answer is yes, he has transcended such boundaries as the written world, and has free will to do whatever he sees fit.
>However, Vlad is filled with such guile, such arcane craft that he does not even use these powers.
>Why, you might ask? You will never know, for the mind of the Vlad is not one that is easily penetrated.
Grim grave bro im enjoying it beastmen plays the same as chaos and there mini campaign is trash

Seriously, am I retarded? This battle is impossible. This is the first time i've fought the Beastmen and I was so amazed at how hard they shit on me that i've been replaying it over and over to see if it can be won. Garrison stack is a pair of swords, a pair of spear/shields, and a pair of crossbows.

If I don't instantly remove the minotaurs by pouring all of my ranged firepower in to them, my army is chewed up by Khazrak and the gors. If I tie Khazrak up with my lord, the minotaurs charge through my entire line and cause an almost instantaneous rout. If I hold up both the minotaurs and Khazrak the ungor raiders just fire in to the melee blob and end the battle with 200 kills. This is absurd. Battle difficulty is normal, the Archaon/Sarthorael doomstack was easier than this shit.

Minotaurs are fucking insane in this game.

Kinda a refreshing change from tabletop.

Grim grave

Beastmen are fun to fight against, and you don't need the dlc to do it

For Legendary Lords, do you find it better to raise their combat abilities or their army buffs?

I hope instead of dragon slayer we get Runelords (+anvil of doom) and shieldbearers


Can't do it mang.

Fall of the eagles when?

just let it go user

Would she be a great Damsel?

Why do minotaurs just cause entire units to spotaneously fucking explode? How does the Empire even exist with these rape monsters hiding in every forest?

And then Khazrak instantly rolls over to Eilhart and razes that in an impossible battle, too. Rest in piss, Volkmar campaign.

You could just recruit him after starting with Vlad and the get same thing.

whats with her face?

>have the quest for Manny that needs you to have 10k money to spend 5k to the necromancer
>play some time, don't think about the quest anymore
>one of my armies has been wiped out and I want to save some money to build up a new main army
>suddenly 5k spent for Mannfreds quest
>don't have enough money to build a nice army anymore


Beastmen if you want a really fun new faction.

G&G if you really just want to replay Vampires but want new things.

>reminder to watch your tone and intent, or it's off to /pol/ with the other christian nazis

Beastmen, while being a lot of fun, it's a scam due to the shitty campaign bundled

Grim&Grave just expands the Empire and VC rosters, with some fun new toys (especially, VC)

Or just buy neither and get the next faction this month

>replay button
that's a great idea user! tweet that to CA. they say they're open to suggestions

She's a human being

>Luthor Harkon has asked for money
>we should give it to him or he'll be mad
Faction "Leader" Mannfred Von Carstein

2month break user here.

another question. How the fuck does vlad work? Wouldn't he just kick Mannfreds ass and take control if he returned in the lore? Why is Mannfred still the faction leader?

>Ancient empires still not released

>Wouldn't he just kick Mannfreds ass and take control if he returned in the lore?
Yes, that's exactly what he does when resurrected in the End Times

>Why is Mannfred still the faction leader?
Voice acting for Vlad would cost too many Charlememes, so "they made a deal"

She's a spud with legs. PLEASE fuck off back to either /brit/ or /tv/. For the love of fuck don't ruin yet another thread.

>Why is Mannfred still the faction leader?
Because read the ingame text.

it's too late he already ruiined this one

your waifu is peasant shit and so are you.

>Yes, that's exactly what he does when resurrected in the End Times

>Voice acting for Vlad would cost too many Charlememes, so "they made a deal"
aw come on. that's kinda cheap. Oh well that's why I kinda didn't want Vlad implemented but I guess many warhammer fans do so whatever

>Because read the ingame text.
haven't bought the Grim and Grave dlc yet

27 days left

How are beastmen still a thing post turn 8?

>haven't bought the Grim and Grave dlc yet
You don't need it to play as Vlad and see why he didn't kick Manny's ass.

>You don't need it to play as Vlad and see why he didn't kick Manny's ass.
nice! going in now and reading the text then

SHIT! I went into TWW and hit escape to avaoid all the intro stuff and it said I unlocked a bunch of stuff.
What did I unlock guys? I saw something about Sarthorel the everwatcher but missed the other stuff

>Sarthorael the Everwatcher (custom battles only)
>Vlad von Carstein (Free DLC)
>Boris Todbringer (custom battles only)
And possible notices about new DLC

ok thanks user


>Play Lizardmen
>Even Chaos Manlets will be in the game before your guys

can anyone tell me how to win the von carstein ring quest?

new leaks when?


>and see why he didn't kick Manny's ass.
Spirit leech to OP

The White Dwarf was just leaked as the tenth DLC.

>tenth dlc

I tought the skaven were the 10th dlc

Maybe he's the FLC alongside skaven?

Its not a fucking leak, its an articule.

Tie up the minos with your spearmen. That worked the best for me. I had a similar battle against beastmen on normal. It's all about them spearmen.

Don't expect user to know the meaning of words.

No you fuckwit

literally whorst

Ancient Empires was supposed to come out on Tuesday, where's my fucking game you niggers

Doesn't it come out September 30th

Jesus fuck I thought we had October already
I just wanna play that fucking mod lads

So for volkmar are flags your anvil vs swords or are they just better flankers still?

>Jesus fuck I thought we had October already
8th -> Oct right
Literally fuck the Romans sideways for inserting two extra months

t. gregorian

>month #10
You can't say this isn't fucking retarded

with the ghoul?
kill as few cheap things as possible, just tarpit to avoid graveguard summons
send vlad in to curbstomp the ghoul king first thing possible

They have zero armor, they can't take hits worth shit. They're purely for flanking shenanigans.

I wonder if RoR is going to work for faction unlocker runs?

>having autism

t. gaul

Sticking a waifu or two in there to spam Spirit Leech helps as well. Once you take out the Strigoi, then everything else is just gravy.

he has a point though

>can kill himself to summon grave guard

How historically accurate is Fall of the Eagles really?
Were 5th century Roman troops really that fucking insurmountable to other nations?

Doesn't invalidate my point though, we may as well name the White House the Red and Black House because that's what color it was when it was burning down, it'd still be stupid.

So will there eventually be 4 LLs per race?
Will mousolin ever be officially playable?

The release info specified that they hope the RoR system is going to inspire a whole bunch of mods.

Only the top-tier ones are even that strong, and I'm pretty sure the Romans, having the only professional armies at the time and whose main issue was losing control over their shit and having an empty treasury and overextended border, would have better top-tier troops than anyone else around.

>Were 5th century Roman troops really that fucking insurmountable to other nations?
Well I don't want to spoil it to you m8 but in the end the roman empire collapses and barbarians pour in, so no not really

Some races have a lot more potential legendary lords than others. I doubt CA is aiming for all of them to have the same amount.


In the West maybe.

Yeah but the Imperial Ming army wasn't actually weaker than the Manchu and they lost anyway. In both cases, bureaucratic nonsense, overextension and an empty treasury was what killed it.

inb4 t. greek

Probably for all the ones out right now, but it's unlikely every playable race will have that many simply due to a lack of characters to choose from. Still, the fact that we got a literal who like Ghorst shows that CA isn't above making things up if they have to.

Mousillon will probably never be officially playable though, as they never had TT rules.

yeah no, the goths and huns bitchslaped the ERE

true, but some decisive battles were lost by the romans, so they weren't all that superior, and certainely not OP like FoTS makes them to be


But where?
Anyway yeah but in FotE only the elite troops are significantly better. The lower-tier troops I'm pretty sure actually tend to lose to barbarian troops, the heavy infantry aside (but even that gets chewed up in a charge pretty well).

How did china invent all this shit a billion years before yuropoors and then get shrekt hard within the space of a 100 years?

>But where?

I feel like there's a meme I'm not getting here

wait nevermind I'm retarded

that's embarassing now