/hbg/ - Homebrew & Hacking General

Previous thread /hbg/ Wiki: homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 9.2 (Downgrade: 10.7 - Homebrew: Browser/Menuhax up to 11.0)
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60 (Kernel)
PS4: 1.76 (Kernel), 3.55 (Userland)

3DS: pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
Downgrade + a9lh: github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki
Wii U: pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
Vita: pastebin.com/v3caHHnp • Decrypted Games: pastebin.com/4gm37Buj

-11.0 Browserhax & Menuhax are out now! smealum.github.io/3ds/
-Install Menuhax ASAP if you're not already on CFW, because Nintendo can block Browserhax remotely without a workaround. twitter.com/smealum/status/758450605568372736
-You STILL can't downgrade, use CFW or install .cia files from 11.0 without a hardmod or hacked system transfer. github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki/DSiWare-Downgrade
-SD card access from DS mode accomplished, still working out how to load roms. gbatemp.net/threads/413015/

>Wii U
-IOSU allegedly happening, update to 5.5.1 recommended. twitter.com/Mathew_Wi/status/766504663826870272
-Enter under DNS Settings to block updates. twitter.com/NWPlayer123/status/766486134356529152

-TheFlow0 is continuing to update and improve compatibility for Vitamin. bitbucket.org/TheOfficialFloW/vitamintwitter.com/TheFlow0
-The source and a writeup of the stage 2 exploit have been released. blog.xyz.is/2016/vita-netps-ioctl.html
-HENkaku release 3 is out, enables spoofing for PSN access, update blocking, and more. henkaku.xyz
-Update 3.61 patches HENkaku.

-A webkit exploit is available on firmware 3.55. github.com/Fire30/PS4-3.55-Code-Execution-PoC
-Game Decryption (1.76. maybe 3.55 soon) playstationhax.it/forums/topic/3104-tutorial-how-to-bypass-pfs-protection-entirely/

Other urls found in this thread:


>Download emulators and roms
>Runs like total shit
>Shitty sound with random FPS drops
>Can barely run SNES games

The original PSP could emulate N64 for fucks sake, and this shit can barely run SNES?

INB4 b-b-b-but it just got hacked! t-t-they'll fix it!

werkan monster monpiece in about an hour or less
currently dumping at 50% using the current version of vitamin, will ftp it to my seedbox in a bit

>piracy is out

ii heard retro arch plays them good

SNES is great

use snes9x2010_libretro


Hello yes what firmware do Amazon vita's ship with

It just got hacked. They'll fix it.

God vita piracy is so bizzare.

Its like swimming in a sea of neckbeard fatass weaboos who keep yammering on about neps and nude mods when all you want is that one obscure sports game, thats sitting on the counter at the other end of the room, but you have to take the plunge JUST to grab it.

Is it the uncensored version?

>b-b-b-but it just got hacked! t-t-they'll fix it!
Yeah that's kinda what usualy happens

When vitamin 2 is released this weekend I'll dump it straight away.

you already posted this shit normie

guys i have a legit question, i know that obody has get a banned account, but still here i go.
i have henkaku (still no updated to 4), with some games and i have played it (dis 4 and sein gate)
i'll wait for vitamin to release.

i want to log again to my psn account, and download some games (sound shapes, mortal kombat, escape plan, etc.) for bumping them when vitamin is out

how do i delete thropies earned?
how do i desync trophies?
am i ok, loggin in with henkaku in my psn account?

sorry for bad english btw

xth for going on a date with your dollfu.

It also sucks that half the games getting dumped are kusoge shit.

We already know that you had a taste of weeb semen and can't forget about it.

No bong version which can apparently be uncensored
Soon find out

When 1.2 comes out which is now after 2.0.

>"I want attention so I'm gonna repost my retarded opinion in a new thread!"

Fuck off

>tfw lurking because of Henkaku, but would really like 1:1 dumps

I love you cyber slut user

thats a book user

Where does one purchase pic related?

Hello yes additional question can I download my PS+ Vita games to my ps3 and put them on my Vita with out having to connect to PSN on the Vita thus avoiding updating it

Fuck off third world scum

Oh, then there is already an American version that was dumped on one of the previous threads.

Anyone dumped Ciel no Surge?

>already have cyber sluts and DT2
>get to watch people beg and squirm for them to be dumped

>p4DAN asks for extended permissions


Fucking normalfags.

it's too small, i can't see it

What happened to vitamin 1.2?

Is there a trustworthy source for games yet? Blackcats barely updates and really doesn't have a great selection.

>that one obscure sports game
What game?

vitamin 1.2 when


Yeah but it doesn't work hence me re-dumping


It's 2.0

>no dlc outfits support yet

Can you do a henkaku first time installl offline on a PSTV?

>Like weeb games
>Can't stand the weeb faggots in these threads now

anyone else know this feel

Both games have been dumped already, they simply don't work yet.

What's wrong with wanting to bone a book?

But this is only for O3DS.
For any other model, you have to order from katsukity at 3dsvideocapture.com/
Katsukity does lower quality installs though.

What a fucking nerd

doesn't work
>no Surge

Every time I turn my 3DS off all my titles I rearrange get reset to the home menu in order I added them to the SD card.

Any ideas on what the fuck is the problem?

>theflow called the guy that says all dumps are broken retard
>all the links where taken down because of retards complaining about shit games like GravityRush/FFX and because they though saves were broken because they went into sleep mode

>1:1 dumps
>DLC and updates regardless of game origin
>CFW and online
>proper saves
>emulation getting optimized
>chinks delivering flash alternatives to the proprietary bullshit

What should I do with my 6.60 ME1 PSP now?


>Grand Kingdom
>Have to go online just to access 95% of the content

Update it to 6.61 Infinity.

This shouldn't be happening in the first place. Is it a Henkaku problem? Fucking Yifag release source already fuck.

just use the henkaku spoof nigger

grab a hammer

So what's the problem with sleeping your vita?

If you sleep your vita in the game your save gets corrupted?
What if I press the home button and I'm on the Vita main menu and then sleep?

Update to 6.61 ME 2.3 with cIPL/Infinity depending on your model.

>This shouldn't be happening in the first place. Is it a Henkaku problem?
Probably since the games are not 1:1 runs and neet to be run with Henkaku open.

maybe the actual real problem is: Henkaku fucks up your saves after long hours of sleep

literally also posted this on /v/ kys faggot

My EU 3DS crashes on a black screen when I try to play the US copy of Rhythm Fever Megamix from Freeshop. Do I need to install additional files to play out of region games? I'm on A9LH.

Kill yourself and fuck back to (You)Tube.

>risking a future ban
n-no thanks

where is the link to vita ids?

日本 P4D dump when?

What's the point

Unlink your nands

Enable language emulation on luma. Power off and turn on while pressing start. You should see it

still corrupts
You have to CLOSE THE FUCKING GAME before using sleep
Or if you are a pussy just turn it off

>What if I press the home button and I'm on the Vita main menu and then sleep?
then you can save normally

i'm getting the same thing. i have the jp version so i have just been playing that.
Wonder if its an issue with freeshop or something.

more features

I'm gonna uncensor it once it's uploaded.

The current version is broken after a certain point in the game.

most games require a redump, I stopped uploading there since most of the leechers were pretty ungrateful in their attitudes

Then I'm going to take it down.


is anybody going to dump world trigger? i haven't heard anyone say anything about it

>accidentally had one duplicate theme in my theme pack
>have to remake the entire pack and reupload it

Installed game boy interface using wind waker, it looks really nice.

What are my options for GBC and GBA flash carts if I don't want to pay a ton for Krikzz's stuff? Is EZ-flash IV good, besides the lack of RTC for pokemon?

Use the auto rename python tool some guy did kn leddit. Works like a charm

EZ Flash IV is a solid choice but don't count on GB/C support


Hopefully the EU dump works otherwise we may have to wait for the mythical 1.2.

i'm a different user, just tried that and still hangs at the black screen.

Welp, for me it's the other way around, it's when piracy come out that I realize there are few games I really enjoy

Make up your minds.

>still corrupts
im the Disgaea 3 fag that did the 5 hours experiment.

I got the corruption when I put my Vita to sleep INGAME for some hours, don't really remember how many

Then yesterday. for research,I pressed the home button while playing D3, went to the main menu and let it sleep for 5 hours
After turning it back on. I could still save and there were no issues.

so maybe all this save shenanigans only happen if you let it sleep INGAME.

ill do more tests today for longer hours so look forward to that

Good we don't want any primadonna uploaders.

right, I realize you need separate carts. Everdrive-GB seems like the only thing out there I can find though.

Read this, it should resolve your problem : gbatemp.net/threads/rhythm-heaven-megamix-on-luma3ds.432066/

and stay tuned

You have to go back.

i dont want to do that i just want the link

like ?

I had an ezflash4 and it was good for 45 bucks, a little on the cheap side construction wise and using mini-sd cards is kind of a pain in the ass now, but worth it if you find it for less than 50 imo

I don't know anything about GB/C carts. There's an emulator but it's not very good.

>ungrateful in their attitudes
>every comment section is literally a bunch of thanks or tech support at worst
what the fuck do you expect, people to lay down the red carpet and kiss your feet for a dump of animu-waifu #243?
et over yourself.