/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

Shooting players from underneath beds and sheets will never be a thing in Siege Edition

>Season 3 Operation Skull Rain info

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The password is: Operations

>Official news

>Developer AMA Recap

>Maps and drawing tools for all available gamemodes

>Weapons and Armor damage comparisons

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>All the Classic Rainbow 6 games running on the latest engine, compatible with current windows, all maps, all modes.

>WIP /r6g/ guide for crosshair overlays, tactics etc

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>that mute ass
Mute is a boy user

Made some OC based on the shitty German jokes from last thread

>I will place special trap for her next operation.

Post your OTPs

Ash x Thermite
Blackbeard x Valkyrie
Bandit x IQ
Glaz x Caveira
Kapkan x Frost
Montagne x Twitch

I don't get it.

German humor.

First for webm

I'm german and I don't get it

If you're german and you don't get it means your grandma got liberated.

Shit boy I am laffin, good job.


>Montagne x Twitch

hot french love

GIGN Mom and Dad



Thank you, Chank.


Wait guys.
What if.
What if chanka's turret could self destruct if tachanka pressed a button.
Even when he's dead.

>tfw killing people with edd on a regular basis

>self destruct with the radius of a C4 if an attacker goes near it

>people with 130+ ping
literally 6 armor operator

>even when hes dead

You cant even move drones when you're dead.

If Tachanka dies he becomes a ghost that able to carry his machinegun anywhere on the map where the team needs it.

>it's an teammates just won't stop shooting at blackbeard episode

Is Siege's community decent? I want to buy it, but I tend to stay away from multiplayer games due to people tend to be assholes in them. The game looks like it could be a lot of fun though.

>it's ok bro I can peak blackbeard just fine, look now how I nail this noob
>other teammate thinks he can show how it's ''''actually''' done

I prefire on that nigga's shield all day. He literally can't hit me

You can find some pretty solid people in matchmaking

Community is okay. Many retards, but good kind of retards, non agressive. Average skill is kinda weak because most of the people playing Siege don't care about being the most pro yolo player, they play for fun. Because of that you can often encounter "just a game bro" attitude. People don't communicate well because, as I said, people don't give a shit. Ranked is a bit more try hard, but still not enough. People try harder in counter-strike silver than siege gold ranked.

some cool guys, some tryhard codkiddos, just the usual mix

>playing secure area on that German biker map
>doing alright
>4 v 1
>my buddy walks by a window and gets picked off by iq
>IQ keeps trying to pick us off from outside
>I tell my team to stop peaking and wait for her to come
>I see a dumb as kapkan peaking
>he dies
>"uhh, yeah. Don't peak, just wait it out"

I get fucking livid from idiots like these

Maybe they couldn't hear you? For me a lot of people mumble or have their mics super low.

They're okay and you meet some fun people sometimes in PS4.
Can't avoid getting paired up with retards or shitters at times but that's literally every multiplayer game.
I also read the reviews on steam and most people say that it's a really friendly community.


>Not Pulse x Caveira
>Not Glaz x Ash
>Not Blackbeard x Windshield

1/10 for the obvious Kapkan x Frost. Rest is trash.

I made sure I was clear


>it's 4 people are coming from the same direction episode

>it's "i need to see where's glaz myself" episode

>local clanfags ruin everything

Not sure why clanfags in particular tend to do stupid shit like rush out like this.

>Implying chanka doesn't have supernatural powers.
>Implying that isn't exactly why Tachanka isn't an attacker.

>Playing against clanfags on yaht.
>Everytime theyre on defense their Jager runs out and tries to spawnkill us.
>Gets shot down every time he tries it but we're losing.
>Their Jager ragequits.
>We come back and win.

we wuz cod mastarz n sheeeeeeeeeit

He seems pretty laidback.

>join game
>4 cancerous clanfags in it, spamming ebik twitch memes

they're scourge of every game

these are russ

>Nobody expects the turret flank.

>They both ragequit

what the fuck

Illegal strategy.

>Smoke running outside.
That honestly irritates me more than anything else. They weren't even thinking about it or that, "Hey this guy is a lot more useful if he stays alive maybe I shouldn't pick him." and pick Jager or Mute, they pick fucking Smoke, aka "I have a shotgun and a sniper pistol and one of the best defensive gadgets in the game, but I need to actually be fucking alive to use any of it," The retardation is astonishing and I'm fucking terrible at siege.

What the hell is this matchmaking?
Why do we have 2 Golds vs. 2 Diamonds?




which one of you fags did this

Probably no one since pepe is now a normie meme.

m-mute? a-are you okay bro?


>Not heartbeat sensor x electronic scanner

We seriously need a booru.

>team dies in one minute every round
>always leaves me to clutch
>11-3 by the end of the game and lose 2-3 with only two other guys still on my team
>team still says it was my fault for not clutching
>2-4 and 1-4 respectively

I have a person who I regularly get forced to play with in my premade. Not so much anymore, but used to at least. He picks literally nothing but Smoke/Sledge, uses the SMG-11 and dies across the fucking map, proceeding with
>can someone come and revive me? I downed the guy
Whereas he gets killed 3 seconds later. Either that, or someone goes to help him and he gets that guy killed as well, and the enemy that got downed gets back up anyways so it was a 2 for 50 hp on one guy.

I fucking hate playing with him. There is a time and place for quick pushing and all that, but not with fucking Smoke at the beginning of the round. Don't think I've seen him survive for longer than 45 seconds on either side in 7 months.

Why do people pair Glaz with Caveira?

He and Buck are the only operators shown getting interrogated in the trailers

crazy, intimidating dominatrix going after the reserved, quiet artist type sounds hot desu

Idk, I think crazy x crazy is hotter, but most male operators seem fairly well adjusted, apart from maybe Smoke.

I've had it with the fucking PS4 community on this game.

>Playing Blitz against a team of Pulse, Bandit, Smoke, Caiveira and Mute
>Fucking nitro apocalypse
>Entire team lone wolfs and gets fucking ruined by Caiveira and Pulse (2 fucking interrogations i n one round)
>1 V 5 As a blitz with 3 health
>Someone votes to kick me for not rushing in the room
>Gets removed immediately

Fuck this.


Pulse x Caviera is the best because they are both edgy wallhacking bitches.

Pulse is a bald beta faggot, Caveira secretly wants a real man.

Fuck off, Smoke is perfectly sane and we'll adjusted, and he is a fine operator that carries the banner of the SAS proudly on his shoulder. You must have fallen to the lies of dirty shield attackers that claim he has injured the hostage and fellow operators with his advanced gadget and tactics but they are false and there is NO PROOF of this happening. For queen and country.

Can you do my "really big fucking hole" German joke from earlier senpai

This one desu

With capcan saying "Sounds like you have something in common"


I too believe that Smoke is a perfectly sane individual and I will heartily admit that he's the only one of the defensive operators I can relate with, along with Caveira. I wish them both several promotions.

>play caveira for once
>lurk around
>our jäger gets caught and injured
>he remained injured for some seconds
>obviously bait
>fucking kapkan starts shooting me in the legs from below as a "go and save him"
>reduces me to 45 hp with team damage
>fuze rushes into my room
>gun him down
>peek out
>instantly dead because Buck was aiming exactly where I was and had been doing so long before Fuze ran in
>would probably have survived if Kapkan didn't lower health that much
>they're premade when they votekick me out for not 'saving jäger'
>despite jäger being able to tell them that 2 people were standing on him

I fucking hate premades in this game sometimes.

>1st round do amazing kill 2 people and get an assist for another
>2nd round suddenly everything is rubberbanding around and super laggy
>get kicked out of match for having 250 ping even though the menu says my ping is 30

fuck you ubisoft

Bandits crazy

He sold drugs! He even had to kill

>get into game when it is 0-3
>fucking rape the rest of the time
>go 7-1-2
>ends the game 5-4

feels real fucking good


Fokonz is an annoying little bitch



and part 2. Holy shit editing the jpg was painful.
Next time I'll just save a blank version so you can edit your own stuff.

It's much worse when the premade teams get very pissy at you no matter what you do. And when they decide to blame you for everything.

This is the highlight of my life, thanks drawnon

oh well


What went so wrong?


Tfw had a 4.0 win loss ratio then decided to solo queue for a bit and my win loss went down to 2.6 because I can't carry every game.

Bandit x IQ x Jager

>D-Dont tell my comrades about this

It doesn't matter, comrade.



>That edit

>tfw all the male operators are huddling over the russians cracking their asses off while watching this