/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, September 3rd:
301 – San Marino, one of the smallest nations in the world and the world's oldest republic still in existence, is founded by Saint Marinus.
1260 – The Mamluks defeat the Mongols at the Battle of Ain Jalut in Palestine, marking their first decisive defeat and the point of maximum expansion of the Mongol Empire.
1941 – The Holocaust: Karl Fritzsch, deputy camp commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp, experiments with the use of Zyklon B in the gassing of Soviet POWs.

EU4 Rights of Man DLC announced

EU4 DD18/08

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI4] - Après Moi, Le Déluge

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[EU4] - Expensive Warfare Mod 1.0

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 29/07/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V8

>>[V2] Many Houses Divided - v

Old Thread

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wrong op

Any of you lads want to play some casual victoria 2 MP?

Erdogan is based

Who is he?

Post your IP

He's a fake turk, not white and not based

Ck2+ update when

No way. Add me on steam or something.

What's your SteamID then?

Post games

>It's a "liberal progressive thinks /gsg/ is his personal echo chamber" episode

based nickyposter

I don't get it
Why don't we just wait and see who wins? It's not like screaming that it's all over for him or that he is literally satan or that Hillary / Bernie is sure to win will change the future.

>if you don't like my meme candidate that means you like the other meme candidate


>It's a "/pol/ thinks Veeky Forums is their personal safe space" episode

/gsg/ is not /pol/'s backyard me phamlads

Fuck off

Erdogan is based


Literally all of the candidates are meme candidates this time around

>i dislike everyone
Epic political standpoint, me lad. You are a magnificently principled and intellectual man.
>if you're not a woman you're a man
Oh sorry, my sir, i do apologise, you spectacular non-binary person!

Simsulla should kill himself already.

He's not "redpilled", he's just retardpilled.

>Back up

Just post a steam link. There are millions of these accounts if I Steam search

>R&I got his post deleted


no plz I very sorry ;__;

desu when your choices are three different colors of shit

Mods are based

Based mods

Probably a falseflagger who shitposted a bit too much last thread.

Mods are white and based

I'm not from the US so I literally don't give a shit about who wins. Also Hillary would probably be a better choice than Trump at this point. Does anyone unironically believe that Trump will be good for the economy?

it's so damn obvious he deleted himself, stop falseflagging

steamcommunity.com/id/Mr_Aureus Sorry for complication

Hillary actually botched multiple things though. Like Egypt. And Syria. And basically everything else she did. Plus she'll probably go all womyn's rights.
Trump on the other hand is a literal meme and I hope he wins just for the memes.

Trump will bring the jobs democucks gifted 3rd world shitholes back to us you retard.

>last online 165 days ago

>It's a "people who think that they're the only ones capable of being tolerant" episode

Just logged on a few minutes ago. Let it update.

That's not necessarily good for the economy desu since prices of random things will skyrocket.

There are people who unironically think floods are God's way of punishing humanity for homosexuals and vaccines against polio, meningitis, and HPV cause autism (and increased sexual activity for the last one).

this is bait

damage control

Hate this "It's a x episode" meme

fuck all of you

>It's a "man posts the picture of the cat being threatened with a knife" episode

Trump literally doesn't know what he's talking about more than half the time and if he's ever going to be elected into office he's most likely going to be a puppet.

Trump can't do anything about jobs getting outsourced. That's one of the few cons of free market capitalism.

I hate this "Hate this "It's a x episode" meme" too

>punishing humanity for homosexuals and vaccines

Yes I'm sure Americans will love working on Nike's first production floor.

Dude... those dobbles... hella sick....

>Trump literally doesn't know what he's talking about more than half the time
I'm not from the states and all of my family members have secure jobs (except for my leeching sister but whatever), I couldn't care less if the economy hits the fan. I just want the memes.

>1941 – The Holohoax: Cause it never happened

It's a "rudeposter checks them" episode.

Hello I'm here for the liquor as advertised on reddit.com

Now, I acknowledge that he himself might not believe that but, knowing my parents, I fully believe his congregation, or at least a good part of it, believe what he says.

t. falseflagger

you're a post-falseflagger.

Fuck off

>It's a "man posts the picture of a spanking obsessed cult leader ok-handing" episode

Reminder that the only redditors here are the ones who "ironically" post on reddit and encourage other redditors to join us.


alex is based

>i have literally nothing to be proud of so i'll be proud of my skin color

nice meme dude

What the FUCK is his problem???

>he's most likely going to be a puppet
Arent all newer USA presidents puppets anyway?

Reagan was probably last big fish.


this only mentions faggots, not vaccines

/pol/ is based

>strawmanning this hard

Why do assume I'm white, you racist shitlord?

funny stuff dude

It is now high American hours.

Mental retardation.

based rusposter

t. based "It is now high American hours." poster

Americans are based

Have you been living under a rock for the past decade?

>Generation Rescue is a community of parents and families who have vaccinated their children and now believe in informed consent.
"We surveyed over 9,000 boys in California and Oregon and found that vaccinated boys had a 155% greater chance of having a neurological disorder like ADHD or autism than unvaccinated boys." -Generation Rescue, June 26, 2007
tfw when a source cites itself

If you fucks don't shut up about American politics and start talking about games then I'll flood this general with child porn.


give him a break, he's fighting the globalists for god's sake

Oh no we wouldn't want that.

Americans are based
Drumpf is based
Shillary is based

So /gsg/ wins either way lad?

*dares you*

You said floods were punishment for gays and vaccines


based polish CP poster from /int/

>We surveyed over 9,000 boys

>769 start
>200 years later France, Auquitain, Burgundy, and Austrasia unite under the king of France
>Europe finally doesn't look like a shitstain
>French king is murdered not even 6 months after the union
>western Europe becomes a wartorn hellhole again

>faking it
No you wont.

>There are people who unironically think floods are God's way of punishing humanity for homosexuals. They also believe that vaccines against polio, meningitis, and HPV cause autism (and increased sexual activity for the last one).

Sorry, fucked up sentence structure.



Also councils need to be gassed.

Based reddit immigrant

how did you get that from his post? he could be a kike hating arab for all we know. jew hating goes beyond such primitive concepts such as race.


Dumb animeposter

back to treddit with you.

>video games
pick one

Jesus Christ fucking kill yourself.

fuck off bubba

Video games suck.

Is "bloating" an official Paradox meme now?

I bet you took ALL THE VACCINES