/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral

RN Cruisers soon™ edition

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Patch 5.10(LIVE):

British cruisers announcement (SOON™):

PT server or some shit idk

Stat tracker/Stalk your favorite wowsg

>Useful Information:
pastebin.com/nuWhcW1K (embed) (embed) (embed) (poi) (embed) (embed) (embed)

>In-game chat channel
NA Channel: Search for 'Veeky Forums' channel by Antibully ranger
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel", password is "vidya"
SEA Channel: Veeky Forums

Upper class clans:
NA: [HURTU]: na.wargaming.net/clans/wot/1000010943/

Lower class clans:
NA: [KUMA]: na.wargaming.net/clans/1000021519
NA: [NTR]: na.wargaming.net/clans/1000007315/
EU: [NOFUN]: eu.wargaming.net/clans/50001123

previous thread

1st for EU server #1

2nd for deporteds will never receive jake's blessing

I can't hear you over the sound of my glorious free prem botes, Muhammad

deder than ded

reminder you will never have such awesome garden

>Shitposting keeps thread alive
>People complain about shitposters
>Mods ban shitposters
>Thread dies


what would you give eugen that would fit its uniqueness in game?

better AAA? excellent bomb protection? radiation resistance?

>Radiation resistance

Can anyone post what color the seirans on the I400 were suppose to look like?

So /wowsg/, which are the best uses of free XP in the game? The ones which I've encountered so far are
>Furutaka's gun upgrade
>Fuso's B hull
>Mutsuki's torp upgrade
>Various USN BB and DD range upgrades

I'm sitting on 111 kfXP and I have no idea what I'm saving it for.

Are you fucking kidding me, I could have gone outside and seen that.


>still have leftover freedomcamo equipped
>ship looks too good to use it up
>entire german cruiser line resigned to being port queens

life is suffering

look up the ships with highest wr and dam on wotlife, I think. T10 is a credit sink, so not sure you want to free xp there.


It's not a massive buff (radar is nowhere near as useful as smoke or a healpot), but it'll help make up the difference for most of her stats being marginally worse than Hipper's.

Plus there some historical precedent for it. Before the fight against Hood, Bismarck knocked out her own radar set. Eugen was moved to the lead position to use her undamaged set.

>port queens

Yorck is still good

I-400 tier 3 CV premium when?

would be real nice if she could do all.

hydro, radar and barrage in one ship doesnt even sound OP

Which boat is prettiest boat?


>still no weeb representation


>on a camo
does it glows in the dark too?

Hyuga premium BBV when?


Dazzle camo is meant to make it hard to gauge the range to the ship, not make the ship invisible.

Gearing is plump, cute, and eager to please her captain

it was for the NBA event on NA, they sold these ridiculous 22.5k silver camos and whichever of the four that they offered got the most "uses" would be the country that gets T10 discounts at the end of the weekend.

almost as dank as the super bowl event where we had repeatable x2 (or was it x3?) for like 2 days

No contest.


yamato is a qtest whore. she is neither pretty nor beautiful. the choice for elegant and most prettiest is clearly nelson and or rodney.

I'm going to have to disagree with you.

being qtest is for girls being elegant beautiful and prettiest is for women. better luck next time kid

Rodney a best


Izumo to Yamato

>Bitches kennen nicht mein Alpenflage aus


So who else is gonna buy the Eugen?

that's a tirpitz user...

and Scharn>Eugen

just a reminder that when the french say they were inspired by nelson in making dunkek they are lying they literally stole the entire m3 design document.


im more interested in the tier 7 cv saipan

its likely a terrible idea but i could never put myself to grind CVs and it sounds like a nice t7 premiumwith the cost of a t8 ship

>those #3 & #4 firing arcs
BBVs were a mistake



>unfunny meme that noone cared about the first 9 times you posted it maybe if I post it again someone will care
care to neck yourself you autistic dumbcunt?

>ugly ship that noone cared about the first 9 times you posted it maybe if I post it again someone will care

kinda ironic don't (You) think?

>no u
glad to see you are so poorly educated you feel the need to flash your autism like that. what else would one expect from a continental cuck.

Why shouldn't Noone get the pleasure of seeing the meme again if he's enjoyed it every time so far?

glad to see that still triggers you so hard. read a book and get out of highschool then try talking up to me ok kiddster

>spams HMS Abortion every thread
>starts popping flares everytime someone mentions you lower thread quality with that bathub filled with broken glass.

I'm willing to give one more (You) if you can even recover teeb.


>y-y-y-y-you l-l-l-l-l-lowering thread quality
>s-s-s-s-s-s-stop h--h-h-hurting my f-f-f-feelings
I get it tears are flowing slowly down your folds as you whimper thinking of the hairs around my anus lightly strocking yourself and murmering mako pls softly. but I'm not like that ok you can take your pathetic projections and stay the fuck off my thread until you have something to contribute my dude or post your stats kid.

All that matters is that (you) care. Mako

Make sure you have a 15 point captain for it


Why is Isokaze so comfy? Gud gunboat And gud torpedo boat.
I just wish high tier DDs had similar kind of gameplay. OK guns and rapid firing torps. In this case each torp should do less damage in order to make DDs into harassing ships instead of gg-kaboom-re ships.

fuck off boog you fat lispy autist. post your stats in this gen right fucking now.

well i dont have how to get that too.


can anyone speak badly of sims?

That would be balancing though and we cant have that.

Tier VIII Premium Italian Littorio Class BB Roma when?

when negative torpaedo protection doesn't crash the engine

Well you can play Saipan without one. Its just that you lose every single air battle against better CV captains. If its released again, we may have hundreds of bad CV players filling games. It wont be that bad probably for you

>stay the fuck off my thread until you have something to contribute my dude
>posted as thanks to my post we're one post closer to bump limit and nothing contributed to /HMSAbortiongeneral/

You're kinda right teeb even replying to you lowers the thread quality. Here's that promised last (You) hide it under the pillow so it doesn't dissapear.

glad to see you continue to realize how much of a retard you are. mcfucking kill yourself aspie :^)

WG should just delete all accounts with over 50% BB played on them. Instant gameplay improvement.

T. Khab hiding in permasmoke

Hold on you disgusting pathetic weeb.

You play nothing but fucking BB's in a desperate attempt to pad your winrate after tioga shit on you last week.

>Gneis buffed on test server

Called it.

I'd play with cruisers if there weren't too many BBs... so I play BBs and contribute to there being too many BBs.

Not my fault WG is shit at making games.


7/10 of you most played ships are fucking BB's you dumb teeb.

And 65 fucking dunkek games in a week. holy shit who do you think your kidding.

Fuck off and kys statpadding scum.

spoiler]as if murmansk being far wand al;l your most played ship wasn't blatant enough[/spoiler]

>These mental gymnastics
A better game starts with you, user

>secondary battery durability buffed


You sound upset.

I see no buffs.

you sound mad :^)

Literally its only weakness.

Don't be salty, weeb-lover.

Still has six 15 inch guns.

>You should suffer so I can pad

Are you that moron from the last thread who thought vanguard wasn't just a lion/kgv hull?

Still has higher average damage than any other t7 BB.

You sound mad, user. I think you should take a couple deep breaths

I dunno man you're the one who came here crying

Perhaps if you weren't such a blatant whiny pathetic shitter we wouldn't laugh at and bully you.

how do I switch targets tracking


Is the ARP Ashigara worth getting? The damage requirements seem quite gruelling

>whine about not being able to play cruisers
>complain about others being whiny pathetic shitters who come here crying

not even him but

what the fuck man


It's not that much damage. I've barely played much the last few days and I already got it this morning.

>like 1.2 million damage
Maybe at like, tier 1.

>WG should just delete all accounts with over 50% BB played on them. Instant gameplay improvement
I get it you're embarrassed and upset.

But there is no reason to pretend to be someone else in such a pathetic and obvious way.

You got btfo and you can't recover. find a pillow and cry in it. instead of spamming damage control

You should take a nap bud.

not him, dipshit

I just want an honest answer of what the fuck you're trying to say

please tell me the Phoenix's modules are worth it

Don't bully Mako guys

Leave him and his shipfu at peace

X or look at a different ship for a split second

I understand your mentally very slow.

But try to keep up with who is who ok my friend.

It would certainly save you some embarrassment if you merely attempted to lurk moar. Ok

No mental gymnastics at all. You can complain about being stuck in traffic while also being one of the cars contributing to the gridlock.

Its not my job to fix it and I have no obligation to play in a sub-optimal way in some misguided altruistic attempt to make a better game, when in reality I'll just get dumpstered. WG can fix it.

>Whine about not being able to play cruisers
>Hatch the great plan of playing BBs because you can't play cruisers
>Complain on a Vietnamese Nickelodeon board avoid how you can't play CAs because of the oversaturation of BBs
>Continue to play BBs and call anyone who calls you out a shitter

was just curious because from here it seemed like both of you were fucking retards who came here to cry

thanks for setting the record straight my man

all I'm seeing is more you complaining my dude XD