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Genn is awesome

6.2 was a KICK ASS patch and im sad its gone

>he makes threads early


RIP in peace, NFA.

What content is there to do once you reach level 110?

Any tips on withered army training as a fire mage?

removed strahtholme vanilla this is like 50000g+


>Go to the official forums
>People with 20,000+ posts

Makes me wonder what is my post count here.

We don't have an official guild or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not guilds or discord groups, promising raids or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

Guildfags forcing their drama into the OP

>tfw mythic is easy as fuck

world quests (worthless garbage) and heroics/mythic dungeon at this time

>Average wait time: 22 minutes
>Time in Queue: 57 minutes

>mfw I spec Vengeance with an unlevelled artifact and mash buttons in LFG
Not a single healer has complained despite the fact they need to use their entire mana bar to keep me alive on every pull


gsg pls go

Seriously user stop trying to cause trouble, you are trying to change things embedded in the community for years

okay ring collectors check this guide

Playing balance, Have got two 805 relics or my claws of ursoc so I'm thinking of giving tanking a shot as guardian

why doesnt genn speak like a brit?

Name one horde faction leader as cool as Malf

Enhancement is doing a LOT better, elemental has been shit for a long time, the burst is okay, but nothing will compare to the burst enhancement can pull off

Better AOE, better CDs, only downside is that you're melee, and no fucking group wants melee.

10 years of posting must have me in the upper 100ks.

it's the fucking weekend and this game is already dead in north america

Brits have loads of different accents like Americans. They're not all cockney or posh.

If I'm going to sleep should I just put all my followers on missions no matter how low the chance is or should I save resources?

You legitimately gave me the best laugh I've had all day user

>Look mom, i posted it again!

It's supposed to be. Greater ri- I mean Mythic+ is the new hotness.

They redefined how they measure server pop in anticipation for more resubs.

was achievable in mop/cata for a long time lmao

i dont want to play warrior anymore fuckkkkkkkkkk

i shouldve rolled something more fun

Sylvanas better fucking win. This expansion has fucked the Horde way too much.

what did he mean by this?

How come goblin is the only good horde race?

It's that fucking smug Karazhan reaction pic.

Goblins are shit

>Twilight Ring of Lordship
>still avaliable
>anything more than 25g

its in demonic language if you're a demon hunter you can read it and it says im a rose im a rose etc

>He hasn't seen the leaks

She goes insane with power trying to make a giant army of Val'kyr, we kill her during the end of the expansion, same thing that happened with Garrosh happens with her only no old gods are involved.

>People who think Sylvanas will becoming Purple Loot spewer soon

wew. I wish I was this diluded

Cute...and hot as fuck

I wonder if she can take the knot

What's the fastest way to level from 90-100?

Then who the fuck is the Warchief? There's like 2 Horde leaders left alive since they fucking kill a Warchief almost in every content patch.

And who then leads the forsaken?
Is it Bolvar?!

Who knows. Blizzard is making Bolvar evil so people can't call sylvie the Lich Queen anymore.

Someone gimme a recap for nfa, if it good enough ill spill the source.

They killed everyone cool and replaced them with shitty doubles. tThe Pandaren guy is kinda cool, and Saurfang and Eitrigg will always be cool. And if we're playing the druid game, Hamuul Runetotem is way better than Malf.

the speed of light

please respond

>two low class rings are higher priced than the mid class rings

Guys I feel the urge to play again rising.

Played Resto Druid for ages but I don't want to go back there. Do I play Monk or Outlaw Rogue?

>Walk into a tent in Highmountain because theres a treasure chest inside it
>End up walking into the aftermath of a threesome between a human and 2 tauren

i want to boink her

>People who use me to clean instead of kill themselves

I wish I could be this diluted.

Saurfang becomes leader of the Horde, there are audio files and a bunch of datamined stuff you can find online, he's involved in the quest leading up to stopping her.

Don't bully

Are you fucking kidding me? Blizzard are making ANOTHER Horde leader a raid boss? FUUUUUCK

Why do they hate Horde so much?

>finished my class campaign and unlocked my 3rd relic slot
>nobody else in my guild has

Is the DK one just super short compared to every other class or what?

>garrosh must pay for his crimes of trying to conquer the entire world!
>grom you're ok even thought you genocided and enslaved half a continent and tried to conquer that other world too
th-thanks metzen
Since WC3 Grom was the ultimate dindu

>Saurfang becomes leader of the Horde


That's cool and all, Saurfang is my boy, but wouldn't he immediately end the war between Alliance and Horde?

Also there's still the problem of the missing forsaken leader

You guys are being trolled

Probably by the same people who kept spamming that Slyvanas killed Greymane in Stormheim even after people had proof otherwise


Of the suramar chapters I have only these left
A Growing Crisis
A Change of Seasons
Breaking the Lightbreaker

Does anyone know if one of these can be found in the world like the other ones or if all are nightfallen story chapters?


Some officer went retarded and made a macro that kicked anyone below his rank so now the guild is in shambles

>Also there's still the problem of the missing forsaken leader

>Spends all the gold make the Horde look stylish as hell

Fuck yeah

Legion is great and if you don't agree then you hate MMOs

This game is an MMO again

If this is true (and I doubt it is) then what the fuck is Blizzard doing? They replace one Warchief, kill the next after 2 xpacs, give the next one fuck all to do for a whole xpac, then kill him, give a """fan""" (people who like Sylvanas just cause she's hot aren't true fans) favorite the title of Warchief, then kill her to give someone who's had less than 10 minutes of in game dialogue and a generic orc click voice into Warchief. Yeah no.

>missing forsaken leader
Bolvar is their new leader

>there are audio files and a bunch of datamined stuff you can find online

So will Alchemy be a money maker this expansion? I am debating on going LW/SK or Herb/Alch on my DH

Do you get anything for freeing all the Feral Worgen in Val'sharah as a boomie?

>queue systems
>don't need to group up due to new tagging mechanics

>all Legion content scales, essentially removing character progression

WoW is just a game at this point.

>still AFK while in queue for dungeons
>no forced grouping or socialization at all other than trade chat shitposting and world quest zergs

it's not a MMO, it's a singleplayer RPG with dumb AI.

We named him Dranosh


Breaking the Lightbreaker in is Felsoul Hold

Who becomes the new forsaken leader? I feel like the only way this can work is having a semi-redeemed forsaken, probably some deus ex machina that will allow them to escape the void in the afterlife. Im thinking naaru prime is gonna sacrifice herself go free the forsaken.

Saurfang is a fucking Warchief of Memes already, that's a solid enough CV for a Warchief of the Horde in a Blizzard game.



hey guys i know how the expansions going to end heres my complete lack of proof to prove it

Which race/class/spec/sex combo would you be, if you could be it in the real world?


>42min dps queue

Can someone help me track down Gisco, I need to know what exact college he goes to IRL so I can see his daily routine then when I have it down I keep "accidently" bumping into him then we hang out and he fucks my tranny bumhole

>want to play goblin
>rest of the horde is shit

I'm struggling with this shit every day

Human Male Warrior ;)

Been stuck for hours at item level 808 because nothing drops in normals and I'm chaining them one right after the other. I think I'll just buy a BOE.

>best cinematic in the game
>best characters
>best conflict (faction war)
>completely irrelevant to the zone story and is never brought up again
Fuck I hope there's more Sylvanas vs. Genn in future patches.

Mage would probably be the most useful
Obviously human male

they don't even have a relevant troll leader, what makes you think there'll be a new forsaken leader when there are no other relevant forsaken characters?
the horde only exists to justify PvP, vomit out saturday morning cartoon villains like garrosh and half-assed good guys like green jesus, blizzard gives no shits

Just tank senpai.

ha nice one indeed, though i am not sure if it works well.
Usually when you see the word pounder people think of someone pounding something, in that case they could think i want to pound other tauren, they could either think female tauren D:

Need something that doesnt suggest dom top gay, more like i take tauren beef name.

>twin peaks
>alliance gets first flag
>horde gets a flag shortly before end of the game
>horde wins 1 to 1


post a your first spec and your reaction to how it is now.

>Frost DK

Thanks senpai, already guessed that was the last one left, but google isnt really performing atm