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Children Can Stay if They Want Edition

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>enemy has a 4 man stack
>rein, mercy, ana and hanzo
>rein is fucking invincible due to mercy and ana
>getting ana ulted every 30 seconds
>wiping our team every time his ult is up
>try doing the same
>their mercy just rezzes every time we wipe them because she sits back in flanks and waits until she hears the reinhardt ult go off

How do you deal with this?

FUCKING DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Get rare skin
>It's for a character I don't even play
I mean, I'll take it.

hana song

Do not disturb the QTmaker.

Is it even possible for people to get bronze?

>Young Ana
Hnng, delicious brown

>Overbuff says Blizzard removed win rates from QP
Is this true?

how do i git gud with zarya


>Decide to start playing OW at 1AM every night
>Quality of players/games I get in fucking increases tenfold

oh god why didn't I do this before

it's fucking heaven

>get legendary
>its a roadhog emote
I mean getting Bloodhart sorta mitigated the pain, but damn

Maintain at least 30 charge at all time and do your best to never die.


they removed the "total games played" stat, you can only see wins now

which means you can't calculate the win rate anymore


young ana is so fucking adorable, god dammit

forced 50???
I am 7-7 in this new season so far
I went 5-5 in my placements just like last season. i got d/c'd for an auto loss after a 3 game win streak

>opposite team goes full Zaryas
>they lose miserably
>opposite team goes all tjorbörn
>they lose miserably
>all Hanzos
>they lose

Is this a thing now? I want these goddamn faggots off my matches, literally every 3rd match has been like this

Amélie Lacroix
>those emotes
>that voice
>dat ass
>that blue skin
>qt face and smug for days

zarya x tracer

never knew i wanted it but damn
i bet zarya could take her whole fist

garbage; they want so badly to move towards a feel-good-safe-space social environment, but that's just not going to happen; people are going to be rude, shitty little assholes in any online game. there's no getting rid of it, only mitigating the absolute worst by obfuscating information that's actually useful to self-betterment

such trash; it's not at all unreasonable to want to know whether or not the mccree on my team went 0-12, or whether i was the weak link in a game and need to look over the recording to see where to improve


Night Ops 76 or should I keep using Strike Commander?

how big is Zarya's penis actually?

If I'm still relatively new to KB + M, which characters should I play to practice aiming? McCree?

Also is it just me or is there performance issues with the latest patch, sometimes I'll randomly drop to like 10fps for a few seconds and it's completely fine otherwise, this never happened before

>still has granny voice


How do I git gud with sniping? General things to practice would be appreciated.

Her clit is like a female hyena's pseudo penis

Bigger than yours

>Playing as Zarya on King's Row
>Hold enemy team after A till the very end when they get a really great combo
>They start pushing in overtime
>Finally get there, use Graviton Surge behind them
>They all get sucked off the payload
>Because of overtime degration the game immediately ends before I can even shoot a grenade

Never has an ult been more satisfying. Fuck POTG and fuck getting points

When the actual fuck is Blizzard going to start permanently banning people from joining ranked games if they leave a ranked game.

Not that smug when she takes hot monkey dick

Click on enemy heads.

>tfw you'll never get a hand job from her while she's sitting on your face and saying things in french

How do I get out of the mid 2000s?

>>its a roadhog emote


Guess my SR /owg/
I'm convinced that ranked is full of mouth breathers and i'm being fucked in the ass by blizzard.
If i don't play support my team loses all cognitive functions and we lose, but if i play support my skill rating is fucked.

>most school kids are now asleep
>quality of game drastically increase
I wonder if it's a sign?


Post your main/s and give one piece of good advice to a newshitter on how to play said main/s in 5 words. no more. no less.

>enemy team is using Mei AND Junkrat AND Symmetra AND Torbjorn plus a Mercy and Rein
>no one on my team can deal with any of them
>I kill two or three but die to the rest using their lolskills on me
>Mercy resurrects them
>my team keeps dying at the choke

How do you deal with this?

Roadhog has a new emote where he jams Junkrat up his gaping asshole.

Junkrat maybe?
Depending on the map he can lob grenades over Rein's shield.
Or just a decent flanking reaper. Honestly that team sounds very all or nothing.
Depending on the other 2 members

What's your current bracket and what is your sensitivity set at?

bubble shit, then laser shit

Sorry, Epic. Not too familiar with lootbox rarities.
It was Can Crusher btw

It was on Nepal, we only managed to take one round off them and that was when we first changed to their strategy and they weren't expecting it.

>play at 4 am
>get "this"

Diamond, sensitivity is 4.

Widow will never finish that book.

Retarded teammates make you stronger

>Reinhardt tries to charge my team

For the first time in my life I carried a game.
>tfw you carry so hard, the enemy team only shoots at you

>Git gud man remember you're the only constant if you cant 1v4 them then you obviously deserve your rank :^)
But seriously ask a team mate to got Tracer, Genji, Winston or someone like that and to harass the healers when they do make sure the other two can't fucking protect them, try to target the mercy always always always first.

58 cm/360

I hate these fuckers.
There's always some drunk guy playing torb (even on attack) in the middle of the night.

>Custom Game
>Set up Headshots only
>All bots as Ana

There you go. Ana can't headshot so you can practice

Its true when i get them i go zen and murder everyone

Spam arrows around corners.

MAKEITREINH is my new friend

Lads will buying a 165hz monitor and a 1070 upgrade from my 60hz on 780ti improve my game?

Also does g sync add input lag?

If it was QP, I'd say just stack Winstons
Comp I dunno, hope your team isn't retarded


Press Q to Team Kill

>making heroes that are annoying to fight instead of challenging

I'll take duels with McCrees and Soldiers over fighting Genji/Tracer/Mei/Junkrat any day.

Gear won't make you better, only practice will.

V Sync only lowers your FPS to counteract the screen tearing that generally occurs when you're playing on a non-native resolution.


I bet they still carry over MMR from QP though

>hey guys, it's ok QP losses don't matter (but we'll still pair you with retards in competitive if you lose in quickplay)

Ana + Zenyatta to block healing and amp damage

>Also does g sync add input lag?
Yes. Keep it off.

I own a 144Hz monitor and just recently tried playing on a 60Hz monitor. Everything looks super blurry and I often can't see enemies. I think it's worth it.


Do you buy water filters, too?

>Mei ults
>fly into air as Pharah
>why am I still slowing down
>fall to the ground



Anyone reported this bug?????

>I'll take all aim no brain
no, if that were the game then you'd be complaining about the opposite heroes

>rank 40s from season 1 can now stay diamonds forever because of this stupid bell curve shit

>that last kill

>he doesnt do that all the time
>he doesnt have reaper repicks and tracers bombing him 24/7

They do so all my meme games in qp count

>ultimate + luck shot
>just hanzo things

But its always fairly fun when it works out...

>Guys we werked really hard on this matchmaking algorithm just give it a chance even in quick play
No fuck you you can keep that shit in comp

>mccree pressing E then holding rmb isn't annoying

Shoot teammates before they're damaged.

GSync adds input lag, though not as much as VSync

any refresh rate past 120hz is a meme and the advantage of going over that value gets HUGE diminishing returns
t. idiot who spent tons of cash on a 144hz monitor when they were the newest thing

You're right, we should just remove ults in general and make every class soldier 76.

In fact remove the words heroes or class. These are too hard for most people new to videogames, instead people should pick depending on which character they like and even if they are bottom of the barrel downs syndrom retarded they should have a chance to do everything against everything like they were told as a kid to not feel bad about being mentally worse than their every human better.

Are you implying it takes brain to fight these shitter heroes or that they take brain to play? Anyways fighting tanks takes brain and doesn't feel cheesed to fuck nor terrible to lose.

How come I become worse and worse the more I play the game?

I was kicking ass this morning.

20% GIVE IT UP FOR 20%

wow I actually forgot about that

RL happens sometimes, would be bad press for Blizzard if they b& someone having a family emergency

Well its good to see these two doing their job.

Now blizz just needs to get on with making genji the scout and everything will be absolutely horrid as usual.

Jamison Fawkes!

what are you arguing about

Semifinals but they can't even check their fucking corners


How long has it taken to get there?

if you're talking about comp then I assume you've rose in rank, therefore the people you're playing against are better

if you're talking about qp then luck of the draw with your teammates

Depends completely if it makes you more comfortable while playing
What are you on about?

Is this game really worth $40? I'm thinking about buying it but it just seems so steep when TF2 is free and CS:GO is dirt cheap.

It doesn't get boring real fast does it?


Maximum charge is not invincibility.

>Roadhog tries to do anything