> girlfriend gives me a ride to her apartment > she hates Pokémon Go and thinks it's pointless for whatever reason so I open it up when she's not around > while she goes to check the mail I see there's a nearby Dragonite > I don't want to get out and go look for it though > we eventually get to the apartment > while she goes to do laundry I open it up in her room > the Dragonite is in her room > ??? CP > She comes in and starts making her bed > Shamelessly catch this Dragonite in front of her despite a few looks of judgement > it has top IVs along with top attack > Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw > totally worth it
Bentley Cook
your gf sounds like a bitch, you should assign her to a gym, sounds like a mean defender
>coronado beach Holy shit, if anyone lives here, you wanna go farm Dratinis there at night. I saw 5 Dragonairs spawn in 3 hours and multiple Dratinis. Hands down the best spot so far compared to La Jolla Cove, Mission Beach or Oceanside Pier. Now the problem is that I have 125 Dratini candy so I could turn that 80% IV 754 Dratini into a 2800~ Dragonite or evolve that 1290 Dragonair which is 95%.
Brandon Thomas
>I could turn that 80% IV 754 Dratini into a 2800~ Dragonite >or evolve that 1290 Dragonair which is 95% What the fuck how is this even a question?
Bentley Rogers
what is this about?
Would 15% IV matter that much? I gotta say though, that's the highest IV Dragonair I've seen on those parts after farming 2 weeks. It's odd because people said nests had lower IVs but a lot of these spawns have 80%+ IV
Adrian Myers
What? Why would you waste 25 candies evolving that dratini when it has inferior IVs to boot? Did you mix the names on accident?
Parker Carter
>Necrobot account running for Level 21 >Walkfag account playing casually since release >Level 18 Should I just give up?
Brayden Ward
>what is this about? He talks about his sleep schedule which has been 4.5h a night since the game came out. Jesus christ.
Chase King
It's awful, I love it.
Noah Sanders
Mostly because it has a 200 or so CP edge on the Dragonair but I guess you're right and I should just save that 25 candy. Dragonites power up by 50+ per upgrade so it would take me 12 to get this Dragonsair as strong as the other and I'd still have 13 leftover. With some luck, he'll hit 2900 or 3000 too.
Seriously though for anyone in California reading this, Coronado Beach is fucking insane.
>He talks about his sleep schedule which has been 4.5h a night since the game came out. Jesus christ. Oh, sounds like me except I sleep 5-6h. I drive to this beach that's 40 minutes away by car on the freeway every other day until 1-2 am and use the next day to get 8 hours of sleep.
>walking doesn't level your pokemon they had one job
Zachary Harris
Now it kind of does. Or soon anyway.
Dominic Williams
Landon Jenkins
Roomie caught this a few weeks ago.
I laugh every time I see it.
Liam Smith
Luke Smith
How are they gonna fit things like Wailord?
Kayden Rivera
Pidgey walking should give 5 candies for a kilometer.
Michael Roberts
nigga i'm still waiting for the pokewalker 2.0
Wyatt Campbell
What does this even do? Tracks your walking without the app on?
Jack Murphy
Expect it to be released in 9/11 or 9/30.
John Jones
Question guys. I have a bot account thats slightly higher level then my legit one. Should I stick with the same team to double up on gyms or switch it up and use it to take out bottom tiers of high level gyms so I can throw my mons in?
Gabriel Harris
If you kick something out of a gym with your alt and intend to replace it, remember you still need to train the gym up anyway.
Kevin Cook
Yeah thats the only problem, if i take down a 10 to a 9 I don't wanna waste time prestiging it back up.
Henry Jenkins
ded thread
Logan Sanchez
can't wait to go out and catch some BUGS and BIRDS
Austin Edwards
Go to victory road man, there you'll get ROCKS-
Caleb Hill
>something else but a bug or bird for once >it flees
Logan Morales
>98.7℅ Staryu >Tackle and power gem
Connor Morales
>come from terrible walk session >open up scanner >blastoise where I live >42 seconds remaining
Luke Clark
Well at least it would have been 0 attack shit.
Shame stats don't matter.
Juan Thompson
yesterday I got cucked with my blastoise move set, it took me like a month to get enough candy, fuck IV, moveset is where the real frustration is.
Aiden Young
>omastar with mud shot/hydro pump Hold up, is omastar actually GOOD? I heard lots of people talking about him lately.
Dylan Ross
whipped as fuck*
I think you meant to say You sound like a lil bitch*
Austin Moore
>want to run my own scanner >too stupid to use all that python and shit like that
I-i guess I'll stick with bluestacks and pokemesh h-he he.
Isaiah Bailey
I haven't played for like 2 months and have no idea what IV is. I only care about catching different pokemon and not taking over gyms anyways
>90% starmie >water gun and hydro pump is starmie any good anyway?
Christopher Clark
to all the people that got one from an egg, what's the CP of a level 20 eevee? I have too much candy and I don't even know when to evolve this shit.
Eli Stewart
thats 100%, strongest wartortle you can catch right now :^)
Cooper Cook
>evolved form giving 3 candy and 100xp why is this allowed
James Stewart
Love how I'd rather find a Weedle, Caterpie or Pidgey than a Butterfree, Beedrill or Pidgeot.
Jace Walker
That's because they're easier to catch and have the same payout
Henry Barnes
reminder that 20-30 costs like 80k stardust while doing 30-40 is like 160k for only a 15% CP upgrade.
Colton Gonzalez
what are the top 3 rock/ground pokemon? rhydon for sure but what about the other 2? is there room for kabutops or this nigga a shit?
Jack Thompson
Lucas Rogers
Are they even bothering to fix the nearby pokemon shit? Not even sure people care about the game anymore. Or are they more concerned about blocking all the tracking sites?
Mason Sanchez
>catch a Butterfree, Beedrill or Pidgeot >later, realize it has 20CP
Kayden Mitchell
Better than some 500 or so shitmon that takes 10 balls to catch.
Every time I see a bug or bird I hope for them to have 10cp.
Dylan Johnson
how do you not notice as soon as you see it? they're not really good fighters anyway so its better for them to be low, you only want their candies
Alexander Edwards
Angel Ross
what a shitty mockup they didn't even include anything that stands out, why did they bother doing it at all?
Robert Martinez
Pokeballs take up way too much space, so I preffer to waste them that way.
Xavier Martin
375km walking for enough candy to get a dragonite
Nolan Allen
What's this buddy system?
Adam Campbell
Just google it man. At this point everyone and their mothers know
Julian Morgan
does the walking just give you candy or automatically evolve the mon? what I want to keep my buddy as my starting Squirtle and not evolve?
Ethan Martin
Owen Cox
update fucking when
Michael Ortiz
2 weeks
Luis Anderson
So pokemon yellow.
Tyler White
>250 candy por a fucking charizard that might come with shitty moves THEY DID IT THE ABSOLUTE MADMEN, BASED NIANTIC
Juan Nguyen
sauce on this? this is some next level bullshit. I didn't expected the game to shit candy for the player but come on.
Andrew Moore
no, you get one candy each 2km
50km(25candies) to evolve it to charmeleon, and 200km(100 candies) to charizard
Leo Morris
>you get one candy what if niantic does something good and makes it a random number from 1 to 3 or something like that?
Colton Foster
Guys it's been two weeks that I appeal and I haven't got any answer, should I reappeal?
Brody Ross
>level 25 >280 km >not enough for a dragonite wew lad but I get that the idea is that this will be a supplement not your main source of candy. This would be cool for powering up some mons.
Mason Morris
tell me /pgg/ what pokemon are (you) taking for a walk?
Carson Bell
Your mom
Caleb Sanchez
>all those rare mons you transferred and you are left without a single one for the buddy system alakazam never ever for me.
Mason Richardson
Friendly reminder that the hours column is calculated by dividing the distance by the maximum speed that the servers allow for egg hatching which is like 10-10.5 kmph. Actual walking is going to be 2-5 times longer than whatever the column says because nobody "walks" at 10kmph and the game sucks at tracking distance traveled for non-spoofers.
Noah Rivera
>not autistically keeping one of each around in a collectathon game You fucked up.
Ryan Adams
What if there is no counter like the ones eggs have where you can check how much you need to walk to get your next set of candy?
Oliver Young
>been playing casually, had never even checked this thread before >Discover fastpokemap >Realize I've been walking two blocks away from FOUR Eevee nests on my way to work
Son of a bitch, so that's where they were. The little shits are packed together in like three or so blocks in the one route I hadn't yet tried.
Nicholas Robinson
>mfw scanning for Dratinis in my area
Every other gym-camping dickweed in two kilometers has a fucking Dragonite, they've gotta be SOMEWHERE.
Parker Gray
My 1600-something Clefairy with Moonblast 1v1s 2700+ Dragonites. I find Snorlaxes more annoying gym holders.
Blake Jenkins
how tanky is clefable? you need to always dodge?
Thomas Ward
Bot account just got banned finally on 9.7 just today big banwave going through lost 10 3k dragos and 2 25k snorlax and lapras all 100% At first was posted but now I'm over it just sucks not enough instinct in my area to back up gyms God luck to everyone betting still your time Wil come soon
Jacob Torres
Quite tanky but 2700+ yes, you need to hit your dodges.
Jaxon Martin
>people think clefable and wiggly are good against dragos >not realizing steel wing is a thing and the best defense tool for a drago If someone put up a fucking d. Breath dragon they deserve to lose
John Cox
Meant to say Clefable but you seem to have understood that.
Gavin Nguyen
They are good against Dragonites. Steel Wing without STAB is still mediocre and Fairy ults still tear them to shreds.
Cooper Murphy
>Muk and Nidoqueen nearby >really want the muk because I've seen more dragonites than muk/grimer and I really need him for the dex >head out towards where he is >waiting to cross a set of traffic lights >theres a guy with about 5 kids waiting too, all probably between 7-13 years old (i'm not great at judging ages) >one of the boys is maybe about 10 years old >he keeps going "jooooohn fuckin cena!!! jooooooohn fuckin cena!!!" the whole time we're at the lights >eventually the dad mumbles "stop swearing" but the kid keeps saying "joooooohn fuckin cena!!!" >I walk ahead and get to the muk/nidoqueen >theres a tangela on top of them too, all in one cluster >catch all 3 eventually >train a nearby gym on the way back >train the other nearby gym at the end of my street from level 7 to 8, takes god damn forever because it needs 8k prestige >guy whose house the gym is in front of asks if I'm alright, cant tell if he's genuinely concerned because I've been standing there for so long or if he's just annoyed that I'm in front of his place >tell him I'm fine and I'm just playing a game on my phone >he walks back inside
how was your day today pogo?
Sebastian Hughes
what makes muk so great? never seen one so far.
William Cook
just really rare for some reason along with grimers maybe they lowered its spawn rates because of the grimer bug instead of addressing it properly
Hudson Roberts
What were you doing to get banned?
David Taylor
>ults This isn't a MOBAshit.
Luis Scott
but he seem to ranked pretty high power wise
Ayden Peterson
where are you reading that? he's decent but I wouldnt call him great
Parker Sanchez
I don't play MOBAs and you're an autistic faggot.
Samuel Edwards
high HP and nice CP. But I swear I saw him on some of the charts people post here. Not sure against who the double poison moveset is good anyway since most grass mons are also poison.