/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #566

>Schedule for September:
8/31 - 9/8 - Detective Barowa and the Unfortunate Fortune
9/1 - 9/21 - Order of the Lord (LoV Collab - Defend Order)
9/7 - 9/15 - Fall of the Dragon (Vampy Event Rerun)
9/16 - 9/19 - Arcanum: The World Beyond
9/22 - 9/29 - Guild War
9/30 - 10/8 - Scenario Event

8/31 - 9/4 - Legfest (New Characters Rate Up)
9/15 - 9/18 - Tokyo Game Show (Maybe Something Nice Will Happen)
8/18 - 9/5 - 12 Million/Summer Celebration Part Three (Magnafest, 1/2 Off Story Quests, 1.5x EXP/RP, Daily Memeroll and 120 Gems, Other Stuff)
Sometime this Year (Hopefully) - UI Improvement (Skill Queue, Ougi Skip, etc.)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

Previous thread

Buy this cute stamp



magnafest ends at 6:59 p.m right?

Reminder to protect Kumuyu with your entire life.

magna character ssr when
lamia levi ojou when?


Vampy is core! CORE!

>he thinks levi would be a girl

Levi would be a sadistic loli that laughs at your misfortune but laments at her own misfortune for being the magna of the homoelement

>tfw you been putting off farming Chev this entire magfest

Time to start


I really want to be Clarisse's boyfriendo! And then snuggle together with my cute boyfriendo while watching movies behind her back!


That fucking cat is not pleased

implying i said she woulndt have a dick

that would make it an it, not a she/he

Sharkmouth shirtless shota Levi when?

[X] Tickle the dog


You mean potato, right? Water has gone a whole three new SSRs without a potato, I guess Cygames can give water a fourth SSR this year.

That actually sounds really nice!

Scary fucking cat.

erun dj where

He's an old man that waves his walking stick at passerby kids because they sneaked into his kitchen one too many times to steal his butter knife.

snek boys are always the best

You don't need to do more damage to obtain MVP user. I've gotten MVPs when I've done millions of damage less than someone else.

>3 more dork axe to mlb
gib more selfies celeste


She doesn't need to be an Erun, her sex drive is very powerful even as an Unknown race.

He'll be a summon

Where's that horde of horny midgets when you need it?

Rude. Don't call Beato's husbands like that.

I heard people say something about getting White Rabbit from this event. It was bullshit, wasn't it?

I wouldn't mind.

They're busy fucking their other dog.

Why is he so cute?

What was the GW spear's ougi?


4-2 its a good ratio or you are just using what you got?

>Third puzzle in the barawa event
I'm missing something or I don't know what constitutes a triangle.


He just is

>Want to sleep
>DO in 75 mins

2 + 5 = 13


I can't tell whether this nope was towards me calling it bullshit or not.

Anyone know when the next DO will start for my group? How can I find if I'm in group C or D?
And this event is ending after the 5th? I was really hoping to get more than one Milia summon, is there any other way to max out the level after this week ends?

Not him, but best mixed setup is 4 fist 2 axe, so I'm guessing he's playing it safe.

What the fuck there's no 13 on a lock like that, it's 0-9. Stupid japs.

Check your profile and then the official twitter or in-game announcement for times. It lasts till 21st.

Schedule for 4th and 5th is in the last thread.
They event will continue til 21 Sep.

Event's going until the 21st, your group is on your profile.

We have two weeks of this event m8. Go to sleep.

Yea, it's either you go full 6 axe or 4-2 ratio if you're gonna use claw on your dark grid.

They didn't tell you it was a hexadecimal lock :^)

The hardest part of that puzzle was realizing that you could input more than 9.

It's a Sunday, it'll be fine.

so tomorrow we get the poll result gacha right?

Reminder that you should use your Haiku refill as soon as possible before the 12mill celebration ends today.

>Vira and Vampy at the top
I mean I could use both of them, but I don't like either of them very much. Also I don't have the crystals.

If i already won 1200 crystals am I excluded from winning again for the entire event or just that day I won.

Pretty sure you're excluded. Only one ID can win any prize and once you win you're excluded from the rest. That's how it works, to my understanding.

>no aussies guild

I was gonna save my crystals for october or something but I would like that baha. Also I have both top characters so looks like I might be getting some gold moons tomorrow implying I'll be that lucky

Make one.

Good taste. Save for next legfest, they've been teasing a new limited for a while now.

5 mins, good luck anons
toot toot

>Make aussie guild
>Get qualified in GW
>First opponents is an Emu guild
>Lose 200m to 2b to the emus

toot toot!

toot toot

There is a filter for haircolor?

honk honk


Who did you get from this ticket?

toot toot



two toots

toot toot

A characterless SR weapon.

Flame sword dude.

toot toot


nezha on main, characterless sr weapon on alt

Characterless SR Fire Gun, you guys know the one.


toot toot!

please give me my first ssr toot toot

>3 Celeste flips in a day
>all 3 of them are harps

Is this good luck or bad luck?



toot toot!

toot toot!

>last free draw was another characterless R
I don't know why I bothered to hope for more.

Post your despair roll Anons

No, Dragon Tail.

the fuck did you just say white boy


Where are my SSRless bros at?

This could only end one way. How many rolls was that since it started? 42 free and as many 90 mobacoin? 0 SSRs.

>characterless SR
Into the fodder machine