/lolg/ - League of Legends General

Best support edition.

Old thread: Current patch notes: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-617-notes

Yorick rework: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/yorick-champion-update

Official artbook: artbook.na.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/volume-one

Current PBE changes: surrenderat20.net/p/current-pbe-balance-changes

Useful sites:

first for I want to violate boxbox's boipussy

kassadin/malzahar lategame edition
vlad lost an ESPORTS game edition

>Masquerade Eve splash
fucking hell my dick

first for autofill in master and higher :^)


I'm taking Sej to prom

is she gonna put out

Annie is the cutest League of Legends character

xth for bara is best

Shyvana is best dragon

We're gonna fuck in the car before we go in


Liking TL is a never ending suffering..

Xth for autofilled in LCS


desu dirty vlad pickers

I just started the game and am level 20 and most of my games till now have had a team not knowing shit, dc's with no remakes or a smurf stomping everyone. Is it always this bad? The times where it's even and people know what to do are so fun so I don't really want to quit already

hey at least Matt and Fenix are kinda good


>loses on vlad

Always? Well not really. I mean it does happen from time to time and more often now that season is almost over.

>Lost that game because he never peeled for Jhin

Pre 30 is really terrible, just hold out

In my games I honestly get DC's quite rarely like once every 20 games or so in low masters.

Most of those problems kinda naturally solve themselves when you hop into ranked.

Why people are hating supports so much?

Fenix has a fucking champion puddle
Seriously he could at the very least pull a huhi and perform well on syndra in one game and then never pick her again while looking mediocre on every other champion

Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!

Because we know you get off on the abuse.

azir buffs when


>tfw u get a thresh support who doesn't hit hooks and walks towards his lantern

Because most supports are fill monkeys that make the lane miserable. They're like a step child no one likes but have to put up with.

are you being ironic? I seriously can't tell after what just happened

how do i sewer rat?

Soraka is literally the most antifun champion in the game

haha u fell for my prank I AM inside UR backline

Ahri is natural counter mage to most immobile mages

You cant duel her cause q speed boost and true damage and heal

And the moment you use your R she either R away or charms you and combo burst your squishy ass

Ahri is simple a bad match

Has anyone see that episode of Bob's Burgers where they get the burger boss game and Jimmy Pesto comes over and starts playing it uncomfortably sensual? can not unsee

>Soraka is literally the most antifun champion in the game




never hopefully
unless he gets flat out reworked

So who is Blitzcrank aka the ultimate cancer?

So, let's say you and Jinx are sitting down on the couch cuddling and enjoying a movie, right? Suddenly, she starts to cough violently and soon she's bringing up blood. So much blood that you swear she's gonna drop dead right in front of your eyes. You take her to the doctor immediately and the doctor tells you that she only has two more months to live. Jinx is DYING.

How do you, her lover, make her last remaining days on Runeterra special?

Hi I'm still looking for a support friend to level with

Cancer. Cancer can still be fun. Soraka sucks out the fun out of everyone around her.

Azir has the absolute opposite of the skill cap compared to raka



Dont you mean any zoning mage??

Zyra. Azir. Heinmendonger, also blotzcrack

Use the time to find a waifu that has not a boy chest as quick as possible

I put a bullet in her head when she's not looking

>no signs of Reckful stream



did he ragequit?

But I have fun playing as her. ;_;

make her not flat

Is he taking the game serious or just for viewers and memes?

>those hips and thighs on j4

Holy shit what a circus

>Azir has the absolute opposite of the skill cap compared to raka

When Azir's numbers aren't absolute gutter trash, there is a neverending climb of ever greater funsucking.

An Azir "main" with only a few games under his belt gets most of the fun sucking down pretty normally, say 60% of all fun in the game. As they get "better", they get many more methods and tools to suck fun out of the game.

Diamond Azir mains were sucking 95% of all fun out of the game. And Challenger Azir mains could suck 99.9999% of all fun out of the game.

criticise my build

order was bloodrazor > chilly mitten > SV > bork > GA

Both. Hes the type of guy who likes the fame and fortune and will prove himself for it. Pretty genuine dude.
t. Rank 1 rogue

longtime reckful viewer, feels weird knowing a lot about him but he doesnt know shit about me lmao

Post top 7 and your favorite color and get rated.


Making little dragon babies with Shyvana!

>ywn marry vladfag

Post em


Nah hes pretty smart in how he handles relationships and shit. Cant have too much of a good thing ya know.

I sent you a request.


>Not liking the DFC
Shit taste, mang.

pre 30 games are cancer and typically stomping ground for "smurfs" or players leveling their shitter friends.

Just hold out til you're level 30 or play bot games to level instead.

>diamond-challenger players

All 10 of them, that make up a non existend part of the playerbase, while raka is cancer in every bracket without any effort?

I thought reckful was the rank 1, how are u rank 1. I know nothing of wow

i want to breed aurelion's feets!

>literally goes 20/10
>can't win because my team expects me to carry them and think the game is already won
>goes 1/3 100 cs behing

So you are talking about expectation values of fun sucking for average raka game

Very well.



I don't play ranked much

I love Lissandra!
kill her, then myself
how fucked up do I have to be, to love a skeletal crackwhore?
but shyv isn't a dragon
she's literally an abomination to her race
im not saying that to be mean, its canon

How to play jungle Jax in Silver? On which camp start? Which runes and masteries? What to build on him?

I need more champions for jungle besides Amumu.

You don't need iceborne and bork isn't needed either since they don't have any tanks.

Get Trinity force and a tank item or TF and a damage item like one of the hydra items or Maw or something if you feel courageous. That being said since they have a traditonal ADC and 2 other people who auto a lot, a proper armor item like deadmans would be in order.

Im rank 1 now bitch. I was just trying to say he proved himself on WoW being the first rank 1 or whatever my bad for not being clear

xth for fertile Demacia's.

Wow used to have many different server groups with own rankings, I think he was rank1 on the most competitive one. There are also seasons

replace chilly mittens with another tank (deadman's or whatever) or damage (youmuu's, hydra, maw) item

consider picking up trinity force over bork some time

I commend you for playing the champions that you want.


>Rank 1 player in NA ladder is in the LCS


How fucked up would I have to be to love an icicle? How fucked up would I have to be to love FROZEN SHIT?

Are midlaners the all around best at the game everywhere?

Yordles are for ________.

I am aware that he was too good in the hands of a really good player, but even during his broken times, his winrate in plat and below was really really bad

hot, passionate breeding

I love this image.

>Yasuo drinking tea with Annie

Wait is that a lewd crop or just a standalone?

Post source if first

>Jinxfag and Lissfag are fighting again

Because majority of them are useless trash players who talk a loud of shit while playing a role literally designed to get carried.

There are good supports who keep their adc alive, harass, ward, and drop their cc at the right time but those are like 1 in a million.

Most supports are selfish and hide behind their ad the entirety of laning phase then once mid's open then hide behind whoever is doing well.

I've had supports follow me around the map and leave their ad to die just because I had more kills, supports are leeches, the league equivalent of women. it's no wonder the role attracts so many of them.
This is especially true with passive supports like janna, soraka, sona, nami, etc.

anal and making their stomach bulge

AD red/Armor yellow/MR(scaling or flat)/Atk spd quints
12/0/18 SOTA since you're new/ 18/0/12 Fervor when you git gud
Usual start is krugs but I'll go where I can get the better leesh
Build: Bloodrazor, Trinity/Gunblade, Steraks/Tank, GA

Who's ready for NA challenger to be filled with koreans and chinese this worlds?

Who will be #1?


>Vi's toned ass

Not bad

I just started playing this season.

What generally changes each season?

Do they rework masteries every season?
Jungle Enchants?

i havent played since season 3 (except for some arams) so im kind of stuck in the past with the way i build, all this new shit is just overwhelming