/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

Better than expected edition

>Deck lists, news etc:

>Arena Help

>Open Tournaments:

>Deck Tracker:

Best card in the game coming through

first for best girl

No, read her text carefully: It says "starting hero power".

Ah ok man. Thanks for clearing that up. Was considering her in Menagerie Pally is all, and thought I could get two Murlocs for buffs and the like.

I don't pay much attention to the HS scene. Last time I did, Yogg was probably the most meme card out there. Did something change that people are now complaining about it?

Blizzard realizes "competitive" hearthstone is dead and are turning it into a casual mobile novelty game to print money. Kara and the brawl make this pretty blatant.

Tournament players caught on that it was a useful panic button if you were losing and included it in spell heavy decks, now it's commonly used

So what would you guys say the current tier list is for arena now that the new adventure is out?

he's the meme extreme on the pro scene makin plays be mean with Vizene [for your tears]

>Malchezaar shuffles your legendaries in after mulligan

Maybe he's not that bad after all.

Nothing makes me feel like the game is balanced more than the official Hearthstone forum. Everyone thinks every class is broken and needs to be nerfed to the ground!

The only deck I will ever put him in is my 30 legendary meme deck for quests, the only thing he does is consistently mess with your deck synergy on the off chance it gives you an okay pull

Mage > Rogue > Shaman, Druid, Paladin >= Warrior, Warlock > Hunter > Priest

As it turns out a card that legally allows you to piss all over the playing table is pretty good when you only have to play it when you're losing.

i'm done with this fuckin game, peace out my mans, thanks for the good times

great servers blizzard

Why would Team 5 make cards for every fucking Mana cost for each hero? Each game comes down to oh I didn't draw Turn 1,2,3 cards I guess I lose.

No heal or decent board clears except some classes that got lucky and received it during Basic/Classic set.

I'll come back next expansion enjoy Huntertone: Heroes of Warriors and Shaman pushing your shit in at every fucking turn.



thanks zoo

The same exact guy did this to me when I killed his discard imp, tried to add me immediately after too

Anybody else like this little guy? He's great in murloc shaman or Zoolock.

Are US servers shitting on themselves?

Love it when that happens, almost never happens to me.

This one pinged his own mirror image and scooped immediately.

more likely the person just had the same username and a different # and was not that person at all.

is that Ron Jeremy?

Babbling book is quickly becoming one of my favorite cards. It's just so positive and generous. Practically costs nothing at all at one mana you drop him on the board and that chill ass motherfucker gives you a spell to use later in the game. And you also get this adorable little 1/1 can ping things but usually is too harmless to be removed.

But more than the BB is just so positive. It comes on the board like "do you want to cast a spell?" and I'm like "yeah BB i do want to cast a spell let's do this shit" and when he attacks he's like "SPELLS ARE FUN" and I'm like "yeah they are SO FUN." He doesn't say some bullshit macho shit like "I will destroy you" he's just like "nah spells are fun." And it looks so happy. I mean this is an inanimate object literally brought to life by magic. It understands it's life is a temporary magical gift and the dude is just fucking loving it. I mean look at his face he's just so happy.

I am literally never sad when babbling book is on board. IDK if he's gonna make it into the metagame or not but for now he (or she) a pretty chill card

I got a golden Wrynn and I don't know what to dust it for? I've got all the good legendaries now apart from Carine but I've stopped playing Nzoth decks.

I also don't have Tirion or lightlord but i don't want to craft one without the other

Sex with Ethereal Peddler!

Save it or the dust until you want to make a specific deck, you'll be happier knowing you don't have to grind or make cutbacks to play it

>tfw Malchezaar in arena gives your opponent perfect 6-7-8 plays including black knight on sunwalker, dr boom and old sneeds shredder with keltuzed inside
i wasnt even mad

lightlord is for lames, the only legend package you need in control paladin is cairne-tirion-sylvanas-n'zoth and regular rag

I suppose I should do that. I've still got Velen in my collection because I don't know what to do with that dust.

how do you draw cards as priest

Holy shit are you high.

I more or less agree however. (s)he is a for real nigga and is cool to roll with the Apprenticez 'n FlameWOKErs gang. I always love the random spells which you can typically use in one way or another and Mage desperately needed that extra 1 drop so you don't just pass your pivotal first turn against Shaman and Zoo, even if it is 1/1 the break even for playing it is nice.


northshire cleric and power word shield

well I think it's automated for you completely like all classes. I'm pretty sure it just happens at the beginning of your turn.

You know the answer.
It starts with P and ends with HAHA STORIES

This guy is really sponsored by GEICO? WTAF?

Also he is seriously going to do a meta-commentary!

OK he mocked the stupid once a cast William Wallace reference by Admirable so thats cool.


How can I be more cancerous?

Anything can be Ron Jeremy if you want it to be bad enough.

Who are you talking about? I never watch streams desu


Fuck off. If you have enough agency to stand up you can google your gay deck on your own.

>fandral into wrath into innervate + idol + idol

Why the fuck do I still play this shit game?
Just lost a game against some retard that got the perfect curve, went face when there where better trades, then topdecked cthun when he was out of cards and got perfect RNG for perfect lethal. This game is so fucking trash

Probably the only thing way to play it besides a jank Dragon Mage or Control/Reno Mage.

What counters token druid madness?

them not drawing ramp

I've heard the best way to counter the meta is by googling or looking up matchups online. iirc it's pretty weak to Aggro Shaman and Zoolock, aggro decks in general. Hypothetically Midrange Hunter/Face Hunter but I'm unsure as I don't play the deck regularly, but old Midrange Druid crumpled to Face Hunter so I assume the same applies?

i struggle vs dragon warrior the most

shaman its 50/50 on how good my draw is
same with hunter

priest is annoying but they never win vs yogg

Serious question here, something I've been wondering since I saw Control Warriors running Yogg.

Is Yogg-Saron the best card in Hearthstone?

do i craft sylvanas, grom or thalnos

i mostly enjoy playing rogue and token druid
i was kinda hoping to get thalnos or sylvanas from a pack but seems like its not happening

For every deck that runs 10+ spells and can fit one more card, yes.

As a single card? It's pretty good in the grand scheme but anything RNG is bound to be rated subjectively.
It has the potential to turn a game completely around in a way that no other single card can. Does that automatically make it the best?

What is a good replacement for Revenge in control warrior?

I'm thinking wirlwind or maybe just putting in a different type of card?

>perm banned from onenationofcucks and playhearthstone twitch chat
This game isn't fun to watch when I can't shitpost in chat

maybe a korkron or something

revenge is p good tho

dead shit game

Thalnos simply because you enjoy playing Rogue, unless you are interested in Deathrattle Rogue in which case Sylvanas, but even copying a Bloodmage DR is pretty okay for cycling.

I love this shit so much

>playing against the worst priest player using tons of cards to remove low priority threats
>still going to lose because he's got Elise and I don't

>chakki not bringing zoo
What the fuck

post dick

>huge slut
>mitch's sloppy seconds
>god awful music taste
>barf accent
>disgusting whore personality
>bad at the game

How is she best girl?

none of those things are a deal breaker for me, my man. I'm not a prize catch myself.

Yogg is gonna get banned from tournament play right? Everyone's had enough of him now

>typical rogue hand post-Karazhan

well i'm a solid 10/10 millionaire with an 8 inch dik so my standards are much higher

>>barf accident

Can't be. He can be discovered from cards. It's too much of a mess to just ban him. Enjoy the next 2 years of Hearthstone slowly dying as this card single handedly crushes what sliver of credibility the game had.

It's so refreshing compared to the WotG curvestone

Blizzard made a pretty clear statement about what they want HS to be. Playing turn 1-2-3 minions and ending games within 5 minutes is optimal. They want the game to be something you can quickly play on a train, bus, or on your lunch break, not play 4 hours a day and compete in tournaments.

They have nerfed every single deck that required any thinking or didn't have optimal on-curve plays. They hate combo decks, they hate come back mechanics and the game is what it is. It'll never get better, user. It might get worse though.

>pretending Burgle Rogue isn't a curve deck
the only reason you play Swashburglar and Huckster is because they are on curve bodies that contest aggro pressure. The card stealing is just a small bonus. Pillager, Peddler, and Drake are all bodies that should be played on curve when possible as well.

>lul so randumb, zero consistency deck
>just playing like an arena draft with the thieved cards

Because this game needed more RNG

It's fun

I don't know how I feel. I just made a fedora warrior and won a 20 minute game it felt satisfying however I'm at rank 18.

the fuck is this shit

Who is fucking shilling Hilary in twitchchat

looks like a bad winrate

Is it the fact that you played against 8 out of the 9 available classes today? Because that is kind of bizarre, at least for me.

>normal deck
>turn 2, play a 2 mana 3/2, maybe a 2/3

>2 mana 3/4

Why is the Hearthstone community so fanatically obsessed with e-celebs like scamaz?

Also, nice pussy....

>paladin uses lay on hands on my minion instead of himself to taunt me
>win because of it

top or bottom?

You could play Argent Squire and Flame Juggler if you wanted the best anti-aggro curve rogue can get. Bladed Cultist and fucking Defias Ringleader are better anti-aggro plays, too.

But the fact is, you can't play shit that's inefficient compared to its mana cost in this game. That's why nobody plays inspire cards and why basically no rogue decks run Xaril anymore. It's also why Priest of the Feast is the best card priest got in standard.

>putting a tampon on a kitten's head
poor lil' guy

>still playing Rngstone and not one of the tons of alternatives such as Yugioh, Magic, Spellweaver, Hex, Fearia, Elderscrolls TCG, Duelyst etc.

>a blond bimbo with pure white skin and flowing blonde locks

>or a literal purple cow


Thats why I stopped playing, it becomes more and more obvious that Blizzard just looked at game like MTG and stripped any strategic depth out of it in favour of a more bitesize, self-resolving experience

whats even the point in playing when every turn boils down to "play in reaction to the board and if I don't draw for a smooth early game, concede"


>have a heal turn 6
>dead by turn 5

HS is not the only card game I play.
It had so much promise, why did Brode have to go full retard with card design

I had so much fun the past year, but now playing HS just feels like I'm doing boring work because of the quests, and when I'm done I just go play something else

>competitive Rogue hands
this is painful to watch.

combo shitters BTFO

Watching "competitive" HS always is painful to watch

>can only win by cheesing away a 20/20
>OH NO, taunts totally destroy my 20/20 going face
don't call it a grave, this is the future you chose.

psst, faeria is super fun - once you get to level 5 and open up the arena. you also get 3 free runs + 1 free run. /end shilling

yugioh is completly free btw.

spellweaver is a bit of grind, but also gives you free arena (just get the referral code)

btw. Really don't know how they went from Naxx to this new adventure? Did they hire new people?

how the fuck do people play ladder anymore

I just got rank 15 after playing it for the first day this season am dont want to touch it again