can we have a school / college thread stories thread?
i remember selling porno magazines in high school.
Can we have a school / college thread stories thread?
the quote is true. anyone can make money, and if you are motivated and lack morals, you can make a lot of money.
which is why it's said that no one ever becomes rich without making something illegal and/or immoral
>no one ever becomes rich without making something illegal and/or immoral
>no one ever becomes rich without making something illegal and/or immoral
Morality is subjective and almost everything is regulated or illegal. So this is true. I remember there was a book a while ago that essentially said people on average commit 5 felonies a day due to absurd government regulation.
ignorance is not an excuse, though
>ignorance is not an excuse, though
It it when the laws are outdated and out of touch with what is happening in society.
>morality is subjective
Yea, SOMETIMES it's moral to kill an innocent man. Right?
>Yea, SOMETIMES it's moral to kill an innocent man. Right?
Yes it is.
The only morally justifiable killing during a war is during an act of self-defense.
considering you can be killed for cowardice / not following orders during war times in the battlefield, one can argue that killing the enemy, whoever you may want to name it, is always self-defense
Then you are a participant in an immoral act. If everyone refused to participate by strictly adhering to principles of morality, there wouldn't even be war.
>Then you are a participant in an immoral act
War is an immoral act by definition?
Yes. An army should only be used to defend itself and has no right to enlist men to their death.
That wasn't the question.
That quote is one of the few times he's being honest
When you can save the lives of 10 innocent men by it, some would argue.
War forces men to act immorally. The state forces men in that circumstance. You end up participating in an immoral act.
If an army is only used to protect itself and does not enter war, then it acts morally. The people enlisting in an army would be serving their own interest rather than just be forced to die without a choice.
>If an army is only used to protect itself and does not enter war
The defense of one's country is still a war, regardless of initiation.
>"snitching a few Jew-rats to the SS"