What are the Pros and Cons?
More Free Time, Less Money.
What are the Pros and Cons?
More Free Time, Less Money.
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assuming you aren't supported by anyone you can't live on part-time in most places
Most jobs don't give benefits to part time workers. They also usually require you to work a floating shift, which won't afford you the comfort of being able to plan too far in advance. You're also the first person on the chopping block should the company choose to downsize.
All in all, the cons outweigh the pros, unless you genuinely don't need the job / money.
I work both a full time and a part time job.
Isn't this the Veeky Forums goal?
Work fulltime, build up investments, live a minimal life style. switch to part time work when your investments can still go up with the reduced work. Figure out when you really want to do. Work on sex bot terminator or just play vidya. That last part is really up to you.
>first person on the chopping block
In a lot of places the full timers got chopped and replaced with part-time for the reasons you mention. I think I am going to try it, I just can't run on that hamster wheel full-time anymore. Here on the Cancuckistan plantation employers can basically work you full time hours and treat you as a part-time employee.
That's not so true
Part timers are usually hired enmasse and then let go whenever.
Im also in Canada and that's been my experience
You can't work "real jobs" part time unless you are a fully independent hot-shit contractor. And even then, either you commit to large features or you are constantly wasting a ton of time looking for work.
Good luck finding a part time job that isn't minimum wage shitter work.
This is also true
Part time jobs are for kids or for full time workers who want to save up a few extra dollars working a night job.
>Dat feel when full time salesman during the week and work 20 hours a weekend doing stadium cleanup for football games.
Im so rich but the 50-60 hours a week are killing me.
Most part time jobs don't pay livable wages.
If I could live a minimalist lifestyle working part time I would, but I'm barley scraping by as it is working full time.
Part time is better. More time. Less money.
>Buy AAA video game for $60
>Minimum wage = $11.50 (California)
>6 hours worth of work
>Triple A game provides 40+ hours of entertainment
Economics 101 BTFO
Why not both?
>Pick up a full time remote work job
>Outsource any work that isn't critical to a VA (90% of work is mundane repetitive garbage anyway)
Work 10-15 hours per week to get paid as if you had worked 40 hours.
Work smarter not harder.
By not being completely retarded.
the book "the 4 hour work week" has an entire section on this too
Well the best part about Obama care is that companies don't want to hire you full time anymore, so you're in the clear! And they get to hire a bunch of part timers too so our country gets a better unemployment rate. Isn't life great? :)
not if youre a recent grad. i recently moved to a new area with better job outlook. family provides room and some grocery money. doing a $11 10/week part time job during the weekend while i interview in the big cities during the week. a part-time job is temporary at best. it gets your parents off your ass at best. if you want more free time and less money look at a new line of work ie consulting if you dont have those skills youre going to have to work your ass off period.
If you already own a house, don't have huge aspirations, don't spend a lot and have retirement funds relatively covered, then working part time is fine. Keeps you busy, gets you extra money, covers the bills, allows you to socialize and feel like you are contributing to something, keeps you in the work force etc. and allows you to relatively pick and choose your hours and still have family, friends, private life and so on. It's a good work life balance for those that can afford to do it.
For most millennials and others around the 18-35 year old mark, unless you have wealthy parents or have been very lucky in your life, you cannot afford to work part time unless you 1. live at home 2. get government assistance or 3. a third item for this list.
The only people our age that should be working part time (that aren't rich) are those who are studying at university to get a real job. Otherwise, go FT, save as much as you can and try to get out of the horrifying reality of the 40 hour work week as soon as you can afford to cut back.
As a current driver, I thoroughly regret not keeping my two part time gigs. The money is unreal but the stress is retarded.
Find a job that works 12 hour shifts. If you work 8 hours your day is already shitted out, so why not finish it off?
I work 3-4 days a week and on my off time I do other meaningful work,yet still get paid a full time salary.
do you not feel shitty the rest of the week. how do you recuperate or do you?