Fighting Games General /fgg/
first for ft1
>a good player picks rashid
>makes top 8
Will the the Rashid is bad meme stop?
If pickles won the first game he wouldnt have ran lmao
I dont even play fighting games
I just post dank memes while comfyposting in my kigu
who /fgg/ here???
sup Pickles, you're bad
who? when? where?
Where is the street fighter discord?
Double elim is losers, single elim is no losers.
This is for every competition ever.
who wants to play me in a ft1?
John tackeuchi at this puerto rico tournament
seriously though, when's pope playable?
Never claimed to be good but at least I don't dodge
john the yung god
>explaining how FT2 is totally foreign to Japanese players the first time they come to a US major
would be strange considering they're all under CPT banner which stipulates ft2
Japan play a lot of round robins which are FT7 with 6-8 people pools though, which might be why they're confused.
No one plays ft1 except in team tournaments.
>walk back
>pop off
He gave you the match lol
That ain't dodging
>Can't even win ft1
post 30sec of yourself winning against fuudo
Damn Jiyuna beat Daigo FT1, what a god.
Rashid is high iq technical rusdown in a game full of gorillas that's why most people consider him bad
Jiyuna is our guy.
im hungry
Our guy Jiyuna !!
He dodged me in two games that he would get 10-0d in though
>popping off after winning FT1
lmao is John mr MENACE?
He fought you, that ain't dodging.
>N-not even my main game
Nice OS but it don't fly here
Daigo's old news, he lost to ShinAkuma666 off stream.
I hate tacos now. thanks shillposter
That's the same os he used though. Pickles said sfv and he said "I could but I won't"
Someone see me FT1 Hole in Neo Turf Masters
That's not an OS, he just refused to play kusoge.
You don't even know what an OS is, do you user?
perfect use of the kusoge os user.
u r probably the first person to ask to play this 1 particular game.
>defending the FT1 os
hey menace
How do you play against highly defensive F.A.N.G.s who keep spamming projectiles?
It would only be an OS if he actually went and played it.
Everybody knows the I was drunk/not even my main game/lag OS are much more effective.
>Denying the truest test of skill format
lol that puerto rico event is dead as fuck
why do people who ask for help NEVER SAY WHAT CHARACTER THEY USE
walk and block. His projectiles are better at anti airing than they are at pressuring walking opponent.
If you get close and he does lp upballs you can throw him through them, if you can catch the startup.
mines are punishable by jumping, much like fireballs are.
Riptor is silly.
if he is winning: no
if he is losing: yes
abuse the fuck out of shoulder
is ft1 guy our guy
Daily reminder based Fuudo beat Infiltration 1-0 in the EVO final before being frauded out of the tournament
>Talks shit
>Refuses to play in 2 games because they're garbage
>Takes 1 round and leaves
Our dude.
Don't listen to pickles or his phone.
the absolute madman
This stream is surreal.
Only Yipes could make a SFV stream fun to watch
>sniffs cute anime girls
how is this any better
damn. so close
link to stream?
>they ACTUALLY gave them watermelons
Yipes may as well just tan himself black
Give our boy Scamby some fucking watermelon
>every screenshot is literally covered in branding
this is poster the result of spoonfeeding. Do not spoonfeed.
Anyone wanna play fighting games
You know there's like 3 ECT streams right?
SFV isn't the only kuso being played right now.
nvm found it
nah i only watch streams
Ft1 me in usf4
It's retarded how effective jumping is in this game.
Are you sure
fighting games are fun
>jampins are retarded!
>jab anti airs are retarded!
You need to pick one, anonyderp.
It's almost like street fighter was the most anime fighting game all along.
>refuse to see someone in their main games
>Brag when you win in your main game
Who is ft1 menace for $200 Alec?
Why can't it be both?
>Accept a challenge from someone in a game you don't play
>Cry on /fgg/ when you lose
FT0 Pickles lmao
i dont believe you
jab antiairs are retarded when the game also has no meterless antiairs that are actually punishing
>ryu, guile and nash all have nodamage antiairs
>chun only gets antiair damage when in v trigger
>meanwhile CODY in sf4 had 200+ damage meterless antiair combos
defend this
actually kek'd
maybe remix shillposter isn't such a bad guy but hey, he totally needed the help learning that sometimes in life you just gotta get rekt. wouldn't mind accepting a friend request he re-sent and played more, as long as it was mutually agreed to keep our e-peens out of it
If u don't accept then you're dodging lol
>mutually agreed to keep epeens out
Lmao you were actually scared of being shown up on stream in front of /fgg/
So then don't lose lol.
Alternatively, don't challenge people in games you're trash at.
After bridget.
Ft1 menace dodged the sfv challenge from pickles and said ultra. Why don't they do a sfv ft1 and see who is better?
>new memes come about and fuel the shitposting fire.
God, why am I still here?
What new meme?
where else would you go to discuss me- fighting games
>Why don't they make the FT1 no longer a FT1
Wow, don't post here again
We need to do something to amuse ourselves while the trips are away.
Wh's the Brick of melty blood?
are you gay furry
Best thing about ft1 menace is he yelled fraud into the mic before leaving kek
Then go back to sf4
I for one am NEVER going back to a game with Seth/Abel/Fuerte/Yun/etc
tfw 6p xx sonic boom move
fuck nash
>rashid mains
>inb4 that is the exact season 2 lineup
>inb4 no season 2
They can't stop memeing can they
it's never going to come to that 8) you have to be a friend prospect for me to play games with you repeatedly, or keep you around to play games with. I don't do that with people who act like shit heads. common sense
>chun loses again
mid tier af