/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

Minfillia Edition

>Patch 3.4 Preview

>Patch 3.38 notes

>The Rising (August 27th-September 12th)

>Youkai Watch x FFXIV Event. (July 26th-October 3rd)

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I am so glad she is gone.

xth for not being a slut


responding to op who never actually plays

xth for cute lalas

also whats the closest you can get to your face with the camera?
no after edits.

I thought Lance quit the game?

>dull colored eyes
That just always look bad on dunesfolk. Needs to be a more saturated color.

Too much skin, cover your nose.

Better tifas right here

Nah, I've seen him still stalking around.
I think he just quit Veeky Forums.

>tfw you notice a single bad texture on your glamour and you are debating about making a new one

I want to take this meower, hold her head still and smooch her until she passes out

Bless this non slut

>early thread
Why is it not being reportbombed

That's with a lot of armors.
Oh dem ps3 limitations.

>Adamantite set looks amazing
>literally floating pauldrons
I was so disappointed

>Move out of Odin
>Pure waif shows up

nth for objectively the best FF game


>when you join a void ark run and half the players are literally AFK while fighting

something is wrong here

no it sounds perfectly normal


Shit, now where will we get our nearly incoherent creeping from?

No...That's actually pretty normal for void ark nowadays..
Never parse in void ark, you'll cry.

It's that time of the year

Post character and MBTI

Hie hie that's very FFXIV!

My personality type is catbois!

this is why i dont go into VA as a healer

I'm a taurus :3

>this game has enough content to make 750 post threads discussing about the game only

What data center? When I did Void Ark a couple days ago on Primal it seemed like just about everyone was participating.


I'm the personality type that doesn't believe in meaningless pop psych bullshit from the 70s.

>miqo'te girl in mor dhona has a stubby tail

actually cute

>he knows more about psychology than fucking Carl Jung

>when you get to the second boss of WC and half of an entire alliance runs behind the add with a rear-conal AoE and just fucking stands there

I'm sorry user, it won't happen again..




What proof do you actually have that Carl Jung knows a goddamn thing about psychology?

This is why it will never be a real science.

Jesus christ is this WoW?


MBTI is silly if you take it as absolute but comparing it to others around you is always fun.
It's okay user.. you don't have to be so hateful towards everything....

Dude's a bit crazy and psychology is all based on observation and patterns mostly, otherwise it'd be in a field that's actually objective.

You've got to be real dumb to say that.

>i saved this picture and post it in every thread to prove how much someone else forces ____ on the thread
this has to be chemo

He probably does since Jung was just making shit up as he went along.

Real psychologists are distancing themselves from that Jungian crap and trying to stick to objective observations.



I always got INFJ and INFP when I took these.

who is this cutie?

>making shit up
>implying the MBTI is not based on objective observations
>implying fortune 500 companies dont use the MBTI

lol aranea using his depression for his shitty attitude and actions

you're not special, you're just another one in a million

>""""OBJECTIVE""""" observations

>>implying fortune 500 companies dont use the MBTI

Now I know you're trolling.

It begins.

>Dude's a bit crazy
unlike you surely

haha im trolling ye

Post initials of your crush!

Hard mode: their race too

N-No it's already ended unless you want to keep it going...

>amber and velvet hour


I haven't suffered under depression in months, bub

Where are the catboys?




I always got INFJ and INFP when I took these.

>run that feels like im doing more dps than both BLMs as DRK

Males are ugly.


The field is mostly a huge circlejerk of patriarchal agendas fueled by psychedelics and floppy old man cock.

W. P.
I wish he still played ;-;

Nice ffxivg related post.

Nice personal blog.

Nice selfie.

Maybe nice tripcode?

males ae qt's

Better than generic midlanders and catgirls.


post char and i'll think about it...

catboy tail rubs

You take it back

>huge circlejerk of patriarchal agendas fueled by psychedelics and floppy old man cock.

woah dude you figured it all out. prominent figures were just fucking around all along to oppress women and get fucked on drugs. there couldnt be any other reason




Because no one will ever post me

But what's wrong with generic midlanders?

>Heavensward was a $40 patch instead of a real expansion

I guarantee this is a tranny post

You still play?!

Nothing wrong with females.
Males are just bland.


male posts

Oh, well I can't really disagree with you then
Midlander males are the most bland of all male races.

deranged tranny post

who knows! maybe you're the one who doesn't play


What sets apart a big patch and an expansion anyways?

Like, serious question. I've gotten so lost on the definitions at this point.

Then why are you always with females?
Not even close.
Males are uggo

>hyur are the base for all human races
>"why are they so generic?"

brainless XY post

selzh was always after catboys until proci kept denying him

Truthfully, nothing.

Expansions usually come with increased level caps and new overworld areas.

On Balmung still? I can't log on for a little bit or I'd look you up

No you stupid fucking moron, I'm making fun of the fact that Selzh, while thirsting for catboys, never gets any.
Holy shit how fucking retarded can you be?

>Males are uggo
gee it sure makes you wonder if you dont hate yourself, grown man

>cut self
>shit self
>hate self
gee you trannies sure are sane in the brain

I'm an INTJ too
I need to jerkyouoff

I'm fairly sure I saw you at the slut auction last night though

>denying anyone