Planetside 2 General /ps2g/

Easy mode edition

>What is this game?
>How do I play?
>How do I play? (advanced)
>Tweaks and optimizations
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
>Weapons chart some user made

Many top minds have struggled to find the answer to some of life's deepest questions;

What doth life?
Who was phone?
How is babby formed?
Why vanu?


Ebin bants

>aiming for the dick
user pls

>Still playing this shit game
Why the fuck haven't you guys uninstalled this game already?

Just fucking do it.

Doesn't everyone?

I wish this game had something going for it other than "the only kind of this game"

DGC might make a new MMOFPS sometime in the future.

It'll probably be shit as well though.

I feel you user

>haven't played in almost a year
>game's still installed though
a planetman can dream

Posting before going to sleep, hopefully the general will be alive tomorrow.

Gn you madmen.

It will be. A lot of people still play.

>A lot of people still play.

>implying they don't
Your life is a meme.


Construction killed the game. Last time I logged on I spent a half hour hex hopping before finding a 50/50 fight.

Join a server that's not a meme then.

I hate myself but not that much
fun for a week or two but gets boring

Do it you pussy.

>weapons chart has no battle rifles

best gun in the game and it has the worst rep. sigh.

>best gun in the game

because it's not competitive

not to mention 10 extra good boy rounds
Deybreak gimme points I can capture in my Prowler :v)))

well they're better than the S variants. fuck those things.


sageing to let this piece of shit general die

Am I the only one here who actually likes and enjoys this game? I've been playing for over 2.5 years, and I think the game is still fun to play.

Reviving people as a medic consumes 100 nanites per revive; revive grenade revives are free but the grenade costs 200 nanites and also sticks to surfaces like a sticky grenade instead of bouncing
Maxes have melee weapons and shields, no guns, operate as a support unit and double or triple their current health and can't be revived

congrations I fix planetside

The game is dead, get over it.

I actually like this game, but I'm also not one of the contemptuous saltyet cheaters who had to download skill to win that frequent this place and reddit

No matter how bad the game gets, I'm still glad Veeky Forums isn't making it.

same tbqh
>fix planetside
aim better
Instead reddit and a literal who youtube personality is making it.


the mags is sleepign

>mfw ground peasants are still playing this shitty game

Not surprising they still stick around

Why do we have these threads? In 30 posts literally nothing important has been said.

>implying anything important gets said in any general

So you agree they are pointless, thanks.

Is HongConnery being ddos'd or something? can't join server.

I was about to insult you for playing on cooonery but then I remembered all the servers are shit.

it's either the gooks over there, or the brazilians on emerald.
fuck gooks but fuck the lixodungahuebanananiggers even more

I got disconnected a little while back. I think they've finally shut it down.


really mods?

Can this man save this game?

No. He HAS



But... Everyone told me you just had to pull down as NC...

They also deleted discussion about battle rifles.

what the fuck

>battle rifles are SO GOOD even the janitors don't want you to know about them

>Why Vanu.
The ASS.

I actually got into it because of his video, so maybe.

My addiction to this shitty game gave me carpal tunnel syndrome

I spent $700 and got carpal tunnel.

wtf do i do?

I've spent about the same I think. I honestly lost track a long time ago.

Blame the brazilians (or asians if you're a western peasant).

Reload? Check your network connection? Literally Google the error? Did you buy your computer from dell?

I was away on vacations for 2 months and came back to the launcher doing this.
It downloaded the new updates first tho.
It worked fine previously.
I googled the error and some reddit threads said to delete the contains of LaunchPad.cache folder but it didnt work.

Run as admin

Is work yet?

He stopped whining, so probably.

Sale. 40% off construction 30% off infantry weapons.

T1 cycler is one of the best guns in the game. Gauss and pulsar are garbage, though pulsar after foregrip patch is a little better

So fucking desperate to sell their construction items no one cares about and that the salty vet bought with their 50000 certs they had lying around.

>only fights are at shitty memecraft bases or underpop assaults with bad sundies


wait that's not katie
who dat??????

Veeky Forums mods aren't the brightest of lads

Thank you werl. Liked and subscribed

Hello this is meme

aim better

Sure thing!



fuck off


mods deleted the only on topic discussion posts of the entire thread



They just don't want people to know how OP battle rifles are

Wow, what a terrible thread.

Wow rude

Are they ever going to fix lag on Miller?

top lel

reminder that, a while back, any post calling out gus on his faggotry and low-effort shitposting was routinely deleted within a few minutes
>gus also uses battle rifles a lot
>he doesn't want information about them to become common knowledge
really makes you think huh

that thicc

Some user said Gustavo has committed suicide








>sorry vonic, had to wait 500 ms before i could reply
nevr 4get

How do we fix planetside bros?

Enable primary weapons in stalker cloak, scout and sniper rifles now pierce through all types of shields, including spawn and personal shields

Make HA shields a passive that is always on and simply regenerates like regular shields, only slower. Increase LMG damage to 400 across the board

Allow LA to move at Flash speeds using their jump jets and allow c4 to be picked up from ammo packs and dead players

Give Engineer rocket launchers and make them passively regenerate vehicles they're inside of at whatever their nanotool speed is

Make the medigun a cone effect, nano regen ability now revives nearby friendlies, including the medic who is using it

Remove MAX, implement BFR

>How do we fix planetside bros?

Remove anchor mode from Prowlers. Instead give it something that fits its name more.

Move sniper rifles to engineer, infiltrator becomes a purely infiltrating class

Move all the AI weapons from ESF to a Valkyrie, make ESF's faster and more agile - an air superiority fighters. Buff ESF weapons against liberators and galaxies.

Bring back the pre nerf liberator weapons.
By this the only way for air to have an impact on a ground is to have an air superiority within region.
ESF pilots are now heroes who can actually help and make the fights better instead of kdr padding cock grobbling faggots they are right now.

werl is that you?


Oh and remove VS from the game. Give the now-empty warpgate to whoever owns the Crown, on all continents. Revert Crown to its pre-nerf glory days and disable all construction in and around the hex.

That should do it.

how are my ideas about air and boltshitting bad?

I think he meant "take my money", since he posted a picture of money.

u dumb cyka
>not knowing the memes

lol relax bro it's just an image board :^)

>since he posted a picture of money.

It's the Benjamin "The Decimator" Franklin