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please tell me they're going to mechanically change warlocks in 7.1

Ralph is a such a fucking disgusting autist, everything he touches is ruined forever.

Reminder that Arms and Outlaw need to be nerfed

I'd say Feral too but I've literally haven't seen a single Feral Druid in Legion thus far

Man tauren pallies are fun, skills feel weird though, i am stuck looking at cooldowns all the time

Reminder that if you're a warlock to please be considerate and not join any queues as you're dragging the group down

Genn did nothing wrong

How far in withered army training can fire mages get?

Just play a healer, he's too low functioning to handle being trained

>tfw even if he wouldn't be doing anything right now, knowing that Varian is dead still feels weird


>Get two characters to 110
>Now I want to level another one.
Send help.
How are monks doing


Holy shit our dispel is a rainbow light :D

whats the current daily dungeon quest? it isnt showing up on my map

Post the valkyr

How do I get the quest item to get the meme fox mount?

mmm dat booty

I bet she's a surprisingly graceful lover

What should I spend my boost on, shaman or druid? Feral seems boring, balance and guardian alright and resto seems fine. Elemental boring, resto boring and enhancement fine. Any cool artifacts?

>Fart fetishist panda who plays a healer cuck in order to be needed and feel like he has "friends" is talking
My sides

she would cowboy me so hard I don't think I would survive

>Unholy artifact got nerfed


>tfw mommy lets you ride her

Recount lol

>spouting cuck when you are an actual cuckold without friends

facesitting pandas

if he played a blood elf would they get worse or just stay the same?

i prefer lapsitting

>Get to 110

Time to resume my Dalaran laps from where I left off 8 years ago

>the best prot artifact reskins are from pvp
guess im purple this expansion

>casual shitter thinks he can talk about rotations when he knows nothing about the class or the spec

cute panda
nasty dawi

post yfw


>The nightfallen become emaciated when deprived of the night well

Should blood elves be thicc now that they have their sunwell back?

what does panda cunny smell like

Enjoy your shallow "friendships" ;^)
I am more interested in real stuff.

Plus i am always playing dps, only healers are the cucks of any mmorpg

I thought Affliction was really good in legion? What happened?

He did when he fucked over sylvannas

RIP genn 2010-2016

i-its not that bad right?

>no world quests up giving gear
>stuck at 808 ilvl so can't queue for heroics

should I be saving rare kills until 110?


join heroics through pre made

It can be reasonably assumed.

Roll an alt.

people bitched so hard during the
meme that they actually got nerfed when they were originally slightly underpowered for 110


don't bother with 5mans, do Suramar to unlock order hall gear then upgrade it

if you do shitty long dungeons over and over you will want to quit the game

Can I heal leveling dungeons with an unleveled healing artifact and DPS trinkets?

will people take me? no one's listing a minimum item level so i can't really tell...

>cucks himself into 1 hour que times
>proud about it

Wow so this is the power of the Horde?

are you retarded?

cause items scale to your level/iLevel
so it'd be wisest to save rares for when you are max level so it scales, and you can get decent epic upgrades

>The player death knight is on track to becoming the Lich King
Can other classes even compete?

Honestly doing dungeons just feels slow, it feels a lot easier to get good gear from world quests and class hall

>Cucks himself to play a healer
No advantage will ever save him from being such a cuck

i've done as much as i can but stuck at the quest to get honored rep


So you can get that sweet 790 ilvl drops boi, but seriously just do em if you feel like most people skip them because it takes to long to do em

over 800 should be fine

>people still falling for this

best race/gender for a monk? I've been thinking about Female Orcs. Good animations, good pose,

Is it quicker to level through battlegrounds? I just want to get to 102 as fast as possible to change artifact then go back to questing.

Why are harpies evil again?

>Go check out rogue artifact questline
>a blood elf tranny that cucks incestral confuses me for him and farts
>Tfw you realize incestral was the fart fetishist all along

Is Mass prospecting bugged?

800 felslate gave me 9 gems using mass prospect

that's like a 5% dropchance

really makes u think

>literally so autistic he can't go without bringing up random Veeky Forums drama in front of randoms

>tfw no Helya gf


why are you playing a panda, i thought you hated them

What do you use for that kinda stuff?" I wanna give females big tiddies

Did anyone else notice that her shoulder pad is a boat?

I just wanted to check the sub artifact questline, it was 100 so better than leveling a new one, ditched it after that

Oh relax, i ll be going to sleep soon after i find some more quality gay tauren art

Naw only the first BG of the day is worth it and you have to guarantee you'll win by being a horde healy man

Is it viable to level as a Guardian druid from level 1 to max?

Really makes me think.

aight so I got my rogue to 110 and geared up and want an alt. I was thinking of either my old main (warrior) or to level my hunter or shaman
all of them are female pandas except the hunter, which is a goblin
which one yo

>quests were fun
>hit 100
>tanaan not even opened
>hmm wtf do I do now

>quests are fun
>hit 110
>literally not enough time to do all this shit I need to do
>quest log full
>haven't even got to profs or dungeons

I appreciate the effort, tho Suramar does feel a bit like a bottomless rabbit hole atm.

He's a fat poor greek neckbeard and cant afford race change

>Should blood elves be thicc now that they have their sunwell back?

you do you, but realize that you're literally no better than whoever the fuck you're talking about

>potions are 1k each
please tell me they will get cheaper

>Look mom, i posted the scoreboard again
>Please look at my score and praise me because i totally dont care about "autistic" 4channers
>Please i need more orbi... i mean "friends"


Having to focus on the effigy every time is pretty bad. Sometimes I want to use focus for other things. I shouldn't have the focus get taken up by one of my abilities.
And as far as I know it's not possible to make an addon create a Soul Effigy unit frame. Which means that even if I get something to track dots duration I still have to do weird whacky gimmick shit just to target the effigy which doesn't spawn its on nameplate.

Soul Effigy is a fundamentally fun idea. Keeping my dots up and managing them is why I play affliction in the first place. Just rushed and poorly executed. Demonology is also fun. Just get rid of Demonic Empowerment or make it fun instead of something you have to press every time you summon a demon.

>Both friends gets legendaries
>One of the friends got 3 850 epics from HC's
>I don't get shit, not even a fucking trinket

Fuck you Blizzard.

git grinding

It's the first week of an expansion now is the time of the jew. It'll calm down.

too big

Haha what? What did you do skip like every quest except the main ones? I am finished with everything except Suramar and world dailies. Leveling an alt now because there is nothing else to do.

is there a point in doing suramar besides from the 2 dungeons? place is a goddamn shithole and a waste of time

used to be but they hotfixed it


Friend's a shitter can't keep aggro as warrior, what's he doing wrong? Says I deal too much damage gg.

What is the real stuff you're talking about?

No, I've done what feels like a million quests in Suramar. Many randomly start from objects marked with a ! randomly around the zone, and all have longish quest chains.

Then the world quests to do, then profs, then dungeons, then achieves, etc..

There's a fuckton to do in Legion, especially compared to WOD.

is he in the correct spec


My old guildmates are trying to get me back playing and I will probably try ut out but
