Monster Hunter General - /mhg/

MHTV Classic edition


>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 / Search
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHFU, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread

First for sexy huntresses!

>monster falls sleep
>be SA, try to be clever and use hardest single hit (final blast of elemental discharge in sword mode) to wake it up
>can't do it
>no matter how close I get to the monster's sleeping head it doesn't get hit by the explosion at the end

Today I learned that the explosion effect is actually bullshit, it only does damage to anything right ON the sword tip there. If it's 3 pixels away from the tip of your sword, it won't hit it.

Third for sexy monsters!

Finally, a post worthy of being first.

I want to tie up the monsters!

All right, let's give this a shot. Let's play some MH3U.

Help! A, Lobby 9
rage (not in numbers)

Come hunt whatever!


At least post some.

I know you wanna.


What armor is that on the right?

not grimclaw

>Objective: Hunt a Kirin
>New! - Objective: Hunt a Kirin

user's guide to hunting Kirin, or; How I grew to love the bow.


I sleep bomb it every time. Fuck you Kirin I'm tired of your bullshit.

I fucking hate all dromes
They only know two moves

jump back
jump forward again

Just use memeruin. ;_;

They also jump to the side

why is he so perfect

that is a really good question
I'm not even into feral yet tama does things for me


>How to Kirin
>Hit the booty when its not pissed
>Hit the head when it is
>Use guns/bow
>Use anything that doesn't swing like a madman

>Monsters that need to be deleted


>Monsters that need a massive rework

Yian Garuga

>Monsters that need some slight adjustments to make them truly good


>Yian Garuga

But Garuga's a well-designed monster that's truly fun.


You are sorely mistaken.

And you sorely need to get good.

Rathian and Tigrex are fine, Garuga needs tweaks to certain attacks.
Blangonga and Gammoth need reworks.

Oh, and get Lavasioth on the delete list.

is it the fluffy tail?

Thank you for your concern, I am already very good at the game. Fortunately I possess the ability to objectively judge monsters on how well designed their fights are. Yian Garuga is, in fact, not a good fight.

Appreciate your input though.

So, I just beat the Fated Four without any issues, and now I feel ready to start the guild. Should I just solo through the LR? I feel like it would nice to have some practice group hunting before things get actually difficult.

If I came into your room with gourmew and sleepy bear would you kick me on sight?
What if I came in with a non-meme hammer?

I have HGE and can swap that out for AuL or really anything

Just give deadeye's moves to regular Garuga.

No I wouldn't, I don't care about optimal equip if you're good otherwise

Who is the best waifu, and why is it deviljho

That's really impressive how you taught your anus to talk.


And to think it's so advanced it is now replying to my posts on Veeky Forums, amazing.


>I don't have a comeback so I'm just gonna fling your insult back at you
Heh... nothing personnel kiddo...

A joke.

Somewhat alright, but not that varied/impressive.

Legitimately okay.

Fine enough. Could do more, but acceptable.


Fucking boring. Basically a regular Tetsucabra.

Good. Could use another move.

Okay. In need of more to distinguish it.

Same problem as Crystalbeard.

Same as Silverwind.

Not bad.

Good. Double tail spin is a nice addition.

Why are most of the deviants so shit compared to what they could be?

>How to Kirin
>Grab Switch Sword
>Mash X into his face

I never really care, but usually when people use meme sets they change when we actually do something hard, which is nice.


>literally only able to hit it 5% of the time cause during the other 95% it's jumping away from you whenever you get close and if you wait for it to come to you it won't and just spams spikes and waves

amazing monster for sure


Why are you using Sleepy Bear and not Ham of Hams to match the THEME?

>you're STILL bad at it
wew lad

>implying there is anything you can do to stop it from jumping away outside of trap spam or being a gunner

>le git gud just magically change the AI of this monster

If I cart with it I'd change right after
If we were doing a dps race like akantor or gammoth I'd also swap out to make the suffering end sooner

with sharpness modifiers bear has more damage AND sleep to go with
It's memey enough and the better option by effectively 20 raw

>literally just nargacuga with ranged attacks

Try soloing it instead of being a pussy and go in with a group.

A group will divide his aggro and make him jump all over the place.

Fuck off

Also Tigrex is one of the best monsters this series has to offer.

I've soloed him plenty of times.
He's absolute cancer and the entire fight is trying to even get in reach of him.


>Khezu is somehow a good fight when Gigginox does literally everything better

Why does Khezu exist?

Gigginox is a direct upgrade to anything Khezu has to offer in every single possible way.

Almost the same way there is no reason to have all these garbage Dromes when -aggis exist.

>how dare monsters move around instead of being a stationary punching bag.

yeah ok

Dreadking is better than any rathalos variant

Tigrex is an annoying game of tag

The charge is telegraphed and slow so it's easy to avoid or even dodge through, but he's pretty much untouchable the entire time

Gs can still hit him though others can too but when you only got one hit you go with the GS

>it's fun for monsters to be on the other side of the arena spamming dumb waves at you nearly all the time

Maybe if you're a gunner.
For blademasters, unless you're adept DB or something, it's a trash fight. Sorry, Capcuck.

He takes all the problems with Los and makes them 100x worse

silverwind isn't good cause regular narga isn't good. Narga is the single most telegraphing monster in the entire series with an average of 3+ seconds between when he "prepares" to attack to when the attack actually comes out.

the only challenge that ever came out of Narga was Lucent Nargacuga in 3U cause it could turn invisible which was the only way to make the monster difficult since you couldn't see it's telegraphs.

At least Narga doesn't jump away as much, so it's a better fight than Silverwind.

Lucent was kinda nice.

Eh I see.

Khezu is a tutorial monster dingus. It teaches the importance of patience and not being greedy with aggression and picking openings carefully, far moreso than most other early monsters because Khezu is a lot more punishing, damage wise. It literally exists to ease people into the game by being an early wall.

Also as an aside, if anything Gigginox should replace Gypceros as a way to introduce poison to new players.

That's a weak argument for keeping that shit in the game.

Replace with Gigginox, done.

And while we're at it, bring back Jaggi, Baggi and Wroggi, Barioth, Qurupeco and Barroth

I can't help but feel that Narga is far easier in the more recent games. Well, a lot easier than normal.

Maybe it's because i was just shit in the FU days, but he felt like a big challenge the first time i fought him.
Now he's been downgraded to an early/mid high rank monster.

why would you even think this is true

khezu has no musical theme so fuck tutorial for learning how to sleep a monster right? fuck that whole audio cue.

khezu in gen does two AOE bursts one right after the other - if he feels like it. This move fucks adept users cause the adept the first one and are forced to eat the second burst. There's not a single other monster in the game that has an attack like this so what is this suppose to be preparing the hunters for?

Khezu is a piece of old gen old tech garbage.

No it's not and you don't know a goddamn thing about game design. Khezu is actually one of the better designed monsters in the game and its purpose is very clear. Like I said, you'd have a better argument for using Gigginox as a Gypceros replacement. And hell I like Gypceros.

> Khezu is actually one of the better designed monster

Discussion over, laughing too hard at you.

Gyp introduce both poison and stealing tho.

>3rd gen a best, fuck the rest
I get that you're nostalgic, but this is getting old, tribabby.

Narga is easy even in FU when you get his pattern down.

He doesn't have the 360 tailswipe either.

Coal room up

>khezu in gen does two AOE bursts one right after the other - if he feels like it.

There's a different tell if he's gonna do his lighting aoe twice.

Blame yourself for not noticing that.

Is there a tell for him roaring four times in a row, then flying away, then roaring two more times in the new place?

Is "khezu is a well designed monster" the new luck is also a skill?

I still find it weird that Narga is supposed to be one of the quickest and most agile monsters, and he telegraphs his moves more than most other monsters.

Maybe they'll change his moveset and actually have him fit the part. I want him to be clever, tricking you into predicting the wrong attack and being faster overall.

>khezu in gen does two AOE bursts one right after the other - if he feels like it. This move fucks adept users cause the adept the first one and are forced to eat the second burst. There's not a single other monster in the game that has an attack like this so what is this suppose to be preparing the hunters for?
You are failing the tutorial
>This fucks adept users
No it doesn't. Git gud. I get that a lot of people that started with Tri onward have a general DELET THIS attitude towards a lot of older monsters but it's a shitty attitude to have and Khezu exists as a very simple early wall. It's not meant to be a super huge five star threat monster, it's just an early hump, that's it.

Stealing is a shit mechanic in the first place.

No but Khezu is for damn sure better than that pile of shit Mizutsune.

Gore is dope though, Gore can stay.

it's the new "is Garuga a well designed monster" which people still argue about occasionally.

Narga was annoying in FU because he jump out of vision

>moving the goalpost
kek ok

Not like his scream does anything except prolonging the fight for ten seconds or giving you free hits if you're running HGE

You talk like narga doesn't do that in 3rd or 4th gen.

*jumps behind you* is his trademark.

Who else likes Grimclaw but would have been content with Molten? Same goes for Luscent over Silverwind.

back in my Freedom days, Khezu admittedly was an early wall, because i was a kid and sucked at MH.

Once you get out of the basics, Khezu is flat out boring and there's not much of a reason to have him. Some of the other early monsters are good at teaching the basics, and they have decent fights, unlike Khezu.

How is Khezu a wall? He doesn't do shit!

>khezu is better than Mizu

You should be a comedian with a sense of humor like that!

>You talk like narga doesn't do that in 3rd or 4th gen.
>*jumps behind you* is his trademark.
Sure, but now with the softlock it's not dangerous.

I like fighting Khezu personally but I can see how it annoys people. That said I think it serves its purpose well and while Khezu's roar might be annoying, it's a mild nuisance that costs a bit of DPS at the absolute worst (as does most monster roars) because Khezu is not fast enough to threaten you after a roar. The only monster off of the top of my head whose roars are legitimately dangerous is like, Diablos.

Compared to other early monsters Khezu hits unreasonably hard. The whole point of Khezu is to be patient and watch for openings and attack tells and punish accordingly while not getting greedy with aggression. Just like how stuff like Cephadrome or Nibelsnarf teach you to come prepared to hunts with appropriate items.

i fucking hate ratholos and his clones

I miss Sand Barioth.


A lot of monsters are better than Mizu honestly. It's not that great. It fucking blows my mind that people are so infatuated with it.

Some people really like the design, which i can understand. It's got a pretty nice theme too.

The fight itself isn't too memorable. though.
Makes me wish all of the fated four got deviants instead of just one.

>You are failing the tutorial
If khezu is suppose to be a tutorial then the only tutorial it acts as is a tutorial for how to fight khezu which is an idea as equally as fucking stupid as both you and the monster itself.

As a Mizutsune fan, it's mostly the aesthetic of the monster, weapons and armor. I'll admit the fight is a bit underwhelming. Also it's a fucking bubble wyvern. I was literallly on board on sight.

tama is a saucy little slut
but his fight, while visually interesting and creative, is mediocre

deviants are shit and poor excuses for sub-species, more news at 11.

Ok everyone calm down we all know Gore and Shagaru are best fights NA.

The Bubble Wyvern thing had me interested. I guess I just broke my "No Expectations, No Disappointments" rule. But Glavenus lived up to my expectations.

No, the "Khezu tutorial" is very general shit. The lesson is to fucking pay attention to the monster. Half of the problems people have with a lot of monsters are because they won't do just that.

Gore is a better fight than Shagaru and neither of them qualify for "Best Fight" although they are really cool.


>Want la foi, because HBG>all since I learned how fun it can be in 3u
>grind shagaru for days, no phosgem
>Realise Storge S is the best armor I can get for it
>grind Shagaru for more days for specific parts and more phosgems for upgrades
>Access Storge R parts for slightly better builds/other weapons
>farm for even more phosgems

>Go to make sacred bow today
>it needs a phosgem