/hbg/ - Homebrew & Hacking General

Previous thread /hbg/ Wiki: homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 9.2 (Downgrade: 10.7 - Entrypoints: Browser/Menuhax up to 11.0)
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60 (Kernel)
PS4: 1.76 (Kernel), 3.55 (Userland)

3DS: pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
Downgrade + a9lh: github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki
Wii U: pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
Vita: pastebin.com/v3caHHnp • Decrypted Games: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1124W4krFF5R-wd-P0ijVp1el2v_1M6mCeg5_EulXbo4

-11.0 Browserhax & Menuhax are out now! smealum.github.io/3ds/
-Install Menuhax ASAP if you're not already on CFW, because Nintendo can block Browserhax remotely without a workaround. twitter.com/smealum/status/758450605568372736
-You STILL can't downgrade, use CFW or install .cia files from 11.0 without a hardmod or hacked system transfer. github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki/DSiWare-Downgrade
-SD card access from DS mode accomplished, still working out how to load roms. gbatemp.net/threads/413015/

>Wii U
-IOSU allegedly happening, update to 5.5.1 recommended. twitter.com/Mathew_Wi/status/766504663826870272
-Enter under DNS Settings to block updates. twitter.com/NWPlayer123/status/766486134356529152

-TheFlow0 is continuing to update and improve compatibility for Vitamin. -Vitashell 0.9 is out
-The source and a writeup of the stage 2 exploit have been released. blog.xyz.is/2016/vita-netps-ioctl.html
-HENkaku release 3 is out, enables spoofing for PSN access, update blocking, and more. henkaku.xyz
-Update 3.61 patches HENkaku.

-A webkit exploit is available on firmware 3.55. github.com/Fire30/PS4-3.55-Code-Execution-PoC
-Game Decryption (1.76. maybe 3.55 soon) playstationhax.it/forums/topic/3104-tutorial-how-to-bypass-pfs-protection-entirely/

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/download/0l30g4b00ltkoo2/Oddworld Strangers Wrath.vpk

First for Joseph


If an install fails, you can delete the leftover files at:


first XDD

How's the Nintendo DS emulation on the Vita? Any good?

Got Gundam Breaker 1 but getting the C error on start up. China semen isn't fixing it. anyone know of a fix?

anime is for geeks

H-h-hey guys, why do I have to play a minigame before I post. It's not like that on reddit...

I'm playing Pokemon @60fps and updated textures on my vita

dragon quest vii .cia dump fucking WHEN

Cool. But what about real games?

I mean 3D emulation.

Is this true?

/hbg/-chan, daisuki~

Its the weekend Flow, I WANT MY PRESENTS.

peace be upon him.

you are only getting coal because you haven't been a good little boy

Come back on the 16th

Vitashell 0.9 is your present, enjoy.

this guy is retarded ;)

You don't get any presents faggot.

Unless you donate.

oh man, I've had a day /hbg/. Was posting a little bit earlier about having bought pic related and fretting over its firmware. After a few anons gave me words of encouragement, I manned up, put arm9loader on a 9.2.0 I had, bought fieldrunners, did the system transfer, did the downgrade, did arm9 on the new 3ds. It took me the full day with breaks and minor procrastination but I'm finally running Luna, downloading and installing games en-masse as we speak. Thanks /hbg/

*smacks down tile*

heh...nothin personel....

I love you too~

Yes, that's where failed installation data goes. It's safe to delete.

How the Flow stole Christmas.

I think you should kill yourself, /hbg/

Everything I've tried runs like shit except for Yoshi's Island. Still needs some more time before I can get comfy and play the fuck out of SMT Strange Journey again

Tell us what you're using/doing if this is actually so

Yeah, he's not memeing.


Idk who put this together, but its way better than that pastebin, thanks

Only after I've pirated the world doggo

I heard you wanted MAHVEL.

aa6 leak when?


You cheeky cunt.

>This software has been written by us within 4 weeks, which we planned to release anonymously under the name Team FreeK. However Major Tom accidently shared an old built with a group of people, in which one or more of them decided to leak a game first and the day after the tool itself. For no reason. As we, Team FreeK already wanted to officially provide the dumper soon.

>Now, there are some people who say: You guys actually wanted to release it anyways, why do you get mad about a leak then? Let's say their wifes give premature births and their children aren't well developed yet, would they also say: The baby would have actually come out anyways, why do you get sad? That was a bizarre example, but it's actually how we feel about a project: We took care of it and worked on it 5h per day with full of passion until it was fully developed. Not only was our disappointment big, but also our helplessness, when we saw our work floating in the internet without our knowledge. We were then called babies because we showed some emotions when we faced the fact that our work, that we have been taking care for one month, got leaked.

>The betrayal drove Major Tom so mad, he just left the scene immediately, not because he was a dramaboy as some people think, but because he didn't feel respected by anyone. The same feelings did I and mr. gas also have, as we couldn't believe how many people existed who were so disrespectful and impudent and even insulted us. There is also a small part of people who is totally against piracy and think that we damaged the whole PS Vita game industry. From our perspective, piracy was unavoidable, it would happen sooner or later. Our private motivation was, to be very first group that would release the first tool ever to dump and launch pirated games. We, personally, don't care alot about games, as we have already bought those we liked. We also considered the PS Vita game industry as dead, I mean, not even $ony shows support for the device anymore.


>He puts more effort into a file manager than PSP/PS1 exploits
Why Flow, why...

>muh oled
>muh black blotches
>muh overly saturated colors
>muh i like the heavy weight anyways because it makes it feel more "premium" even though they're both plastic
>muh small buttons

My 1000 put so much strain on my eyes at night while playing that I would get headaches, it's too bright on the lowest setting. Then outside you can't see it for jack shit. It caused my hands to cramp up so much I had to buy a grip for it.

The lower brightness on the 2000 on the lowest setting and it being much more comfortable for me to play is the main reason why I got it. It's not even a bad display either, it's still vibrant, but I'm used to my N3DS display which also has an IPS top screen.

If I had to get rid of one, I'd get rid of the 1000, but I rarely sell any of my game systems. It's always a backup in case my 2000 suddenly breaks.

At what firmware should I buy a 3ds for the least headache in getting homebrew and pirated games working? I was looking through the guide and saw stuff about needing two 3DSs or needing to solder at higher firmwares. Am I just retarded?

>Weekend for me = christmas for you
>Make a joke about wouldn't it be funny if it was a theme on the account of everyone saying "Its going to be Vitamin 1.2/2.0" with 100% certainty.
>Turns out its Vitashell 0.9
>The update is literally 90% better theme support
>Mention it in the last gen
>B-b-but he s-said it important f-for us
>Y-you only g-get one p-present h-huh?

I'm not happy it was a let down, it sucks it wasn't what you guys were hoping for, but I do take joy in over-eager pricks go into full blown defense mode the second someone points out they were wrong.

hey bro good for you and your dedication. enjoy that sexy shit.

thanks doc

Just reply to the OP if you have any dumps that you've tested and works and I'll add it to the list.

>Bringing old shit you autists were sperging over in the last thread into the current thread.

Kill yourself or get psychological help, because one way or another, you're not fucking normal.

So...the vita trinity is true.

Yay or nay?

>free GB out now

Thanks you user.

vitashell is going to be the key to psp exploits

Quick question to fellow pstv owners:
How much does your "other - system files" takes? 'Cause i have a 4gb mc and it takes like 850mb.
And no, i don't have any bad installations, already deleted the ptmp folder and all that.

thanks man I appreciate it. I even had a really bad scare at the very end when my 3ds stopped turning on straight up, I thought I had bricked it.
arm9loaderhax.bin wasnt in my root

>tfw lurking because of Henkaku

I assume there isn't an English Attack on Titan, right?

>Liking the 2000 better
>enjoy your greyish "blacks" you faggot.

G-guys, please...



Reply to the OP if you've got dumps that you've actually tested, I'll add them to the doc.

pls stahp posting yandere moth porn

Kill yourself my man.

That list is showing hollow fragment.

I thought Hollow fragment didn't work...

Just use chinese magic and it should work.

Anyone got a working link for oreshika?

I keep hearing people mention this but I've no idea what that is.

I gladly take worse contrast when the 2000 display causes less strain on my eyes. I play my handhelds almost exclusively in bed at night. I remember playing Danganronpa on the 1000 at night and getting a bad headache because of the strain it was putting on my eyes. Or playing Mortal Kombat and that shitty CoD game and having my hands cramp up so much I bought a grip right afterwards so it'd happen less.

My 2000 nor my N3DS has done either of that.

Because the 2000 is unjustifiably shitted on when the 1000 has flaws itself.

It's literally the first thing in the pastebin

It should be in the OP, it's a folder called sce_module. You copy it to the folder of the game that needs it.

When I went in to check for you, my "Other - System Use" line was 1217 MB. I did a little checking and realized I had left a 1GB VPK sitting in a folder I created when I FTPed it over. So, maybe you have something like that going on.

It's literally the first thing in the doc

how can anyone go back to lcd screens after using an oled vita

This must be the most racist comment that I've ever seen on Veeky Forums.

So to update to Vitashell 0.9 do you just reinstall Henkaku through the browser?


EXPECT A V2 SOMETIME TODAY (or early tomorrow)

I've also been cringing every time I type CEX or DEX in relation to Vitas since this isn't correct at all and will probably make a better way to way to designate differences. CEX and DEX are related to PS3s, not Vita. Ive only done it since its something people understand

expect happenings

How so? They're just saying that the vita """"might"""" have dried up cum on it. I did wash my hands and cleaned the vita since I took the pic though.

no, you update to 3.61, then install henkaku

I delete vpks after installing them, so no. I'm checking every folder but i can't find anything that's more than a few kb.

>It's literally the first thing in the doc
Calm down dude.
All my games worked so far so I never needed the fix and I'm not downloading the game that needs it, I just happened to mention I thought it didn't work, I don't have aspergers, I'm not going to read every gdoc just because it exists. So you might want to tone down that needless aggresion and consider not replying in the first place if a comment upsets you that much.

more like expect nothing useful ever but you continuously posting like it is the return of christ

so how the fuck do i get menuhax working? i downloaded the folder, put it in my 3ds folder, and it doesn't show up in the Homebrew Launcher.

the fuck am I doing wrong?

i pray that you never step foot in /pol/ then you sensitive retard

Man, I sure wish I could play this Atelier.

I don't even know what you are talking about anymore pixelbutts.

This is related to the dev tool that the faggot silica made?

kill yourself addy

What's wrong with a board about politics?

There won't be any leak. The game is eshop only.

Remember Totori is the best Arland.

>This is related to the dev tool that the faggot silica made?
lmao silicia has never "made" anything he's a useless script kiddie
all he did was figure out how to copy a folder, big deal

I know everyone is doing Vita stuff right now, but I'm still fiddling with my 3ds. I used the "retards guide" months ago, I'm still using 10.2 rxtools.

Looking at the plailect guide in the OP, it sounds like I start with the second step? This looks fairly simple, but I don't want to lose my current emuNAND in the process.

You flash the sysNAND all the way down to 2.1, install proper cfw, and then restore my old emuNAND to the new cfw. Sound about right?

EShop only leak, not happening.
Just play Picross 2 till then.

Honestly who the fuck cares? I got a 1000 because I got a good deal on it, I couldn't give less of a fuck about subtle screen differences and idk what you're talking about headaches, because I haven't had any, but maybe that's just me?

The pastebin needs to be updated with more 3ds and VC/inject games. Looks like the Vita on is being kept up to date

Do step 1) then step 2) then step 3)
repeat until finished


Not everyone has retard eyes user

Is online necessary for Grand Kingdom like it was for Grand Knights History?

That's because no one fucking cares about the 3ds, everything that could be done has been done, if you seek anything else, Google.com is a useful tool.

>nothing useful
think again. this time we have something of actual value

>silica made
he never "made" anything

Asking this again in a thread that isn't on page 10.

I went back and found this.


It could be useful.

Is this one better than the DS one? Never played any picross game

You have to go back.

Agreed. Her story is also the best.

>TFW that Final Boss fight theme started playing.

Here's Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
mediafire.com/download/0l30g4b00ltkoo2/Oddworld Strangers Wrath.vpk

I'm gonna redump when the new vitamin update comes out though so that I can dump it with the Update files that improve aiming for the game.

Yeah that's pretty much it

>pastebin needs to be updated with 3DS games
>freeshop exists

Kill you are self

politically incorrect