xth for sona getting deleted from the fucking game HARD
Charles Thomas
Michael Kelly
I will repost this here:
Help me,i'm desperate.
I cant get outta Silver,I peaked at G5,almost entered prom to G4 then I demoted to S2 and I cant climb anymore.
I have more than 700 game this season,and I wanna kill myself because ive been really trying lately,I play about 8-10 ranked games a day and I try to spam my mains wich are kha and lee.
Helps please how did you do it to climb I really want to get to diamond or higher
Man cut it out already. You discord faggots may enjoy calling him a faggot every day but seeing the shit he types is genuinely annoying, he's clearly retarded. I'd rather he just disappeared forever instead of using him for cheap laughs
Luke Howard
Fertile Demacia's.
Cooper Smith
>l-league is dying guys
It doesn't matter how much y'all parrot this shit, just because a game isn't at it's absolute peak does not mean it is a dead game.
Connor Evans
Forgot beautiful image
Brody Hughes
It's not dying by any means, but it's definitely in its decline phase now, and that's been the case the last two or so years.
Julian Flores
FUCKING PICE OF SHIT RETARDS SOUTHSLAVS Ever game they fucking need babysit to win lane and even after ganks they are shitig on lane and do 5k dmg as adc and fucking don't stop typing on chat "zviadjacka mamurska" even if they would fucking die bcs it never group, join to tf and even fucking use aa I HATE THOSE BOOSTED RETARDS WHY I GET GOLDS SHIT IN MY PLATINUM GAMES
Oliver Torres
doesn't stop it from being garbage
Gabriel Hill
Lincoln Brooks
So your Kha doesn't seem as bad as I thought, you can probably keep playing him. Your lee is trending towards 50%, which means you're not getting much out of playing him. Find an easier second jungler, and stop playing anything else. Including Janna jungle.
Brandon Sanders
> Find an easier second jungler The better advice would be to not look for a second jungler at all and onetrick Kha all the way up. 64% winrate in 100 is pretty nuts for a silver who's "hard stuck", he will climb really fast with it.
Kayden Martin
It's decline has been a lot more stable and slow than the likes of WoW who literally fluctuates MILLIONS of players between expansion releases.
Hell Riot is making MORE money than ever.
Eli Clark
xth for mating season
Samuel Bennett
her kit is so fucking overloaded. and shes not even hard. she literally just spams her q and w. the only fucking thing sona mains think is """""hard""""" is using power cord effectively, which is fucking easy if you dont have bronze decision making. fucking hate sona. fuck all sona players. they're usually fucking bad and never roam, just stay by their adc for 40 fucking minutes.
Matthew Mitchell
What is currently the best build for Jax? Been a while since I have played him and I want to get back at it.
Blake Watson
>pentakill reminder that their songs were made by dragonforce, and they're actually not bad. well, at least this song isn't youtube.com/watch?v=be1waE9myCU
Carson White
I don't want to go swimming in Lulu anymore.
Gavin Bell
dont worry man you will get out of bronze all you gotta do is grind and cs. just grind, cs, and dont get tilted by your team and most importantly dont give up
John Evans
WoW is 12 years old, League is only 7.
League also releases content frequently, while WoW has long dry spells due to expansions, as you've already said.
Andrew King
This is called doublethink
Lucas Myers
Triforce and gunblade + def items Rush Triforce if u want more dmg or gunblade if u want sustain You can rush mow to if ap toplaner kicks your butt or get botrk if they spam hp. If u are feed get Sterak's after triforce/gunblade for easy 1v2,1v3
Lincoln Cook
hey if you don't want to, then I will
Grayson Rodriguez
Why are the only meta either >standar top, mid, bot, jungle support >all invade jungle??
No body has tried like duo top, duo mid or hell 2 jungle , one on home camps an other actively counter jungling, or 1 adc, 2 support??
Asher Gray
Thanks mate,appreciate the advice Well im coming from b4,I mainly climbed playing kassadin zed and khazix.
Then I got to gold V and started using weird shit like yasuo,lee etc for no reason at all ,destroyed my mmr and now I am here.
Sorry for the vlog post and thanks for the advice.
Austin Moore
Grasp or Fervor for top lane?
Leo Thompson
Aiden Garcia
Being able to finish the game pre-20 minutes because you absolutely push their shit in it's my fetish.
Alexander Richardson
The k6 is fine, and your udyr is also a good winrate
Looks like you play a bunch of champions without cc in your most played. I would advise against that.
You also don't have any tank junglers so you're helpless if that's what your comp needs.
Personally at season start I carried myself out of silver in 2 days by spamming 1v5 carries (yi jungle and annie mid)
i like how lucian janna has been allowed to be the blatantly overpowered lane that loses to nothing and is also probably one of the safest in the game for years already
Fevor give you best dmg in all stage's of game, grasp can prove better early trades but as jax u don't want usually trade with enemy (more like all in on 1-3 and 6lvl)
Ethan Taylor
No, doublethink is holding 2 contradictory views at the same time, "league is not at it's highest point point" and "league is not approaching nobody playing soon" are not contradictory, like all things, league will probably go through some more peaks and troughs before it's eventual demise.
Nathaniel Collins
Thank you!
Isaac Powell
Reminder that future of LoL is in countries which do not poo in loos
Joseph Evans
why is bot the only lane thay goes double??
Grayson Garcia
So how big is mordekaiser anyways?
In the pentakill splash he's at least twice as tall as the other members, with hands as bigger than sona's chest. In game he is hardly as tall as most other humanoid male cast members, if not shorter. It's not like league can't handle bigger models either, look at naut and Chogath.
Carter Williams
Yes,I really enjoy assasins,tanks not so much.
I've tried playing Annie mid as a lot of people seem to recommend for scrubs,but I just cant focus while playing champs that I find tedious and I dont play so well.
I also dont find her that powerful,maybe Im just too bad with her
Ayden Allen
dragon control
Thomas Price
>replying to tomoshit
Oliver Phillips
why do you drive in the parkway but park in the driveway?
Brandon Fisher
how can platinum 1 people not know that having your entire team composed of physical damage carries is an autoloss
like i'm so fucking tired of rivens and yasuos in my fucking games i wish i never ever had to play with those two champions ever again
Sebastian Gray
They need to make Mundo, Morde and Malphite all bigger and give them a VU. Apparently they are called parkways because they used to go through national parks.
Lincoln Adams
John Young
Next time build rabadon
Ian Bailey
Annie is an assassin though.
You can[t play midlane without knowing some mages as well, and you can't play jungle without knowing some tanks, unless you want to be a literal one-trick pony.
Christopher Davis
>people insist on picking champs that have no late game i will never understand this meme
David Rogers
>duo top Enemy jg gets double farm >duo mid same problem >2 Jg one gets gold starved while bot loses lane >1 adc, 2 sup wut
Its about the gold man, the current meta is the most optimatized model for every team member farming gold. You might be able to duo top and 1 person bot, but that leaves drag vulnerable. The only time no Jg has ever worked is to rush an early win kamikaze style and snowball to victory, but this wont work if the teams are even.
The most you can do is unconventional laners like Nasus mid or Tank/Assassins bot.
Nathan Ward
I've had like 15 people tell me to "pls no ban yas FP him for me i carry" in the last 48 hours. Where the fuck are these faggots coming from?
Carter Morales
Wont doible mid be better?? Bot dragon and herald, also taking down mid turret 1st is way more advantageous than bot turret
Brody Taylor
Literally forced meta by Riot
Jackson Bennett
>playing ezreal >the only champion there that could go AP and deal even more damage than it's AD counterpart
Jeremiah Sanders
He should honestly be the same size as Sion.
Current Morde is such a dissapointment in terms of what he could be
William Martin
Are you unable to farm and then poke at the same time? Annie is binary but she shit's out damage stun or no stun. Her scaling is through the roof and you destroy anyone with enough ap.
Benjamin Diaz
Annie is bullshit, bear drop sjould have. 0.5 second cast animation of annie throwing her bear
Kevin Gonzalez
post first row and rate
Ian Gray
I'm taking over!
Camden Diaz
try to lane against janna lucian as ap ez and tell me how that one goes
Mason Reyes
What did lolg do to git gud? i want real answers not memes please. Im just curious because i am having trouble climbing
Jack Kelly
short lane is safe enough to not need the help
Tyler Cox
>ez >doing damage anyways
Jose Gutierrez
Ezreal has no middle or early game either.
Angel Evans
Andrew Powell
the last 5 points mostly
Jordan Foster
>pick a champ >play 500 games you have just gotten gud
Hudson King
I want Lucian to get gutted because for the last 3 years Lucian has been something you can very easily expect to see one out of every 2 games you play.
It's fucking tiring. I want new faces in bot.
Brandon Bell
play a lot
watch your replays
watch good players in your roles
criticize yourself
Jacob Taylor
I think mundo is fine, he's just a stupidly roided up human. Malph can definatly be bigger though. Instead of the ability VU they should have touched up on his model. The abilities actually looked alright. heres hoping we get some big shadow isles thing Halloween.
Oliver Thompson
im trynd vs riven
how do i win
Logan Thompson
Why is 2 supp not viable?? Same gold as 1 supp but 3vs 2 means way more lane presure Even more if enemy jungle decides just farm, and if he stay camping bot he eomt farm so no gold
Isaac Walker
I watched Hashitshit and spammed Jax until high plat. I copied most of what he did and just split pushed all game.
Ryan Lewis
anyone wanna grind to diamondo IGN: PlopHero
Caleb Mitchell
>Getting lucky with lucian all the time Better than Ashe and Jhin. If they get a single advantage against you they'll spiral even faster out of control then him.
Anthony Adams
>Its another support doesnt actually know how to support, he just picked autofill so he can queue faster and now he's taking blitz and throwing random hooks despite the situation not calling for it good job hooking that alistair away from their tower and into our team btw blitz i'll honor you and your family for that amazing hook episode
Henry Clark
My fav mage is veigar but he just gets destroyed by the cancer shadow ninja,the faggot fish,the windy samurai,insert champ with a fuckton of mobility.
And yeah I know im far from being a complete player,I know I should play more than assasins in my two lanes,but I just dont enjoy some champs.
I may try to abuse kha and try to climb as an OTP kha.
Thanks for all the advice man.
Liam Parker
>Look mom, I posted it again!
Brody White
please reply i took ghost and ignite
Jeremiah Cruz
Even when he was Losecian he was still toting a massive playrate.
People just love the feel of the champion. It's the same with Lee Sin/Yasuo/Riven mains.
He needs the full works VGU senpai. Kinda pissed that they picked Galio over him when Galio is such an unbelivably easy fix to make viable
Eli Bell
You can treat "social phenomena" like League of Legends as diseases, especially in circumstances where there is an exploitative psychological element to it (in this case, Skinner box grind)
League was fine when there was always a new market, but as can be seen here, Riot is running out of them. And yet even with these "third world" populations, there is still a decline. Much of the West and Europe has become increasingly "immunized" against the LoL disease.
We are witnessing the collapse of the game by conservative estimates, 2018. By the way, this trend continues even if you include the broader "lol" (which is confounded by its use as internet slang for laugh out loud).
Side note: South Korea has had the most noticeable drop in interest over the past year of any other country on record. The "PC Bang" numbers appear to just be holdouts of an increasingly older generation.
Ian Wood
start longsword 3 pot ignite flash. You can kill her level 1 if you e through her q3, after that she has lane advantage. Build vamp>pd>bc with cdr boots and you can beat her again
Benjamin Nguyen
He is OP now,ult is bugged baby
Elijah Martin
don't die and kill her when you have like 4 items
Blake Miller
thanks friends i will use this advice towards my journey to high elo
Josiah White
hes op as fuck
Eli Garcia
to expand on that, you're rushing bc+cdr boots so that your e is on a low enough cooldown that she can't just kite you. She will try to burst you with her cc and then kite until she has cooldowns, just constantly e on her and don't let her stall, especially during ult. Don't fuck with her until you have vamp+pd+bc it will go very badly, but you can safely farm under tower and she can't dive
Carson Reed
Spam Yi all the way to diamond. Works for me.
Josiah Turner
when he was losecian he was perfectly fine and i'd dare say the only time he has actually been balanced
Colton Gomez
Ult is broken. Apparently he can autoattack while he ults
Landon Clark
I made it to plat last season, but I'm not gonna make it this season
Feels pretty bad
Tyler Bailey
They probably saw redmercy's video explaining Yas' current bug and think they can abuse it for free wins
Luis Lewis
>Stuck in silver >Wants to be diamond
Let's get realistic goals here. This is like an obese person wanting to become an olympic athlete. Just go for gold for now.
Aaron Morales
Man fuck that bug. I hate it so much not like yas isn't already cancer but that bug is literally Ult auto win. It's sickening.