>tfw no matter how much money you make you are still genetic dogshit and an alpha guy working in a blue collar job destroys you
Tfw no matter how much money you make you are still genetic dogshit and an alpha guy working in a blue collar job...
I don't know that feel.
I'm a Chad
Nice cope.
>That feel when I am an autist working in a blue collar job.
"Blue Collar Job"
If you call sucking off sugar daddies that, then sure.
Except that's not true. Haha. Nice coping mechanism. Enjoy working your shitty labor job for $25k/yr
>hurr durr but at least I'm an alpha!
Cope away.
Wow, nice cope.
ins't that faggot buying 4 chan
pic related
Keep coping.
Cope and paste
that's honestly an extremely ugly body shape, jesus christ, train lats, traps and chest for god's sake
Go back to PSL. Yes it is a cope, but there's nothing to do but cope in life. Also Martin should get a nosejob, don't know why he doesn't want to do it.
What is the point of this thread?
That's some real coping.
to stop coping and rot
You can really cope.
Whats cope?
Not from this board just lurking since I am from another board.
It is like you guys are hurt from and are on some damage control because your not alpha?
Unbelievable coping.
Can you explain your philosophy in a paragraph or few. I just don't get the point.
You are saying most
Micro or macro?