/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >[Magical Girl Journey ~Prisma Cause~]
-Mid September
-Fuyuki must have been cleared to gain access to the event
-Female servants, D'Eon and Astolfo will give bonus with the limited CE

>[Camelot Gacha part 2 from 8.31 to 9.7]
Servants on rate-up
-5* Lancer Arturia
-4* Saber Gawain
-4* Archer Tristan

>[400 days anniversary from 9.1 to 9.7]
Log in four consecutive days to receive
-4M QP
-40k FP
-4 Golden Apples
-4 Tickets
Logging in anytime during this period will also give you 10 4* exp cards one time only

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php
-New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones, & androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
-Mashu Kyrielight voice actress Risa Taneda on hiatus from voice acting to focus on medical treatment for an unspecified illness.


>Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>Updated Translations Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet


>Alternate servant/CE database

mediafire.com/download/960gn6g6w2p0l8q/FGO Material I.zip
mediafire.com/download/wj405jjjc9ly94e/FGO Material II.zip

Other urls found in this thread:


>FP gacha

Bang, Bang, Bang

Love this bird.

what a qt



So now that we know non-Aniplex properties can get in on FGO, what collabs would you guys want if they ever expanded beyond Nasu works?

Is the sourdough that guy said he was baking here?

I was promised sourdough.

Friendly reminder that if you are a Lancer and can't kill the daily Archer Gilgamesh in one chain involving your NP you are shit.

We are all looking at you Lancer Artoria

I love my waifu!

What happened here?

Persona, SAO, Madoka, Monogatari, and Kamen Rider

Sour dough is shit

If there was some shit like SnK collab then I would stop playing

disgusting cringe trash


one pieace plx


She fell down the stairs.

>Kamen Rider
>cringe trash






Record of Lodoss War.

Nobu a CUTE.



Not bad !

Odin Sphere might work.

>Valkyrie was in the leak list
>In game Gwendolyn's chapters are named Valkyrie
>Her va is Kawasumi aka Saber

Bradamante when?

naruto, bleach

Media probably went to Rule Breaker Hassan, but then Hassan killed Kuzuki and she just stood there stunned.

But we already have an upcoming crossover with SAO user

Well they're both aniplex property in terms of music actually all the Weekly Shounen Jump music was done by Sony outside of DBZ and One Piece

If I had a Liz, so help me god, I would visit such unholiness upon her anus that you would never shit again out of sheer sympathy. As I took great handfuls of her peachy white cheeks in my hands, Satan himself would begin to weep with joy. He knows that the sin I am about to commit will damn every soul in existance, that the profane, wet noises alone will stain the universe with its echoes, that the signt of my face buried in her will scorch the eyes of god himself.


Would whale that gacha.

Dark Souls, JoJo, mainline SMT, preferably Nocturne.

Demonbane. Haganeya has worked with TM before and Fate already had a crossover with in Nitroplus Blasterz so it there is a very small chance that it could happen. The scale of it would also work since at the beginning of the story in Demonbane most people are only Karna-tier at best so it wouldn't break the setting to have those characters in Fate.


Fuck off retard

Yu Gi Oh

Dude, but any SMT protagonist could solo all of Fate and Tsukihime combined without breaking a sweat

Danganronpa for more Komatsuzaki Rui boys.

Yeah, but they'll be nerfed. I just want to see the Demi-Fiend again.


Final fantasy so I can whale for 5* Lancer Gilgamesh

That would be pretty cool. Would you want major players from an assortment of games, or focus of on one?

Nanoha, even though it's still Aniplex, that was what I put on my survey. I want an excuse for Mizuki Nana to voice a Servant.
>Lancer Fate
>Archer Nanoha
>Rider Hayate

Xth for best Lancer

Darker than Black, Durarara

Liz is pure!

That sounds pretty hot.

>not rolling for GER *6 ruler with the highest instakill/heal in game

Vita Berserker

This but i'd whale for 5* Caster Ultimecia. Edea could be one of her alt like in Dissidia.

It won't happen but its nice to dream.

Thunderbolt Fantasy

So which servants are must grailed gameplay wise?

Because i already grailed my favorite. now it's time for gameplay fagging

I don't care as long as there are no lolis
Enough lolis already

Raildex please.


Some silver Archer since they are way better than gold Archers.
Jannu alter.


Who /jeanne/ here!

Saber Lancelot
Jeanne Alter
Cu Alter

That's really about it



>Collabs with series that aren't even ongoing and have no major post series completion merchandising
>Not even a franchise


Singles, is he good?

Also what CE should I use for Helena?

Delete this.

When is he getting a CE?

Red Dragon

Gimme Swallow

Marijuanna Servant when?

What would super weed even do as a CE?

I shouldn't have become a baker

knk event

Help me fgog

I've fallen in love with a fictional character. What am I supposed to do now?

You'll get more samurai and you'll like it

>falling in love with Medb

Fucking cuck.

Get better taste


B-But IV Apocalypse DLC has him again.

>Some silver Archer since they are way better than gold Archers.

Sluts and Archer Artoria disagree. Hell even Tesla disagrees since he just needs one or two turns to use his NP.

Ask her to marry you

>tfw you know somethings about to get destroyed

We just had an event with tons of big tits servants and there has been no loli for months.
If anything, we need more lolis.

Well one Lancer Alter can't one shot Gil, should I burn her? She's useless.

>that image

>Oppai loli never


A jobber version of him, he got his ass kicked by Lucifer.

You should burn all of your non-bronze servants dude.
By keeping them around you're buying into DW's scheme.


Burn everyone who can't oneshot Gil with their first attack.

NPs are memes.

Who the fuck is that? And why did she ruin Tamamocat.

Oppai loli doesn't exist. They are just midgets with tits.

They can't stop me from using my male servants

Arts saber Raidou never
