/bbg/ - Bloodborne General

Previous thread: >Patch 1.09 Info

>Accessing the DLC
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>Co-Op & PvP
Official PvP Chalice: hizzngr3 (Pthumeru Root)
/bbg/ Fight Club:
Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8
Loran - jjpkdcgd
Isz - 9v8qndas
(every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules:imgur.com/1RjNbF4)

>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis

>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning

>Media Pastebin - OSTs, Concept Art & Screenshots

>Beasthood & Claws Info

>Wheel, Fight Club, Arc 101 & other Misc. Info

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

>literally just in /gsg/ seeing somebody's screencap of reporting the latest R&I
>come back here
>see this
>wonder why /gsg/ has rapehorse as the OP

Not like this, lad, not like this.

I fear to ask, but w-what did I miss? Scrolling through the previous thread doesn't seem terribly enlightening.

Can anyone explain chalice dungeons? How do they work?

Read the OP

Which part? I don't see an explanation of chalice dungeons. I gather that you have to create them using ritual items (wtf?) But like once you create one, is it permanent? Or does it disappear after some period of time? When should I do them? What's up with the root dungeons? What's up with the ID codes in the OP and elsewhere? It's all rather weird tbqh.

Chalice dungeons are optional areas into which you can go, essentially long dungeon crawler areas which contain some unique bosses, a few unique items (two armour sets, one weapon and the best runes) and most importantly, the best gems. There are four types of 'story' Chalice Dungeon, Pthumeru, Hintertomb, Loran, Isz, each one being made of several layers of varying difficulty, denoted by 'depth', depth 1 being piss easy, depth 5 being bastard hard. You will also receive, in these dungeons, root chalices which are randomized versions of the dungeon you're in. You can, when making a root chalice, add certain conditions to make the chalice harder and thereby get better items from it, you can make Foetid, Rotted and Cursed (FRC) Dungeons, Foetid and Rotted spawn harder enemies more frequently and make them stronger, Cursed dungeons halve your health but also allow you to receive Cursed Bloodgems, the best type of gems, but beware as they come with a negative attribute, anything from damage vs beasts going down to your health depleting.

You can completely ignore the other of the headstones on which you make them, I'm guessing it was something never implemented.

Lore-wise, Chalice Dungeons are where the ancient Pthumerians lived and the places Byrgenwerth discovered all the horrible bullshit that resulted in this game.

Thanks based user!

What chalice did you guys farm off-shape blood gems? Because I'm using: y592byza
And I've got about 3-4 radials and tris and 15-20 waning gems. It's getting silly now. The last 10 million echoes earned from farming them have been nothing but waning gems.

If I'm doing a 25/50 SKL/BLT build to make more use out of the untricked Bowblade and Chikage, is it worth going Lost for the circular BLT gem, or should I just stick to Uncanny and roll with 27.2's? I'm leaning toward the latter.

More info!

Ritual Items are items like Ritual Blood, Tomb Mould, Bastards of Loran, etc. You find all of these inside the dungeons and they are only used for making dungeons, it's just crafting materials, basically. You get your first Ritual Blood in Old Yharnam on an altar for when you get the Pthumeru Chalice from Bloodstarved Beast, but from thereon out, you find materials in dungeons or you can buy certain ones from the shops.

When you make a dungeon, it's permanent, you can unmake it and remake it if you wish. The glyphs, those strings of letters and numbers, are unique codes for specific dungeons. To search for a specific dungeon using a glyph, you must have made the type of dungeon you are searching for beforehand. For example, say you're looking for an Isz Root Chalice using a glyph, you must have made an Isz Root Chalice yourself before that. The idea of specific dungeons is they might have specific bosses good for farming types of gems or they might contain valuable items in chests and such. It's a bit confusing at first, but it honestly all makes sense. Someone might say in this thread 'Hey I found an Isz root chalice with a Guidance tier 3 rune and two blood rocks, the glyph is dncj5gd', you would go to a headstone, select 'search by glyph', enter that ID in and, if you've made an Isz root before, it'll pop up and you can go in. If you haven't made an Isz root, it'll say you haven't met the criteria.

As for when to do chalices, you can do them whenever you want, ideally you should do them during the course of the game since that's what intended, or you can wait til NG+ go to in and fuck around. Chalices don't scale like the base game, they will always remain at the same difficulty. It's kind of satisfying watching depth 1 bosses die in three hits.

If you're not going full BLT, then the circular ones will be useless to you. Better to have 27.2% more physical damage overall than merely 3% more BLT damage by comparison/

Not that user, but thanks for the info, man!

I've always been kind of rusty with them, and now that I'm doing an ARC build, I'm supposing I'll be going dungeon spelunking for gems and whatnot.

You're really fucking good at explaining these things. I'd say you should redo the whole OP for the general going forward but it would still go unread.

Also checked!

>Bloodborne 2

Level 85 here, where should I go to coop?

Should I just go to NG+? If yes, how alive is it and how do you deal with the damage plateau from the hard caps?

Anyone have any good male sliders? I have several good female sliders, but none for men.

Never, and it's probably a good thing because if it were made, you'd all sperg out like a faggot over how it wasn't as good as the original even though you knew all along that Bloodborne is a one of a kind masterpiece that Miyazaki couldn't match if he tried.

Bloodbornelike game when?!

Now this is a fair and valid question I guess. Depending on how you mean Bloodbornelike anyway.


NG+ only effects difficulty for you, not for who you can co-op with. Of course it resets the areas, you're limited to what you've unlocked, but other than that, you're fine to go looking for co-op.

The game is very much alive, and you'll find better co-op in harder areas and dungeons. Hell, I'm level 240 and I get pretty regular co-op in FRC dungeons.

I used the same one. It's the best there is. A different chalice glyph won't change your RNG. Just grind.

>doing SL4 NG+6
>spend an entire day beating Ludwig
>feel sad that I can't fight him again
Fuck, man. It was actually really fun to dodge him perfectly and learn his moves.

I hope they can implement a mechanic to refight bosses someday without having to do co-op. I'd love to fight Orphan and Ludwig again.


Thank you! I'm glad to help, they look pretty daunting but really they're fine.

As for types of gems, now that shit gets a bit complicated and still eludes me. All I know is cursed is best, and be prepared to make do with bad negative effects.

Yeah, if you ask me, a lot of the fun comes from the bosses themselves.
Co-op is iffy for me, since the boss now aggros other people too. I just want to fight them solo.


You got outplayed, really. You should have accounted for that.

Those pigs are bullshit somtimes

>he dosent know about the go-go gadget extendohead
You deserved it

>now you're thinking with portals

I just have to say, that is the greatest pic ever. Especially because I just fought that bastard yesterday, lol.

I have a BL 145 (is there a meta for this or BL150?) and I was thinking, getting to 50 of skill/str isn't really worth it, especially because my character is versatile as fuck

40 vit
30 end
35 str
45 skl
20 blt
25 arc

I was thinking of either maxing out skill but since isn't really worth it maybe getting 25 bloodtinge?

I'm currently doing the DLC at the Research Hall.

It might actually happen.

I'm holding on to this and a new Armored Core.

>30 end
>no stats at 50

do you have any insight or just memes?

30 end is great. Especially for blades of mercy.

I got to 45 and already start regretting it, the benefits aren't as great. And i'm specifically asking if I should max it out or put those 5 points into something else and if even there's a meta for BL145~150 builds and you have answered none of that.

I thought we were keeping shitposting to a minimum this time

Nope, From said once they finish DLC for Dark souls they are moving on to "new projects"

>BL 145
Sorry if this is a dumb question but why do people say BL? I get that it means level but what am I missing?

>guy makes good points about your shit build
>just call him a memer and shitposter
Yeah ok dude

And you're doing what? Fuck off faggot.

Blood Level. People used to say SL in Dark Souls

Blood level
It wouldnt be bloodborne if you couldnt tac the word Blood onto everything.

There's really no reason to EVER level END above 20, and most people play with 15 or less because stamina costs are so low and stamina regeneration is so high in this game. Basically you totally wasted 15 BL in END and are totally salty about it.


Honestly I would put at least 25 in it.20 if you want it at a minimum and uses low-cost weapons. Points wasted are points wasted. I actually really like the extra stamina cost, don't know why you're so salty about it. I can roll a lot and still hit a lot with a lot of ranged, fast, AND heavy weapons too.

How about getting to 50? Is it even worth it? I see a lot of builds that gets to 40 (sometimes 40/40) and puts those extra points in something else

>I-I don't like ur opinion so it must be shitposting!
You spent points on the most useless fucking stat in the game, your build is a complete unoptimized mess, you don't have any stats at the second softcap, you are overleveled as shit and you use a shit weapon. Please consider deleting your character and making a more thoughtful build next time

So I can assume there IS a meta for BL150s? Thanks shitposter.

Gonna problably put into bloodtinge, fuck it, I like the versatility, game is easy, and getting to 50? Really? That doesn't even give me 20 more extra damage. Fuck that shit. Min/max and "meta" should just die. Most of the time I just kill faggots like you by hitting you with shit you wouldn't even expect and then finishing you off with a cannon while you cry over your min/maxed build and why you're so shit.

He is just trolling man. You almost always need 30 end on your builds. In your case I would level up arcane a bit for extra tool damage. Meta is around 150-200. This general can be super cancerous at times but usually we are decent people :)

tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt

We got Oprah here folks.
And YOUR a shitposter
And YOUR a shitposter
And YOUR a shitposter

>50 stat not worth it
You might want to go back to /dsg/

Oh boy, the salt is real. If you don't like "meta" so much then bring all your stats to 99, retardo. It would at least balance your shitty build out


If you are using an Arc build make sure to get Lost weapons.

The trolling is real.

Thanks man, but kinda disappointed with the tools actually. I use them more in specific situations, so I'm not gonna get 40~50 might as well just leave it.

>Oh boy, the salt is real. If you don't like "meta" so much then bring all your stats to 99, retardo. It would at least balance your shitty build out

But I kill faggots like you all the time. Why the fuck make two characters when I can make one that does everything? It gives me the "extra challenge" if you like gimping youre stats so much.

The only build I'd ever even consider going above 15 END on is my HMLS build because that thing is a stamina whore. Everything else is 15 or less. I'd rather put points into something useful.

Ebin :^)


>30 End
>He doesn't use 20% stamina runes
Nigga you best be getting new eyes because your current eyes sucks ass.

That's helpful user, thanks!

Chalice dungeons and lost/uncanny weapons and gems are kind of confusing.

Oh god

> I kill faggots like you all the time
Sure you are, tough guy

Chalice dungeons were like the perfect opportunity to implement a boss rush like that, I'm surprised they didn't.

They are just Gem Imprints.
Everything else about them are the same.

There are 4 kinds of Gem Imprints

Circle is pretty much for Guns and Bloodtinge weapons

I use a 15% sometimes. It's cool. There are better ones.

Did I offend you internet tough guy?

The real Lvl meta in /bbg/ is 544

Fuck are you talking about? The /bbg/ meta has been BL4 since launch.

Level your arc to 40, it unlocks A Call Beyond. It's a laser beam and works well, but it is important to keep your arcane at 40 and not more because it's only really good for ACB. And don't let those shitposters discourage you. Also what
said. Equip the stamina runes on top of your 30 end so you can keep pressuring the opponent.

What is "an extremely precious blood gem" as defined by the PSN achievement? I got an extremely precious rune but I don't even remember which one it was.

I don't know I get more damage benefits from leveling STR than from leveling SKL to max.

I might as well pump up my arcane in a new game plus, thanks though!

What PSN achievement is that? Blood Gem Master or something? Because I got that from finding a random gem in chalice dungeons... wasn't even a high level one.

How do I into bloodtinge builds?

You sure you're not thinking of blood gem contact? Because that's for any blood gem, whenever you get your first. But yeah the one I'm asking about is blood gem master.

>so this is true spiral emojis eh?

>bloodtinge to 50
>good gems

Updated the older FC image to include new glyphs. Is the font ok or should I change it to be more normal instead of BB logo esque

You don't get shit past 25 End

And why the fuck should he stop at 40 when 2nd softcap is 50?
Fuck you and fuck your reddit shit

Whoops sorry I fixed the bullets bit

In the Grand Strategy General, some autist tries his hardest to start every single thread with "Reminder to report and ignore shitposting." I don't actually know if it's a bot or not because it's been beaten before.

But needless to say, it only causes more.

I got the achievement by picking up one of the gems in the DLC, I think a Murky from the Research Hall, so I have no idea what it's supposed to be.

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

Reminder to report and ridicule reddit shitters

You missed Hintertombs.


It's really only for impromptus, but it has a messenger shop in it.

Alright, bear with me, /bbg/. I want to get into blood gem farming for my Lost Kos Parasite.

This is my set up for the slots:
RADIAL --> Arcane ATK UP +27.2%
TRIANGLE --> Arcane ATK UP +27.2%

Not sure what to use for the waning gem. Also, is a percentage based damage boost better than flat?

Or maybe I should be using uncanny Kos?
Sorry, this is my first time doing this.

>not levelling END to 99
END yourselves.

You want uncanny. Flat is better.

I'll put it in now. Is the layout/font ok?

Yeah, it's fine.

>Bothering with the Hintertombs when the Pthumeru glyph is depth one anyway

Ok it's got hinter in it now

There's best blood gem setup in the OP

Is there a reason for that many glyphs? Shouldn't be better with only one?

We have this many glyphs because we like to change the scenery sometimes.

How long is the Pthumeru chalice dungeon?

At least 5 chalices long

Have to go through Isz, too, and Ailing Loran for materials.

So pretty much all of them

Kek shit, I thought I finally understood these things after reading user's explanation above but I might need to re-read it a second time more slowly. One chalice dungeon is multiple chalices...?

No, one chalice is usually three layers, occasionally four. There are five different Pthumeru chalices.

Ah okay I guess the 3-4 layers was the answer I was actually looking for. I probably just didn't ask the right question. Thanks.

And that's just the normal ones. There's also Root Chalices and Sinister Chalices but these are mostly for farming gems

I want this guy to post his character sliders. She's a qt.

>no Rakuyo