/lolg/ - League of Legends General

Soraka is a great support edition.

Old thread: Current patch notes: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-617-notes

Yorick rework: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/yorick-champion-update

Official artbook: artbook.na.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/volume-one

Current PBE changes: surrenderat20.net/p/current-pbe-balance-changes

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i want an assjob from jinx


Why do people play champions like Elise in low ELO?

I just had one get really fed then cost us the game because she had no idea what she's supposed to do with that lead.

She went like 7/0 in the first 15 minutes then started getting blown up in team fights.

tfw carried into d5 by turbo smurfs

Post yours and rate others.

xth for Lyon to worlds

Post Leonas

Is impact the best top laner in NA?


>jhin mid.

its like nv has no intention of even trying to win

I'm going to delete this, uninstall and kill my goldfish.

Is he the same impact that won worlds with SKT back then?

>the city of seraph

i know impact is good again but holy shit what are you doing

are casters lurking 4chin?

>lol it takes 5 of u to kill me


/lolg/, am I correct in my current analysis? Please feel free to add more or correct any errors:

Mercy is the Sona of Overwatch.
Widowmaker is the Katarina of Overwatch.
D.Va = Lux
Tracer = Tristana
Zarya = Illaoi
Pharah = Fiora
Symmetra = Karma
Ana = Leona
Mei = Trundle

>dva = lux

Why the fuck are you doing this?

Stupid as fuck

what about braum

>5 boots of lucidity

>trying to climb out of silver after 3 years of not playing

god fucking damn it, these retarded niggers should call suicide hotline instead of playing video games i swear


>Annoying voice
>Annoying lines
>Annoying laugh
>Annoying personality
>exceptionally talented at what they do
>popular celebrities
>get special privileges from their government/kingdom
checks out


>got a penta on Quinn and Azir
>still cant get a penta on Kata

>when you get sona in aram
i legit felt bad for the enemy team

how could they lose?

>Europe is going to be represented by Splyce and Unicorns of Love


gee boss

>you can make this shit up

the secret is to go windspeakers and tear+spellthiefs>censer>dcap>seraphs instead of going thunderlords and rushing lichbane like an autist.

What? G2 and H2K already have their tickets. Only one place is left open.

Visually, Mercy is pretty much Kayle

>Zarya isnt Vi

what the fuck
stop trying
>pharah = fiora
>soldier with a rocket launcher = outplayed xddd duelist fencer

I'm currently trying to think which mid laner is better for getting people out of bronze silver.

Annie is obvious but one of her problems in lower elo is her immobility means that bad positioning (which if you're low elo you have) gets punished hard.

On the other hand Ahri has skillshots, but it's not hard to consistently land Q's and her R is a massive as fuck escape button for shitty positioning. I got out of a 4-man gank initiated by Zac of all people with it before.

NA is so hilariously shit outside of TSM, and even they aren't that good if a team like C9 gave them fits

I wanna see how he does at worlds when Gnar isn't absolutely busted but from what we've seen so far it's hard to argue against him.

He probably dumpsters every top laner in the world right now not named Smeb/Ssumday. Disgusting in lane

Best girl.
Best hips.
Best wife.

Sej is the cutest princess

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Deadest of threads.

don't you mean with?????????????????

Don't you mean without?

Dont you mean within?

Deja vu! I've just swam in this place before

i dont have a problem with playing in silver, i know ill climb out, im currently at silver III 77 LP and 2 days ago i was silver IV 0 LP

its just that its so fucking frustarting when you have to drag these retarded fucktards kicking and screaming into victory

just won a game where literally all my lanes were at least 0/3 before 10 minutes and they started talking shit OMG STOP FEED to each other, while also dying simultaneously

i just kept spamming pings on map for objectives and obvious ambushes (huh? all enemies are missing and our ziggs is solo pushing hmmm i wonder where the enemy team will emerge on the map)

also we had ziggs and ezreal who missed like 10 kills combined because theyre blind fucking retards

>dueling enemy jungler at drake scuttler
>suddenly enemy thresh hooks me from the ledge
>i die but enemy is at 50 hp
>ziggs just auto attacking creeps

and so on and so on

its like theyre fucking playing with blindfolds

literally broken

Remember, for all the blind clueless teammates on your team, you'll have as many on the enemy team as well.

Take advantage of that.

I've had a few times where I just glance at the map, see my jg is dueling at dragon, and just ran down and helped out, got a free kill, and the enemy midlaner didn't even try to stop me.

>swimming with lulu 69
Quetzal is going to go apeshit on you

different user. Hell fuckin yeh, those are the best. That or when the dumbass opponent wont roam for love nor money and you get free reign go to where you please


Try spam ping for assistance if you get jumped.

I get help more often now that I started doing it.

Just because they don't use their maps doesn't mean they won't hear your pings.

Always spam ping shit. Laner goes Mia for even a second? Spam ping it. Someone chasing you? Spam ping assistance.

Is it worth learning Riven?

Does she not know her rockets give her more range...?

She's not very good right now but if you like her a lot, sure.

>ywn be a cuckold for your waifu

why live?

better off just dying already.

>teasing is cuckoldry

Cuckfags need to stop thinking "cuck!" every time they see a chastity cage.

Idk man im bronze but I put a few days worth of watching box box and practicing the meme cancelling and she's now a really good pocket pick of mine

I only play her once every few games for some spice and I always dumpster my lane opponent and snowball the game

Riven just lets you run around the map doing everything and I find that the team will follow me as I'm not a toxic riven main

Tldr Riven is good if you play analytically and understand her kit and combos

I got my 16th account permabanned. I don't know if I want to buy another one, I feel like I'm bored of league. Should I try overwatch?

how do people get permabanned? I've never even been temporarily restricted.

>people in bronze think they have pocket picks

ikr I don't even have a main

is it supposed to be hard to get a pbe account?

ive only been permabanned once but chances are he buys his accounts and they get banned for it after a while (like I did) or he is autistic enough to grind 16 accounts to level 30 in which case he is just a super toxic bronze level shitter

goddamit bard is the funniest support to play
do not try to reply to me with other support because you're wrong

just being a total complete toxic cunt in every single game and they justify it by thinking everyone should just deal with it

he bought an account and then the guy who sold it to him reported so he would get banned and buy another one like the dumbass he is

He's "funny"?

Or do you mean he's "fun"?

>Mei = Trundle

I kek'd.

Also Zarya is Vi. This is where you need to stop.



wat iz dat

dead general

The real thread isnt this one.

xth for ININ 2 when

he is funny

Reminder that Impact is the best toplaner in the world, along with Smeb.

Lulu is the cutest!

Remember me??


>Hey, I'll just fire up a normals game to warm up. I mean, it's normals so it won't be THAT frustratin--

>Enemy has four plats and a silver.
>I have a level 6 and 23 on my team.

Thanks, Riot.


>8 game loss streak
>even when were winning somebody disconnects or the one asshole getting carried gets tilted and leaves
>trying desperately to be positive going into the next game despite monkeys picking the carry roles and getting pissy with each other

>the one asshole getting carried

you mean the one who gets flamed by you without reason. gg bronze forever

take a break

Dont even talk in games fampai, all it does it make people upset because youre either telling them what to do or "insulting" them. .

>Someone picks Yasuo.
>They still feed and throw the game.

Hey faggots,
a very limited english patch is now available for this shitstain of a game


this exactly

>be me picking Galio mid
>win lane hard
>go bot and fail gank
>get told Galio is a shitty pick
>get pissed about it and throw a what i would call a easy citory
>probs got reported 3 times but don't care
>still proud I showed this niggers not to flame people

What do when you see this in champ select?

>tfw you get this in your promos
God truly loves to see people suffer.

Did I do good? I think I'm getting the hang of gragas now

>playing aram because casual (get cait)
>level 5 my old cat starts puking on the floor
>help him out for like 5+ minutes
>come back
>velkoz calls me a nigger, says he's going to get my address and murder my cat, then leaves game
>kled, his friend, starts intentionally feeding
>rest of team is good, manage to get to full build
>3v5 enemy team and somehow win

Pretty fun headshotting 2000s with shiv proc

>velkoz calls me a nigger, says he's going to get my address and murder my cat, then leaves game

>It's a, "Vayne uses Condemn to save the enemy AGAIN," episode.
Shit is getting REAL fucking old.

lel she actually has some humor
ask her out




fucking retard lmao