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nth for ralph will spread his incurable autism to your race/class next

Stop removing NFA from the OP, you literal redditor.

Just hit 110 today, please gz
no bully for
>not doing it day 1


alliance is too civilized for greece

wow a shit

ded gaem

ded general

nth for the Meme Mage


>Prot paladins are the only ones that have shitty fucking "increases max health by 1%" trait
>They are forced to go through it if they want to get to one of only 2 good gold traits

>not being 840 ilvl by the end of week 1

I know how the sims look, but how does balance compare to feral irl?

is it still good in pvp also?

gz *bullies*

>Reminder you will never be as good as me and getting 843 ilvl in 2 days of a new expansion
Get gud kids, you can even get Honored with Nightfallen in a day because you cant do withered training.

what do i do with 290k gold now lol
wait for a carry?
i wish this gold came around when i needed a mythic blackhand carry

>wake up
>realize i'm still an elemental shaman
how do my fellow gamers deal with this crushing depression

>implying we wont have threads infested with him talking about how much he loves worgen dick

screencap my post itll happen in 2 weeks tops. i hope im wrong

>Soul Harvest should no longer incorrectly aggro all enemies in sight.

Warlocks nerfed again, can`t get massive pulls at the push of a button any more.

If someone has their group message demanding a certain ilvl but doesn't actually have the minimum ilvl set does that mean they are below what they are demanding?

I mad


Nothing is sacred, just pray he moves on from your race quickly. Orcs had it lucky.

nah every tank spec has those

>tfw no more vocaroo shitposting

>830 for mythics
this meme will never get old, People on the first day were doing mythics with 800 ilvl with maybe a wipe here and there.

I normally like Affliction but having all the artifact powers require kills is fucking garbage.

holy fuck lothar is beautiful truly a man I would fight along the green tide

greatest fucking man ever.

>tfw most of my characters are Tauren
Save me

Demon Hunters will get nerfed.

Why do they want Demon Hunter specifically?

>tfw pure dps class

I've made a mistake


what the fuck


>need DH dps
>people think DH are godlike because they are easymodo dps
>DH friend boasts about how he wins all the time
>the only one that can consistently beat him is me on my WW monk
>but I'm usually healing

just baddies

because they shit out aoe dps on every single button in their rotation

>tfw Melee dps class

>1.5 hour queues


Great aoe damage and cleave, and the trash in mytic BRH is cancer.

iktf all too well bro

Why would they get nerfed? They're middle of the road DPS and probably the worst tank.

He moved on from Orcs and Boomkin really quickly, he might do the same for Tauren. I hope.

Just befriend or enslave a heals slut to queue with you and suck your dick

Don't forget to cuddle a Worgen today, /wowg/! :3

>forgot that third relic slots unlock
>sold a mythic relic the other day because I already had a better one in the slot
>apparently relics cant be restored (yet)


Message livechat, they'll restore it

So why don't you have the best mount /wowg/?

fuck off pandafaggots

>a perfectly fine class will get nerfed

um kill yourself?

high dps per second class

why is that rat riding a rat

Is the ilevel gain from relics the average of all three/two or does each relic add all of its ilevels?

Because that third slot seems crazy important if its the latter.

Which is annoying because I am still doing the 5 missions. I failed two of them because they only had 98% chance.

You will be fine user I have those two things

Cleave isnt worth getting desu

Assassination, sub, or outlaw for a perfect blend of pve/ pvp?

this meme's getting really stale

install some titty mods or something

Heals nigga

I love her milk


once I hit 110 I'm going to come here and carry all you dps friends so you can have insta queues

greatest living warrior on azeroth

its based on the "+ilvl " stat on the relic

scales with its own ilvl only

Momentum is currently way overturned making it an extremely strong talent making them one of the best dps classes.

should I make an arms warrior fem gnome?

>made a panda monk in mop
>ralph ruined pandas
>currently playing an orc survival hunter
>ralph almost ruined it but it was a quick phase
>decide to level a tauren warrior

its like watching a tornado destroy everything and it slowly heads for you
i really hope one day he just says everything was a masterful ruse and we tell him to fuck off as the taint leaves

Poll for curiosity

make it wrath=BC and we're golden

switch wrath and mop around and i agree

I'm gonna tell you guys something I said in the other thread that some probably already know

If you need leyblood, farm wyrms in the cavern next to the blue dragons in Azsuna.
If you need gamy meat, farm the goats south of Bradensbrook.

But can you guys let me know some good places to farm other meat?

>decided to use my 100 boost on undead monk

heard only good things about brewmasters

what could go wrong

REEEEEEEEEEEEE why wont this hidden skin spawn

If you want cock meat you can farm my pants

The only way to avoid his corruption is to play female. I'm too stubborn to do that, but one day he'll come for my race.

>Mfw tanking those fucking seagulls in EoA

I fucking hate this dungeon even more than violet hold.

long neck

>Have always full inventory because of transmog
>new system I can clear out almost 80% of my stuff
>all this free space I haven't had since cataclysm
>all this gold I made selling the shit
holy fucking christ thank you, it'll take some time to get my transmog sorted but holy shit I'm glad something like this exists again.

>Everybody praising the fuck out of Legion saying its the best xpac
You fuckers said the same about WoD on release. Blizz have plenty of time to fuck this up

>That vanilla vote
Next level trolling


Vengeance or Havoc ?
For PvP

Discord is raiding again.

It says here you're still not 845 ilvl. Why is that?

Post power levels

DH is useless in pvp

Vengeance at least wont immediately explode

>anime posters

why is outlaw highest dps for rogues on sims if assassination literally has all damage dealing golden dragons while outlaw has 2

equal balance???? not

truly autismal

cus it has a pistol and thunderfury so who cares

What ilvl is your weapon?

DH's, along with WW monks and rouges are kinda overtuned.

Because I didn't play the game as much as you did on release fucking obviously SHUT UP ABOUT IT ALREADY

havoc so you die quicker and horde so i don't get paired up with you

because the game is balanced entirely around numbers while giving it's retarded players the simulation of depth despite everyone having recount downloaded

just need to replace 805 shoulders

This is actually the first time I played during a release.
Man this is great, no dead content and I'm making 100k gold an hour.

>Pages of auctions for 1 (one) Yseralline Seed

Holy Priest or Mistweaver Monk, I can't decide.

What's up with fury warrior?

They have pretty awesome animations, but it's tough finding shoulders that work.
Gnomes clip a lot.
Fortunately you're also a tiny armored ball of rage wielding a weapon three times her size so it's ok.

>hiding his name

BC had the best raiding and that's all there is to WoW.
kill yourself

Just be a panda healer for max shelter

Do you get more purps the harder you own in a dungeon ?