/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1159

Dead game dead thread edition

■ Current Update (8/31): PSU 10th Anniversary Update

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└ Regular Maintenance: Wednesday @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST

■ Scratches: Seaside Vacation (until 9/7), King of Monsters (until 9/21), Darkness Ruler (until 12/14)

■ Next Update (9/7): Regiment of The Wicked 2016

├ General Information: bumped.org/psublog/
pastebin.com/CxBP1mEA (embed) (embed)
docs.google.com/document/d/1Ml9MGiN2Ich09mDtR82N1zn62oa1Mp6x6yzRjHrEf8c/ (Last Updated: 7/25/2015)
├ Basic English Patch: psumods.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=206
├ Buy ARKS Cash using PSO2es: pastebin.com/raDBtSpa (embed) (embed)

□ Database/Wiki
pso2.swiki.jp/index.php (JP)
pso2wiki.net/ (JP)
pso2.cirnopedia.info/ (EN - OUTDATED AS FUCK)
pso2.arks-visiphone.com/wiki/Main_Page (EN)

□ Simulators
├ Skill Tree: arks-layer.com/skillsim/skillcalc.php
├ Affix: pso2affix.seilent.net/
└ Damage: 4rt.info/psod/

Previous thread:

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Where are the big breasted onee-chans?

So, is this how the general finally dies?

It will come back when the new UQ is released and phantom darkers start to appear.

delet dis

■Pso2g Discord

This thread right now


>exposing dirty panties

Literally the britney spears of pso2g

But they aren't
How do you even know? you didn't even smell them.

how many rappies must i sacrifice to keep this thread alive?

Just watched Kingsglaive and this ded thread is back.

they look dirty as hell

About 3.
And 400k bouncers.

>abandoning your deadpan loli avatar
not surprised since they were shit

we need to revive this thread pronto



Dead thread


How does that waste ten minutes?

man... these we really good times

i had 10 minutes left after the last PD run

it ran out just as Loser fell into his puddle

mirage had procc'd on him as soon as the fight started and we were unable to re-apply it

Fucking shit needs to die forever

It's funny because people can solo loser in less time than that

git gud and play fighter

>wah wah my triboost which i shouldarefreshed ran out
>wah wah fucking bouncers REEEE

cry more

Refreshing it would have been a waste, autismo

>>wah wah fucking bouncers REEE

you are so fucking clueless and worthless

im not mad at BO

im mad at the ones who just spam moment gale just like I would be mad at a FO who just spams rafoie

Reminder that bouncers killed this game and this general.

Reminder that by creating and bumping the thread you are just enabling the attention whores to get more attention

It will never end until we are dead forever

The only way to truly end the cancer is to euthanize the patient

A bad rafoie isn't negative damage or contribution, though.

We'll have more things to talk about sometime between the 15th and the 18th during TGS, where they'll show the next update information/videos.

>not having an abundance of TRIs and RDRs

Then join organized runs

it's not so much about the result it gives

but the mindset behind it whereby a user looks for the thing that seems easiest to use and does not adapt nor think for the circumstances

no shut the fuck up

you were wrong

go fuck yourself for being wrong

People are gonna do what they want regardless of specific mindsets or not. If they adapt to oh well if they don't then oh well

>getting angry
>over an online video game

just move on

i agree

don't talk to me anymore

you first :^)

no, you suggested it first

stop being a fat hypocrite by provoking me further

YOU need to stop first

just play for fun bro

holy fuck lilith can you just kill yourself already?

No U

Im not lilith tho'

but why

why do you suggest that someone move on but contradict yourself?

Because they're no rules saying i can't

but you understand why the words of a hypocrite are worth less right? do you understand how contradicting yourself undermines your suggestion to move on?

>expecting logic out of a bouncer apologist

dayum nigga dead fucking game ahhahaha

And? this is the internet.. no Veeky Forums. whi gives a flying fuck?

but then again you are because you kee giving me (you)s which i should thank you for.


well, to put it in simple way someone like you can understand

agreeing you're a hypocrite means you admit you are full of shit and everything you said so far about bouncer or "moving on" was disingenuous garbage

Why is this ANONYMOUS person replying to a shitposter?

Why don't you ask him?

because he is a FUCKING ELF

>Still giving me (you)s

I'll treasure these with all my heart~ ‹3

Judging by how calls people useless and scream i'd rather not

But the other elves i've seen are level-headed

you better treasure them, my word is worth more than yours because you are dishonest fellow

ask your question more directly please, you made me take off my name for you already talked to me so it's too late

>You better treasure them
i will bae

>my word is worty more than yours
good for you i guess?


You are Lilith. Nobody else has used an image with that filename on vg and nobody else pretends to thank people when they can't think of anything else to say.

>nobody else has ever an image with that flle name on Veeky Forums


>pretends to thank people

But im not lilith. Besides where in post did i thank someone? none

oh my god who gives a shit

Just Google the file name with +vg on the line. Only you ever used it on this board. You didn't do it in that post, you started doing it when you began losing to Solus.

>Thanks for you (You)s!

So people are falseflagging as a literal who avatar fag?

Is this general always like this


>implying that thanking people for giving (you)s is exclusive to some avatarfag
>implying no one else else uses it

Oh I am laffin. You stlll think that im some literal who

It's more than probable since it was used last thread, the person to use it again this thread would be the same guy. Who else has been looking for nothing but attention in this dead thread? Only Lilith. Nobody else has been attentionwhoring for (You)s. Nobody else pretends to fit in so badly.

>This post

Trying way too hard to fit in. Just ignore them

Anyone would the opposite is true given that you are one who has been repeating nothing but memes this whole time, Lilith.

Literally who?

How do you guys manage your storage? What do you put into your character boxes and what stays in the common boxes?

have 5-6 characters and use there character storage

Whos your favorite Smash character
Mine is R.O.B.

untekked weapons go in char storage
stones, currency, costumes/camos , shared weapons such as gunslashes and the few characters that shares weapons go to main or es storage

Is the Ip block still a thing or no?

>Storing untekked weapons
That's just between EQ runs right
You don't let it fill up before you do anything about them right

h-haha, of course not
I obviously don't have 250+ untekked weapons on all my 8 characters in their respective char storage
obviously not

I don't. I really need to get organized.

no, unless you live in SEA
assuming you were the guy in discord just now when everyone else was being memelords

Yea. Didn't get what was going on. It was like I was never there.

Thanks for answering.


Assuming you've ever been premium or have used the rentals, do duplicate stacks in expired boxes bother you much at all?

nope, doesn't bother me at all

Shit 2 needs to be banned.

Shit 4 needs to be nuked.

Smile, you son of a..!



Time for a boatload of SH triggers.


4.5 Million ID Festival - PSO2 has hit a new milestone for registered IDs. As such, a variety of events will be happening.

September 21 ~ 28 - Memorial Boost Campaign. +150% EXP, +150% Rare Drop, +150% Meseta Boost.

September 14 ~ 21 - Memorial login campaign. More details later.

September 14 ~ October 19 - Weaponoid Costume & Weapon Design General Election

September 21 ~ 28, October 19 ~ October 26 - Twitter campaign (first half / second half).

September 28 ~ October 19 - Twitter screenshot contest.

September 21 ~ 28, October 19 ~ 26 - ARKS Quiz. Probably the same as last time, answer questions in-game and get free items.

September 14 ~ 21 - 4.5 Million ID Memorial Set in the AC Shop. No idea what this could be but we'll know soon enough.

hot dog, more triboosts

I miss stroob...

We all miss erping with him.


>yfw he removed his suicide steam group

Fuck off stroob

>2 hours later finally finish
that shit takes ages.


>requires flash player
not watching.

What is the potential of Astral Riser-NT?

Same as Nemesis series
Boosetd damage against darkers and ultimate variant darkers

hmm, I actually wonder if that potential will apply to the upcoming phantom darkers