/ps2g/ - Planetside 2 General

we dead now

>What is this game?
>How do I play?
>How do I play? (advanced)
>Tweaks and optimizations
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
>Weapons chart some user made

rest in fucking peace

Other urls found in this thread:


im so alone

Should have made planetside 1 but with better graphics.

Why aren't I able to use stalker cloaking?

Because you didn't cert into it. Dummy.

Construction has got to be the largest disappointment I've felt in a long time.

So overwhelmingly shit.

The only building with any actual tactical usability they also released well after the original "boom phase" of interest subsided too. Defending a base feels like shit. The parapets are tombs. No viable usability. No worthwhile meaning to defending memecraft bases. Points are so slow. This in turn devalues alerts. Haven't felt a "to the wire" alert in forever since they instalocked continents. Plus the fucking force-field shield thing for walls / bunkers fucks over aiming for anyone not playing on potato / having disabled the blur.

The said building with tactical usability being the large tower. That thing crewed with heavies with a repair module keeping it invulnerable is actually really solid for area denial. The height gives a huge field of view. It's especially good for VS. Load that thing full of lancers and nothing is getting remotely near the base or choke-point. Entire lane dead. Memecraft excitement is over though, so no-one uses it.

I played this game again this weekend, first time since 2014.

1. Maps were uncomfortably different. Significantly shorter fighting distances, and the end utility of vehicles seems like it was killed because of it. I really only enjoyed playing on Indar and most amp stations.
2. My old MLG-pro tryhard Infiltrator loadout was comfortably still dominant, easily nabbing top kill and leaderboard positions despite the rust.
3. Serious population imbalances ultimately forced me to log off each night in disgust.

pssh ur just salty
we don't want u'r kind of players

thank u for saving the game

upvoted and subsribed :)

why the fuck are there still threads

Dutch Higby is streaming a game even more ded than Planetside 2
twitch tv/henkdepenk

because the game was saved


literally who?

Dutch Higby

wow he does favor him

I tried to put a few shitposts when I could and yet you guys couldn't keep it alive for the week end.

Come on, step it up.

should've aimed those posts better lad :^)

Yeah well fuck you and see you later.

wanna have a gf? :3

>My old MLG-pro tryhard Infiltrator loadout was comfortably still dominant, easily nabbing top kill and leaderboard positions despite the rust.

Camping Vehicle terminals with bolt action rifle from 300m is the highest skill cap activity in any video game, all time. Except for maybe Q3A CPMA duels or Quake Live CPMA duels before they made it as casual as it is now. If you think it's boring, it's because you hit a skill wall and can't get to the upper tier where you are literally king of the server.

You're trying too hard to keep this general alive Lulu.

that late night feel when banshee mossies outnumber mans at every base you see

if only I were a better aimer with my deci

i'm done with this game, i'll just play bf2142

l2aimbetter, it's worth it
t. decimeme pro

>24 posts in 7 hours

It's not even me, I haven't made a thread since 2014

I was more talking about the shitposts inside the thread, but if it's not you, then who is it?

Well that's me :3

Fucking RadarX getting called out...

What does that fat fuck even do for the company??!?!


You gonna be playin tonight?

>What does that fat fuck even do for the company??!?!
helps werl save the game one reddit post at a time :)

gtting called out on what, i don't get it
is that some leddit drama or something?

It's fucking nothing.

It's an American tub of lard that's also a shitter and think he matters because he youtubes or some shit that complains about some event SOE hosted because he lost and thinks he's the best so losing shouldn't be an option.

Don't bother reading unless you want to hate America even more than you already do.

Sulphur pls

t. ameribad

Ammunition here!

No, I am not Sulphur.

See pic related you chicken shit bureaucrat

Mfw have now unlocked all aurax armors and guns when game is ded

Don't worry, werl is gonna save the game

araxiuns for everyone next update :))))

u get a assault rifle arax

u get infil arax

u can have explosives

galagsie 4 u :DD

u get light assault and carbine :D

please like ansd subscribe

t. werl


>tfw going to launch the game, on Miller.

What I'm in for :


Are web design books like SEO and WordPress guides from 2008 worth anything anymore? Is the info good? Trying to self taught web design m8s

>web design
neck yourself
t. data center senior sysadmin

Literally not a single good post ITT.

wow i heard that real computer guys hated web designers but wow.... just wow...

someone make this ps2 related

fug u

I could easily keep it bumped but someone keeps reporting my posts, oh well ;^))))))))))


as much as i dislike your shitposts, i'm not the one who is reporting you.
t. anti-RIDF

what a cute pet :3

he he

this thread right here is why Veeky Forums is shit

>crybaby whinging about shitposting
>proceeds to drop the biggest shitpost in the thread
You need to go back, cancer.

>this thread
You're either literally a brand new newfag or you're one of the /wtg/ pedophiles false-flagging and trying to ruin another thread entirely.

>We have managed to subdue the bolt snipper and caved his head in.
>No more bolt snipping 4 u. He he

You could have started by naming the file snibetti snabs, but you couldn't even do that.

>35 (You)s
much appreciated senpai

>at least 15 of those shitposts are mine

>lying about your shitpost count on an indonesian crocheting newsgroup

>liar gets caught dead to rights
>projects, deflects and begins to pop flares
Literally ok, liar. Whatever you say, liar.

>it's jani deletes posts episode again

>jani removes cancer
>complaints arise
You need to go back, shitposter.

5 were mine.

if cripplechan wasn't infested with edgy 12 year olds, Veeky Forums would instantly die

Well the only people who apply to be janitors are autists, so their tardiness is to be expected

Just stopping by to say I hate you all.

i'm better than you, shiTR

1. How do I survive long enough for medkits to ever be useful?
2. Is there some trick in regards to quickly telling apart friendlies from enemies?

Also that weapon chart is cool as fuck.

You need to start chugging the moment you are under fire.
You shoot first and ask questions later

don't forget to wiggle your mouse like a fucking spaz while you chug, it throws around your hitbox a bit and makes you harder to hit

also, jump right before chugging or else you'll slow down

1. Play heavy. They're worthless otherwise.
2. Aim better? Unless you're nc, you can usually tell them apart.

If you play in yurop medkits will never work prime time because DBG are jews that don't want to pay for bandwidth or decent servers.

Switch to resto kits.

If you're in Murrica then chug the moment you're taking damage. Don't forget to jump and shuffle while chugging to avoid losing momentum.

>Play heavy. They're worthless otherwise.

Not true at all

But it really is though.

>If you play in yurop medkits will never work prime time
Good thing I never certed for them, that'd be a waste.

>Switch to resto kits.
B-but I never live long enough to survive at Unless you're nc, you can usually tell them apart.
Well I can tell them apart but it takes up to a second for me to decide whether to pull the trigger or not.
Often it's enough to lose all jump advantage.

Is there anything I can do about that?
Doritos are not at all dependable sometimes taking as long as 5 seconds to appear.

how are you this dumb
mlg tryhard infiltrators are the guys who flank and fade in and out with a scout rifle at medium to close range. 3 headshots a kill, maximum number of kills per magazine, perfect accuracy when zoomed, shoot->scramble->shoot

Not really m8

>1. How do I survive long enough for medkits to ever be useful?
aim better, lower your sensitivity, pretend you have ESP telling you there's enemies around every corner
if you are bottom-tier trash with no intention of gitting gud, C4 is a better choice.
>2. Is there some trick in regards to quickly telling apart friendlies from enemies?
friendlies always have a spot marker on your team's color on their head, enemies only have an enemy marker if spotted. aside from that, it's just getting used to it.
>Also that weapon chart is cool as fuck.
thanks :3

you really are a shitter though

take some time to familiarize yourself with our current memes

>Well I can tell them apart but it takes up to a second for me to decide whether to pull the trigger or not.

nigger do you not have a minimap? If you're paying attention to your surroundings you should already know who is around the corner before you turn it.

Restos are like a heal over time, you take them the same, except maybe a bit earlier, like the moment you feel like you're going to take damage.

It doesn't compare to medkits in terms of efficiency but you have to work with what you got.

Also for your problems with identifying people I suggest you attribute a special colour for every empire.

For example I have NC as yellow, TR as red, VS as purple. Even if I'm in a 3way battle I'll know from looking at the map/dorito which faction the guy is playing.

>nigger do you not have a minimap? If you're paying attention to your surroundings you should already know who is around the corner before you turn it.
Damn, don't know what to say.
I never actually made the connection that I don't have to pay attention to friendlies if I can be 100% sure there aren't any nearby.
And this is *so* obvious too... I'm an idiot.

Thanks for the tips everyone.

restos are like a ghetto medic self heal for heavies

you pop them before going around the corner, or after you throw your stun grenade, or when you notice the tank notice you

>you really are a shitter though
Why? There's better shit to use in every other class. Sounds to me like you're the shitter if you're using medkits on every class.

Which server and faction do you play on son?

>There's better shit to use in every other class.

Lulu you told me you had to sleep early so if you keep shitposting because you're a fucking chugger I'll slap the shit outta you and place few rounds of DMR in your ass that you won't be able to identify.

I'm cuter than her


TR on one of the EU servers.
Can't check which one is it right now.

That wasn't me, I'm already sleeping

>I'm already sleeping

Fuck off Koumee
If you said NC or VS Miller I could have helped you but since you said TR you don't need help.

You already have 40 rounds in your carbines and assault rifles to help you despite your unability to aim.

n o p e

>not being able to shitpost while asleep



>not shitposting while asleep
desu desu desu

>Fuck off Koumee
didn't he khs?

No, I shot some mans from his tank the other week.