/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral

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Report and ignore it.

A steaming dump on the OP edition

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Patch 5.10(LIVE):

British cruisers announcement (SOON™):

Upcoming changes: (Patch 0.5.11)

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SEA Channel: Veeky Forums

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1st for best division

t. schors.

>BBs can one shot other BBs
>BBs can one shot CAs
>BBs can one shot DDs
>BBs can one shot CVs

>CAs can only one shot other CAs

>DDs have to suicide in order to one shot anything apart from CVs

>CVs can one shot CAs
>CVs can one shot DDs

>Can have 12 BBs
>Only allowed 1 CV

really makes you think...

Jap CAs please admirals for better torps!

Big_Spud )))))

>In my Warspite
>Fuso goes side on to me
>get 4 citpussies on a fuso and sink him
>Literally flips out at me for playing Warspite and not a "real BB"

wew lad.



1.75 RPM :^ )

How am I suppose to play a line if there isn't even a shipgirl to to become obsessed with in the line?

But there are 9 Fletcher-Class shipgirls

In ChinkColle

d'aw that's pretty cute

here is a lewd



Retiring from such a run early 5 April, O'Bannon sighted the Japanese submarine Ro-34 on the surface and made to ram it. At the last moment, the officers decided that the sub may be a minelayer, and the rudder was turned hard to avoid the collision. This action brought the destroyer directly alongside the sub. As the Japanese sailors attempted to man their three-inch deck gun, the O'Bannon's deck hands, not having side arms, grabbed potatoes from nearby storage bins and pelted the Japanese with them. Thinking the potatoes were hand grenades, the submarine's sailors were too occupied with throwing them away from the sub to fire. This gave the O'Bannon the opportunity to distance itself to fire its guns at the sub and damage the conning tower. Although the sub still managed to submerge, O'Bannon used depth charges to finally sink it. During this period, the O'Bannon also splashed at least two enemy aircraft in various attacks.

t. Wikipedia

>ramming first
How fucking close was the sub when ramming is your go too.

>tfw comfy 2 man divs

Could you imagine being the skipper of the O'Bannon and looking down from the bridge in the middle of evasive maneuvers, only to see your men chucking potatoes at the enemy vessel?

>tfw ur shit

>tfw so popular I have my own stalkers

I think you understand the meaning behind "popular" and "stalker"

wow you're really making me think

>Raptor says he wants to snipe me with Bismarck
>starts counting down
>doesn't press battle

Does he have legit downs

>Press battle
>wave doesnt
>get in game
??? wave please

After you started randomly counting down expecting us to not be ready, we still pressed battle right in time and you were in port after we queued for 20 seconds.

what a cuck lmao

We're almost done with this game just wait then

ours is over in 5-6 minutes wait for us

ok but hurry its very late might have to go without you

do you have a CV?

no 2 bismarcks


did you just join a new battle

what a cuck holy shit


>get a tier 8 battle without raptor
>he's probably doing another tier

>try to sync divs with wave
>calls me a faggot
>kills my dog
>hacks my bank account
>takes my sister hostage
>spills all of my chocolate milk
bad guy desu

>try to sync with wave
>doesnt work
>he's still upset
>screams and punches a hole in the wall
>tells me he is now transgender
>votes for hillary

>tfw brawling hard


The problem is raptor does a battle and then comes here and fucking attention whores with the webm of it

>implying this webm isn't the sickest thing you've seen all day

saw the same type of thing the last # of times you've done this shit.

True, I do typically make the sickest plays you've ever seen

>be raptor
>cant boil potatoes or pasta
>have to import a wife from a third world country so he doesn't starve
>wife leaves him for a bull the moment she gives birth to raptor's mongrel child
>raptor tells me is now sick of women
>votes for bernie sanders

Don't break your arms trying to pat yourself on the back too hard now Craptor

post your sick webms then kiddo :^)

I don't need to attention whore to make friends Craptor, obviously you do. So no, I really don't need to post MUH 420 SICK WEBMS of knowing how to shoot ships properly.

heh that's where you're wrong kiddo, nothin personal

You say that like it's supposed to trigger me. Who are you trying to reassure? Me or yourself. Because I'm not the one trying to consistently get props from exploits done in a WoWs match through use of a Webm.

You're literally complaining about content in the thread, you realize that right?


>fred is thicc

just got reported for hacking by him

really hits me where it hurts desu

Itai mega

>every BB is now shooting HE
What is this new meme? Did I miss something?

Do the ships, jap BBs specifically, all have the same firing sounds for the player?


I saw someone here going on about "overpenning citadels" so maybe that's why. Funny as fuck to see but whatever.

Wasn't that a bug a couple of patches ago, and got fixed a week later?

I seem to recall all teh baBBies crying rivers of tears about how teh evil cruisers were immune to damage now because they didn't explode after two salvoes anymore.

>my aim is too bad to play BBs
>better call them baBBies

>bb aim
>anything but rng


>BBs are OP
>BB aim is all RNG

I suppose firing sounds change along gun's caliber like in WoT

Are you pretending to be retarded?

Or are you one of the bluelining baBBies who whined for more buffs?

They have different sounds, and the sounds changed several times over the last few patches.

They'll change some more next patch.

>completely deconstruct argument
>haha are you retarded

>completely deconstruct argument
Posting weebshit cartoon smug girls and implying implications is not actually an argument.

So you actually ARE pretending to be retarded.

Post your BB accuracy, famalam.

>he thinks BBs are OP
>he cant do well in them

I think BB's are fun

>"BBs are hard to play, that's why I don't have any t10 cruisers or destroyers
t. F22x "I can't play against better players because I suck" Raptor

what did he mean by this

>raptor has TWO tier 10 cruisers
you're really making me think user


>be BB
>have only a salvo every 30 seconds
>be CL
>can shoot the third salvo before the first even hits
In BB you must be good at aiming, because you can't adjust your aim as you bash the enemy with an endless stream of shells. Whether you deal damage or not is up to RNG, like cruisers, except that cruisers can just keep on trying until the enemy bursts into multiple flames.

Not even talking about DD and CV, those fuckers don't even suffer RNG at all.

>smug carton girls combined with implied implications

>Not even talking about DD and CV, those fuckers don't even suffer RNG at all.
Only vodka DDs even have relevant guns.

But yeah, it's pretty ridiculous how they can shit on people from 12 or 13 km.

Want to know if a class is easy to play, as if a child or mentally retarded person could do it?

Look at Anumati's most played class, that should do it.

Keep pretending BBs, CAs and DDs are easy to play when you have carriers.

>mama I put a plane above him and he disappeared after I clicked the left mouse button

>suffer RNG
>muh baDDy bullying me again
>muh cruisers setting me on fire
>literally posted from my Play-Doh Sandbox My Little BaBBy Playset as I quickscope another poor CA, citadelling him through the bow and complaining about RNG

Fuck off.
The amount of retardness that goes unpunished in a BB is ridiculous.
>make ONE mistake in a DD or CA/CL
>get insta deleted
>make a mistake in a BB
>lol it's fucking nothing
And if you run into torps, then 90% of the time it's your fucking fault for not paying attention.
>muh fires
>muh torps
>complaining about the only thing cruisers and destroyers have to fight the BBs
As for the
>waah, my aim is spot-on, but my shells overshoot/fall too close
Git gud and stop blue lining. If you can't hit shit at +/-10km, then you're a fucking retard
>b-but I'll get torped
Pay attention to what's going on around you.
Or maybe you play BBs, because you're bad at multitasking, thus 30sec reload is exactly what you need to not get your small brain overheated.
Post your fucking stats, kiddo.

Daily reminder raptor spent $52 dollars of his mother's money to try and prove he's not a shit poster.

>Only vodka DDs even have relevant guns.
I wasn't talking about guns for those two:
DD and CV can drop torps in a way you just can't physically avoid. There is no RNG involved: you WILL get raped. However fighting back doesn't yield comparable results: CV just disregard AA and bomb you anyway while hiding their HP from the other side of the map, and DD, from the same range that give them an assured kill, enjoy gun's dispersion and overpen mechanics.

>its another shitposter thinks anyone cares episode
Just report and hide. The mods will delete it eventually.

>wahh fuck these people talking about the game in a video game general thread about ian.

Go away Autistmati.

>talk about mechanics
>get answered with the usual ad hominem
>take the time and effort to answer you
Well, it seems I took the bait.

But I'll give you that HE is the only way a cruiser has to fight back BB, but the fire is just plain retarded. If the difference in playstyle between BB and CL was just based upon inaccurate alpha damage and armor for BB, and mobility and accurate DPM for CL, I'd be OK with that, however fires are just giving away free stuff for those classes.

The problem I have with those is that the same amount of risk isn't rewarded with the same rewards.

DD torps, if launched from a safe distance, are spread so far apart that all BBs apart from GK can easily dodge.

Only if a shima overlaps all three launchers will the spread be too tight to dodge, and this means that a simple use of WASD makes the whole spread miss.

Also, torps do have RNG. They do not spraed evenly within the arc of the launcher, they sometimes all swing to one side, which can mean huge gaps in the spread at 10 or 15 km
Or an unavoidable overlap that just blows some poor BB straight home to Poseidon.

>If someone calls out my shitposting its "x"
If you weren't so retarded you be like a adorable potato.
Report and hide so we can get another episode of 130+ posts deleted and 30+ new IPs.

Ya I no rite. In this case it's a lot more than 130

>DD and CV can drop torps in a way you just can't physically avoid.
>DD and CV
What tiers are you even talking about? Just curious before I comment this with a single "bullshit"?

>DD doesn't suffer from rng
>playing ijn DD and praying the enemy team doesn't have gunboats to stretch your boyhole out isn't rng

this. the discord would be a good containment zone but aspies sperged out

So how is the GK?

Jingles apparently hates it, but due to the constraints of the video, couldn't say why it caused him rage. I have to imagine its because the ship is complete paper.

should i join the discord, or is it as autistic as this thread?

What did Mako mean by doing this

>watching jingles
>caring about what jingles says

since he is a SJW cuck you should ask him out to marry you

>wow fucking mako why isnt he suiciding into the enemy team when the game is already lost baka desu le ebin sniping manko meme xDDD


Less autistic than the thread actually.

>goes all the way to the blue line
>"wow u guys we lost"

o rly

This thread hates Jingles now?

Fuck man, I started watching Jingles on the recommendation of /wowsg/

I like his voice, and I like the history background he gives

Hahahah pic related is what awaits you. Dont forget, you'll get banned for saying "get help anu".

Jingles is fucking shit at video games, history stuff is fine, though he is a britcuck

A superior Montana

Does that mean anything compared to the Yamato?

>GK with MAA + AFT is weaker than Yamato's AFT's AA
>secondaries worse than Montana
>bigger than Yamato itself

>superior Montana

cool story beans