/owg/ - Overwatch General

Competitive Season 2 is now live on PC and Xbox. PS4 gets Season 2 in November.

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>Hana Song

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ded game

Cutest and best pairing

Can we invent a time machine so that we can send someone back in time to delete Mei from the game

Jamison Fawkes!

>100hp instead of 160
>grenade cooks like a frag and doesn't stick like a semtex, does 5 percent more damage
>1 gun instead of 2 but she can ADS
>blink distance is doubled, the cooldown is increased by 5 sec per blink
>recall now covers twice as long of time period but the cooldown is 30 seconds respectively

Post healslut

>>Hana Song
Why is this in the OP? Some people have filters for waifufags, you know

>falling for playing over 50 hours in pharah
>barely viable in comp
>so many hard counters
>200hp and move so slowly through the sky unless you are being propelled by your E
Rip me

Fucking terrible. That would make tracer absolutely useless competitively and casually

Fareeha Amari!

It's like someone just vomited all over my screen


At least she's fun to play at Eichenwalde. BUFFS WHEN?

Anyone else thinks Eichenwalde is ultra shit? Why would they ever put this trash into competitive is beyond my comprehension

What is it about Mei and Junkrat's OTP that is so captivating yet tasteful?

>Competitive Season 2 is now live on PC and Xbox. PS4 gets Season 2 in November.
>ignoring that PS4 has had it for several days now
>hasn't fixed the momentincrime meme
>poz post in the OP
>gelbooru link in the OP

I'm going to the other thread.

Mei players have no souls

What's the problem with eichenwald, its just another map. Layout seems pretty standard. Nothing risky or even creative.

Hey buddy I'm just copying the OP like it has been made. If you want to change it you can change it in the next thread.

I got my first natural legendary skin today, its for Mei. I had vowed after the 30th or so lootbox that I would make my first legendary skin into one of the hero's I use. Fuck, I hate Mei so much.

Any tips to not be super annoying with her. I always hate when I have her on my own team even.

if you weren't so focused on waifuposting, you'd have changed it

>Mei and Junkrat's OTP.
Wrong. __Mei__ x the trash is the superior ship.

>stomping on shit enemy team
>zarya and tracer quad kill
>PoTG is their mercy rezzing all of them just before they get stomped on again

I fucking love it, attack or defense. All those tight corridors and choke points make it super fun to play reaper

Consistently been playing the best games I've ever had on that map

Watch people cry about her if she was buffed. So many ignorant people (butthurt genji mains) think she hardly has any counters

Waifu fags keep pushing up new thread creation to claim OP for their waifu.

Any way we can get mods to crack down on this shit before it gets completely out of hand?

You have to really fucking suck to lose on Defense. The first attack choke point is extremely easy to keep and control. Blizzard doesn't know how to make good FPS maps, the flow is always off. Even COD has better maps.

Hana Song


>not cleaning shit up and just leaving it there in your rush to get the first thread in

Sure thing buddy.

is the other thread, for those interested.

amelie, my grand niece is gonna be staying over here at talon HQ from now on

try not to get too handsy with that British puta around the kid ok?

more like Hana DONG

you can drop your ice-wall by hitting the E key again. Good to know if you throw down a bad one.

I've played the map around 8 or so times and I've never not taken point A

Ever since S2 started 70% of PotGs are Mercy rezzes.

What the hell did they do to their algorithm?


She's not my waifu you autistic faggots. I made a new thread before that other fetish faggot could make one. Why don't you go jerk off in the other thread for 5 hours until you can make the new one?

>thinking losing is always based on personal skill
>on defense side
>where teamwork is critical
It takes more than one person to win

As an Indian female I'm actually so thrilled we finally have some representation in video games.

> just make blink and recall travel longer distances

Its like you understand nothing about the class.

>anybody interested in samefagging with me for 200 posts until my thread gets pruned?
I'll pass lmao

Mercy should always get PotG


the laugh one

comedy gold

Was that shit on Hanamura?


>What kind of grip do you guys use?
>I experimented with all three for a bit, but I've just been naturally settling into fingertip at almost palm levels of closeness. Claw just feels awkward as hell.
I use a different grip because I have cerebral palsy. My grip is more like a classic "Eagle's Talon" or monkey's paw formation. It allows me to use the 2 hotkeys on my gaming mouse as a quick M1 or a ult

Ana works well on Eichenwalde Point A Def. I think the biggest issue with her is that she's never useful the entirety of the map she's on. If you lose Point A, she's not as good anymore

I've actually played with and seen some fantastic Anas on competitive and in tournaments. Maybe you're just shit and are trying to move the goalpost to the Ana.

How to fix Ana
>give her a LMG like a MG42 that does the same healing and damage but she can't scope in as far
>make the cooldown on her sleep dart 2 sec but make its duration 15 sec
>her ult now adds 500hp of shield on top of the boost it gives like Lucio's ult
>increase the AoE for her grenade by 30m
Does this make her more viable?

man fuck everyone who rages when i pick ana in comp

tfw u bomb ur placements and get stuck with ppl who ended s1 rank 50 when you ended rank 70 and they think they know anything

shes a better healer than these monkeys could ever comprehend

Holy shit this was so unbelievably satisfying to watch.

Palm grip but my fingers stop halfway up the button because I'm not a fucking neanderthal with big meaty digits

Ana is a garbo wasted toon slot and you should feel bad for being the designated team "healer" when all you do is piss health buffs into a sea of Junkrat grenades and Rein charges. Go nanoboost yourself off a cliff and stay the FUCK out of ranked. Thanks.

Ana that can aim, and aims on her allies is monster. There isn't much of those, but i would take them over any other support.

Anas that use scope = Bad
Anas that noscope = Good

You know an Ana is good when she's actually running around healing her team instead of sitting still trying to pick off enemies

Have I mentioned that I love Blizzard's ingenious placement system? It's literally perfect.

>playing second placement match
>we have a widowmaker that sucks on attack and decides to be widow on defense too
>widow leaves before the match is completed
>it counts as a loss

I can't decide if I should just keep falling for the meme and finish placements or uninstall and move on. Fuck this game.

Actually ana is a better widowmaker than a snipe when you think about it. She cant crit right? but she can do slag damage to enemies and stop them from healing themselves. Pretty nifty IMO

Amélie Lacroix
Best Overqt

Her perk is the ability to heal and attack in big numbers without any switch at a cost of aim and reload. You can't shoot through teammates, but you don't need to put yourself in the line of fire. Zen can do that too, but his heals are slow.

The problem is when you've got your ana 5 feet away that can't aim.

This exact scenario happened to me a few weeks ago. I was the Tracer.

Sounds like you need to git gud scrub. Maybe if you countered their widow your teammate wouldnt have to switch toons?

It's also great to be on team consisting mostly from former 50~, while the enemy was mostly 70~. It's ok though, they are all plat now, so it's totally balanced. Comp is fucking joke.

Just bought the game and I've been playing for a few hours. I noticed that a lot of Winston players say harambe a lot? Is this a OW meme or what? I don't know a lot about vidya sorry



how would this affect your matches?

The dude is the more scantily clad one of the pair.

>check up on a speed runner I used to watch and/or have in the background, he ran the jak games and a few others
>all he does is play overwatch now
>every day a :30-3:00 clip of overwatch
>streams overwatch often
>no speedruns to be found
>but he's actually really good at OW

I don't know how to feel

I played with an ana main and they were trash/brought the premade down with them
she needs to be removed but knowing blizz theyll overbuff her

Dicks out.

I'm sure there have been playable Indian female characters before now.

None come to mind right now except maybe, does Shantae count?

A good Ana is terrifying
A bad Ana (99% of Anas) is Hanzo tier


I've done this in the past in quickplay.
I absolutley fuck my boys up as Genji and Pharah.


I'm done until next week, fuck solo q

Symettra is more of a Punjabi/Middle Eastern Indian than a Sansibar Banchode dialect castee

Harambe is the gorilla that got shot in the zoo because a nigglet fell into its pen and for a few brief minutes of his life the nigglet had a father figure.

Somehow, a dead rare silverback gorilla became a meme. I don't get it. I laugh, it's hilarious, but I don't get why.

Since Winston is a gorilla, he gets the harambe meme.

How many toilets have you shat in, in your life?
Do you even know what a toilet is?

if you watch high rank streamers or are high rank yourself you'd know everything people say about the meta is basically just guidelines

people say pharah is useless now and then get owned by a pharah etc

they're just heroes people avoid because technically this and technically that

even a mediocre/bad hanzo can occasionally kill people with luck shots, scatters and dragons

a bad ana just makes people hide every now and again to find health kits, if they have a lucio or mercy all they need is to just hide behind a corner for a couple seconds

This is the proper way to treat a Widowmaker. You be a gentleman and wish her a good day or a friendly 'hello'.

Please be more respectful to my waifu from now on, okay /owg/?

>but I don't get why.

His name's funny.

gg ez
gg ez
gg ez
gg ez
gg ez


looks like some weird inflation shit to me

On the topic of fetishes, what kind of non-vanilla fetishes have been catered to in overwatch art? I've seen inflation, pregnancy, vore (and anal vore at that) so far. I've yet to see something I'd like to like watersports

I'm getting matched against my friends every now and then, because the game is apparently dead. Don't even have that much friends. We just duke it out like any normal match, they usually don't even notice half of the time. Seems people spamming tab to check their stats, enemy levels, picks and whatnot are pretty rare in this game.

>genji mains complaining about pharah
since when? pharah is like junkrat in the sky. there's no reason to hate pharah more than any other hero

pls no toxic

>i am so insecure that acronyms on a game chat affect me on a personal level

Late, but mostly support followed by tanks. It's astounding to me how last season everyone I played with and against had basic coordination skills and knew not to trickle in. I'm having a hard time getting anything done because one game is with S1 rank 70+s and we win and the next is people who have no idea that a Mercy needs help against a diving Genji.

Ah well.

>A good Ana is terrifying

Ahahaha, my Ult is killing you! We are winning!

What's that sound? Where did all that health come from? Why's my life bar purple? Lucio! Lucio, why aren't your sick beats healing me? No. NO! This was supposed to be my POTG! NO!!!

this warms my heart

who died first

I'm an Indian female (woman) too. I didn't think another one like me would browse /owg/! Symettra is not my favorite character, I appreciate the representation Blizzard is giving us but her face is too ugly like a dog. Mercy and Pharah are beautiful why can't she look like them?

Watersports is fucking degenerate.

I've seen a decent amounr of lactation, feet, and incest not nearly enough though

>female (woman)

what did he mean by this

I am a female robot and am very offended at the lack of diversity in Overwatch's cast

I feel like its because of humanity's relationship with gorillas. Most fictional Gorillas are usually intelligent, like Grodd and Solovar from DC. Even the real ones like Koko.

That, along with the debate of whether he was helping the idiot made everyone think. And thus an epin maymay was born.

>female (woman)
as opposed to male women?

show ur brown boipussi

Looking at the number of characters for each role I am really inclined to think that Sombra is just a new game mode and the real next character is going to be a Tank that comes with the new mode.

Possibly Doomfist as a new melee tank who acts as a mix of Reinhardt,Roadhog and Winston.
I personally hate women and I don't want another female character in the game.