League of Legends general /lolg/

Best husbando edition

Current patch notes: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-617-notes

Yorick rework: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/yorick-champion-update

Official artbook: artbook.na.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/volume-one

Current PBE changes: surrenderat20.net/p/current-pbe-balance-changes

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Fertile blueberries ripe for breeding.


this thread is wrong

On the off chance Vayne doesn't abort the fuck out of his children, what will they be like?

Looks like we are getting another Tahm Kench.


xth for the lolg allstars ranked 5s team which is currently looking for a d5+ jungler on NA who wants to play with us
reply to this post or add ign swedish on na if you're interested.

i REALLY like this episode of /lolg/


The thiccest!

You the manager of it or what?

are you going to carry smochi in it
you orbiter
I've seen the way you two talk to each other

The only thing that keeps me going is the infinitesimal chance of an Udon-Ya League doujin.

Where my EUW bros at?

So you are saying that she's Breast In Show?

xth for deputy welding trying to keep the peace

discord link?

Damn, are you really going to hurt Swed like that man?
He didn't do nuthin' to no one.

Cute medium cavalry units?

>open League of Legends general
>no one is talking about League of Legends

has the game really fallen this far?

You're forgetting that smochi doesnt actually play the game, she just shitposts in a discord for this general about the game.

me and welding started the team yea

u wot m8? and no, smochi doesn't play anymore

discord shit

He let the muslims in

But I mean surely you don't play in it?

she actually plays quite often and streams it
dang your right that was my b
she was playing with you last night

whos in it and will you kick the top laner for me and mjf

if its not shit garbage

what if true damage ignored shields

>Eve at the far end but still smiling and having a good time

Fugg, why is she so perfect?

>tfw none of the lanes can hold their own
>mfw kayle made tabis first, rageblade second
>against zed
>mfw everytime elise ganks, its a sure wipe for whatever lane she visited
I had it warded. You could fucking see her coming. How the fuck do you still end up getting double killed just because elise decided to drive by

My otp is very lol thrmed

Dont you mean "with" it?

She had a Morgana to play with. Who could be unhappy with that?

since nobody is talking about league anyway can somebody tell me what colour is ahri's pubic hair

>but she's shaved

no she isn't

Because she knows she's the best.
She doesn't need some sort of ribbon.

Cho would actually be somewhat decent against Karma and Sons.
Vayne would get a boost because no more sterak's saving the day.


It's the color of shit because she doesn't wash after she masturbates with her own feces.

>Lol will never have in-game banter like this



the same as her eyebrows

smochi is my goddess
shining beacon of morality
defender of civility and decency

good one bud

she doesn't play 4 realzies anymore, she smurfs in bronze for shits and giggles

me welding and exodus, and we have boipussy+kangs as our top laners but sometimes theyre not on if you're really lookin to play

Morgana is fingering her under the table.

>banter in MY game
Please. I'll get your ass banned from the game for pointing out my bad play.

is smochi shitty at the game now?

But then why are her tails white?


nevermind lol...

does your tail have the same color as your eyebrows?

Junglers, what are your favorite experiences?
>playing zac, enemy team doing baron and didnt clear our vision back in S3
>sit in the tribush watching how fast baron drops
>Charge e, wait for it to it 1500 hp
>"Zac has slain baron"
>land safely on the other side and run back to base waiting for the rest of my team to respawn

hey i told smochi on u ur gonna have to stop or she wont like u anymore haha :)

go away :))


i mean all the players on the team are 10 million miles better at the game than you are :^) but your call friend

is she shitty or not
I need a new girl to orbit if she's shitty now

get real that team isn't half as good as the one with sin jimw constellations marine and 1 other fuck i can't remember

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

hey can you not

you mean the team where the mid died 10+ deaths a game and where jimw/ayumi got outlaned by plat players literally every game?

that team = zero synergy + sin looked like he was intent feeding every game, jungle/top had to hard carry for them to have a chance

why is jhin always so smug?

i mean id rather just make a team with sin and moosh or something than play 3rd seat to the 2 biggest cucks on team beta as fuck

i mean yeah they broke up after 5 games because sin and marine got real pissed but that was some good shit and they were still a better team than these nerds

>Be Vi
>Q into baron pit
>Smite steal
>Flash out.

>Doing Elder Dragon
>Fucker gets cheeky and pops wall, steals it from me, flashes over.
>Had vision on him, ult through wall, kill him

Uh I once stole baron twice in one game as Khazix and lived both times.

A couple Rappel Dragon steals from blue side only to flash back over to safety.

Being able to successfully chase someones wall flash with Rappel after the range nerf a long time ago. And its not really impressive but it was funny, baiting a galio ult only to zonyias perfectly and still have my spiderlings attacking him, popping redsmite after the ult finished and killing him.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

they should have been a great team but they werent, they never even hit diamond. people here are too autistic to band together and git gud as a team. only team that was good was alabamity's team

I want to be teased by Evelyn. I like the idea of her just messing with me to embarrass me inpublic.

lol dont u mean with????? xDDD

meme of the month honestly

making a 5s team with someone who otp's a permabanned champ

all these inner circle fags coming back yet ferny does not return

idk desu I really liked the one with Eszx, Bukkage and I but we had some real unfortunate conflicting opinions in the team over a seriously unlucky j4 + mf game we had and then team was never seen again

god damn alex got F A T

its gonna take a while to get our placements done but i expect after 3 months of dodging we will be mid gold

i'd rather the jinx cosplayer come back and post more nudes tbhfamalam


>vi jungle v jax
>had a game earlier where jax took herald pretty early so i was wary of whenever mid and top went missing
>top lane mias when im making my way to wolves, takes too long it it was just a ward and he had pushed out my top ealier and had a decent amount of life
>check herald andd theyre doing it with jax being prety low
>jax tries to bail, nasus is running away while trying to block my now charging q from hitting jax.
>flash to the side q - auto - e
""you have slain an enemy"
>walk away because nasus saw my top and mid collapsing on him and decided to run
>this happens again ~7 minutes later

Or another story that happened las game
>Vi v olaf jung
>going top, trynd goes mia, i figured he was farming his top jungle since he was getting dumpstered by our malph
>w/e ill get scuttle
>olaf and trynd are at rift and olaf is hilariously low
>not only that heralds really low
>half charge q - flash
>olaf smites
>heralds a few 100 hp
>q, kill olaf
>trynd autos herald
>7 health on rift
>"vi has slain rift herald"
>trynd bails since now maplh is coming

i want to kill you

I wish smochi was back
she was nice and fun to bully

I feel like you need more punchlines. They were amusing at first but it's lost it's charm after seeing the same 3 or so jokes every other thread.

Do not bully the dragon


I wanna be her big bad wolf tbqh

Guess which champ

Leave quetzal alone! He's a nice guy for an autist

>Be Skarner
>Enemy tries to take my blue/red or a river's scuttle crab without taking my passive tower
>Went to the enemy immediately and kicked his ass easily because of my passive towers

It's funny to see an enemy trying to 1vs1 me while they're under my passive especially during early game.

Another one:
>Be Rammus
>Our ass got kicked so hard during early-mid game because bot and mid we're not doing so good. Our Riven top was doing OK though.
>Late game arrived, me and Riven got all the items we need and started kicking ass because my taunt takes fucking forever to be finished while Riven focused on the target I taunted. Because of this, our mid and bot started to cope up.
>We won later on

Rammus' E is a big game changer

i think that ones jhin from a while ago

nth for shyvana should look like this to be honest with you onii-chan

Maybe it's a bot

how about i punch you

overpowered aoe stun loli


I want shyvana to sit on my face!

I agree

I wouldnt be surprised, either way the person running the bot needs new punchlines. Out of all the waifu posting at the start of each thread I actually liked this one because it was somewhat amusing. Now it's just stale and clogs up the threads like the others.

I'll pass.

That actually makes Ashe look really sexy.

>Enemy picks vayne into Nasus
>My nasus has p good CS record, goes almost LCS every game
>Decide to camp his lane as Vi
>Feed him kill after kill, all of them are +6 stacks
>Vayne goes full anti christ in all chat calling me everything under the sun
>Ignore her
>Team fights happens
>She ults and tumbles into ashe ult and dies
>Type "vayne spotting" in all chat
>Apparently the enemy team says she disconnected after that
On that day, I was euphoric.

Fun fact: you can get a forced name change/tempban for the username"____SitOnMyFace"

>goes full anti christ in all chat

do tell me user, i'm in the mood of some insults.

Ye but the name is too long obv

If it is, he's not who I got it from.

Ding ding ding

Dont test me im feral as FUCK

>It's a "Yasuo main jungles with negative KDA, still thinks he's the carry and tries to shot call; tries to splitpush with no tp and misses every dragon; constantly goes 1v3+ or chases halfway across the map to get killed" episode

Kill me.

Probably my favorite skin concept.

Either that or this, though I wish she had white hair in it.