Fuck. Why didn't I buy?

Fuck. Why didn't I buy?

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If you had bought, it would have gone bust this morning. Trust me, that's just the way the world works for you bro.


Where are the doomsayers?
Wasn't Deutsche Bank going to collapse and zombie hitler rising to power in germany?

Nothing has changed with DB. They are still well and truly fucked. Just a bump on a rumor.

This user knows what's up. DB is fucked; this short term bump means nothing against long term rot

its already going down

no its not

DB is a pretty safe investment no matter what. Its a public institution which means that Germany and/or the EU is forced to bail it out at some point. So even though its low right now, its almost guaranteed to explode in value in the next couple of weeks

At this point, the good old saying works: "Too big to bust"