We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging. Report and ignore it.
How fares your empire, /gsg/?
This day in history, September 5th: 917 – Liu Yan declares himself emperor, establishing the Southern Han state in southern China, at his capital of Panyu. 1698 – In an effort to Westernize his nobility, Tsar Peter I of Russia imposes a tax on beards for all men except the clergy and peasantry. 1839 – The United Kingdom declares war on the Qing dynasty of China. 1914 – World War I: First Battle of the Marne begins. Northeast of Paris, the French attack and defeat German forces who are advancing on the capital.
Impossible. One cannot report a shitpost while ignoring it, nor is one ignoring a shitpost if they report it.
Ian Turner
Jonathan Gonzalez
Arumba baka desu senpai
Eli Adams
Is the encourage immigration NF that effective?
Jeremiah Hill
It's sequential not simultaneous. You report the shitpost THEN proceed to ignore it.
Christian Rivera
Just HOW can one man be so based?!
Isaiah Robinson
>yfw had the Menshevik never lost power, Latin America would develop alongside Europe
Ian Thomas
Meneth is based and so is his mod.
Elijah Gomez
Is there any way to download Reaper's Due separately, without downloading the other DLCs I already have (In that Rezmar link)?
Henry Phillips
Old Gods Khazaria. I ended up with 66% of my court being Azhkenazi due to Feudal Christians expelling the Jewry so I figured I might as well convert culture once I'm not Nomadic anymore. Keeping Altaic raiding would've been more useful, but eh.
Benjamin Fisher
Probably not. When a new DLC comes out everybody uploads the whole game. The best you can get is the DLCs only link from Rezmar. Anyway the game is pretty small, even with very shit internet it shouldn't take more than an hour to download it.
Jason Moore
Some people have data limits, like my university where going over a 40 GB/month plan on-campus is stupidly expensive because the uni can't be fucked installing even copper wiring and force everyone to use a satellite provider.
Charles Thompson
I always respond but forget to report, please HELP?
Eli Fisher
Well I downloaded Conclave (separately) from Rezmar in KAT when KAT's still around. Internet is not the problem for me, but the shitty ISP. In a day I can only use 800MB or else my bandwidth will be throttled.
Kevin Howard
How do I stop other countires' spies making revolts in my territory in EU3? Feels like every year there's a new revolt, and I can't seem to stop it, what do I do?
Camden Morgan
Then go outside campus or suck some dudes dick for his bandwidth.
Jaxson Butler
I'm playing with the latest version of HPM as greece, I chose the option at the beginning where you can only start a crisis after 1870 and having researching revolution and counterrevolution. It's 1872 now and I researched it, but the national focus button is still greyed out in places where I have cores and a crisis is possible. What's wrong?
Henry Bell
You pick vetting and build spy agencies user.
Angel Long
Why don't we make our own Cold War/modern day mod for Vicky?
Xavier Lee
Oliver Wood
>we >not I thats why.
Luis Lopez
What happend to EvW?
I havent been here for a while, but i remember there was some hype for it
Parker Morales
Here's a screenshot, what am I supposed to do? Spend 17k research points on that shit, for nothing.
Asher Thompson
Gone forever. You can find alpha online.
Noah Gomez
There's an event that fires after R&C that unlocks all that stuff.
Adrian Diaz
>2.69M >hasn't reclaimed Thessalia, let alone Greece, in almost 40 yrs of game time
wu lad
Xavier Green
>picking on new guys He will abuse Oriental crisis next time user.
Austin White
Went for Nigeria, sweet rubber. Also damn turks are strong af this time, they still own Egypt and are allied with Russia. No way I can do this with war. I need Thessalia to even have enough pops to fight just the Turks, but then Russia would come and fuck me.
Justin Rodriguez
Oh that explains it, thanks. That event only affects me, right? So other countries need to research it themselves to do it?
Grayson Lee
>he conquered everything but Warri ayy
Anthony Bennett
No it activates for whole world, like how ideologies show up.
Joseph Myers
For everyone.
Next time choose to have crises from 1836 if you want to use crises.
Justin Fisher
Oh fuck this shit, so I could have just researched something else and waited.
They are allied with sokoto, and I have 0 research in army tech, so they would tear me a new one. I'm going to get them soon.
William Ortiz
Just how desperate for dick are 11 year olds?
Logan Barnes
Not very, which is why they can't get married.
Jaxson Lewis
And funnily enough this means ai would get it sooner or later and you didnt have to research it. Also that Greece is terrible, try it again.
Brandon Butler
Do you not understand the diffrence between a betrothal and a marriage ?
Juan Baker
NWO is shit tough
Blake Richardson
ur shit
make a better mod if you dont like it you fucking nigger
Joshua Price
The queen doesn't have anyone above her, so it's probably her decision to accept the betrothal and not her regent's
Robert Baker
Fuck off back to stormfront, simsulla
Jack Ramirez
simsulla pls instead of making the new meme regions you should instead focus on giving more choices for the eastern bloc
Jayden Fisher
>meanwhile in ISIS Also >can form superstates >when new nation joins in you dont get pops as accepted >assimilation to "European,etc" superstate cultures doesnt work
Logan Taylor
>superstates are barely-functional messes that nobody feels a real connection to At least that part is working properly.
Levi Thompson
>independence events twice a week It gets tedious real quick. Also NO REBELS EVER
Brayden Sullivan
Aaron Miller
The cost for that scales with yearly income to an almost ludicrous extreme, I had one asking for five-digit ducats as a happy merchant.
I paid up, what else is there to use money on.
Jason Ross
What am I looking at here?
Jack Williams
stuff like this actually exists?
>safe from disease >maxed castles
shiid lads
James Morgan
Whats the liquor factories of this mod? More importantly where is the fabled horse factory???
You shouldve started with Warri, Sokoto cant get military access to help them
Nathan Ortiz
Two versions of the same paper with the same ads running roughly the same article with a different spin, I'm assuming.
Or some kind of fucking Cluedo-movie type thing.
Ian Sullivan
Newspaper rewriting story for different states.
Lincoln Parker
PDM economy is piss easy, dont even bother user.
Ian Robinson
How the fuck can you guys call this bug-ridden broken mess that is For the Glory the GOAT of GS? I am genuinely mind-boggled by this autism
Zachary Perry
Well, I guess I just have to wait for the Dual monarchy to revolt now.
Luis Morales
what have I done
Aaron Cox
I'd laugh if they went full France and never had the Occitans rebelling.
Kayden Perez
What are some good mods for HOI3?
Jack Young
Holy shit, I didn't know about this.
Jaxon Collins
Why are you building castles and not cities?
Blake Mitchell
Because he can't hold cities without suffering of the wrong type of demesne penalty?
Anthony Reyes
It doesn't exist anymore.
Cooper Peterson
That's why you give them to mayors and get yourself more counties.
Christopher King
how do I stop these fags from voting for me? I don't want to become the emperor.
Sebastian Sanchez
W-w-waggle you willies lads?
William Sullivan
It's a prosperity event. You NEED lvl3 prosperity and crown focus on a province to trigger it.
Building castles, ever, anywhere, is a mistake if you have LoR enabled. Yes even the discount event one. Owning baronies is only good if you are a count or a duke in an area where conquest is near impossible. There really are very few such areas.
Nicholas Lewis
I enjoyed Blue Max if you want some alt history
Carter Bennett
Break free of the empire or faction for better succession law. Or go on a truce breaking spree.
Austin Perry
Look at the name and dynasty.
Michael Sullivan
but if I break free everyone will wreck me. and no vassal would join a faction to remove elective succession because it would decrease their influence.
Gabriel Sanders
it's a trap
Brandon Hernandez
It always boggles my mind when people try to avoid becoming emperor. I just don't get it.
I heard it all, don't try to explain, I just don't get it on a personal preference level.
I wasn't kidding about truce breaking, they are voting for you because they like you and your prestige score
Parker Carter
Forgot to mention - another trick is to cuckold them all.
Brody Young
um, I don't want to become emperor because I'm not trying to become emperor. you know the point of paradox game is that you can choose what to do, but you can't choose to NOT become emperor, people just vote for you and you can't refuse the title it's fucking annoying.
Brody Davis
threadly reminder that there's literally nothing wrong with international communism
Lincoln Wood
>Historical Project Mod >goes up to 1936 >unlimited maximum number of Great Wars >doesn't have any flavour on worldwide economic crises at all
Alexander Long
based falseflag poster
Jace Thompson
I'm trying to get my preferred heir to inherit by giving him a title so he'll vote for himself, but he always becomes a theocracy rather than a tribal vassal. This doesn't happen with either of my other sons. What gives?
Elijah Gray
this kid gon get doomstacked hard
Ethan King
Is bishopic primary demesne in a title?
Zachary Butler
by this
Andrew Wilson
What the fuck have they done to mercs?
Josiah Robinson
@153927542 Talex forgot to take her ritalin and is talking to her for attention again.
Angel Jackson
All I want is a Grand Strat that allows me to have fun with my Namibian-Tswana union desu
Jaxon Sanchez
All holdings are tribal aside from Lubusz, where the primary holding is a castle.
Again, this only happens with my preferred heir. Anyone else would become a tribal vassal. He doesn't have any titles, though he is the designated reagent.
Joseph Ortiz
Alex is based
Brandon Diaz
Joshua Rogers
Andrew Peterson
t. Grandi Youth PRO
Easton Rogers
we emperors now
Nothing, I'm just abusing the system by having my kingdom be fully tax-oriented while dumping the excess gold into the mercenaries I own so they become big enough that no one (except me) buys them. You end up with a doomstack fully at your disposal but with no vassal levies, so you're pretty much fucked if you enter a war without gold. Pic rel, look at my gold in both pictures. The total this stack has costed me so far over all the wars is well above 20k
The good thing is, if you learn to manage your gold and time the wars, you pretty much win the game.
Lucas Price
Jacob Harris
Americans are based.
Wyatt Wood
Fix the fucking archive you whiny faggots I dont want to buy the CK2 DLC
Josiah Taylor
This reminds me, what triggers the population exchange shit, and can you still get it if you take megali idea?