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I like this

There's nothing wrong with playing as a villain.

No, no she's for ROUGH Cuddling.

beautiful women and established backstories coexisting in prosperity


Don't know if he could compare to longhorn, but looks bad ass nonetheless. Does he get bitches?

It's not short knees as much as it's comically long thighs. You can stretch out the calves or shorten the thighs (both via xpmse sliders,) but beware that it will fuck up poses like whoa.

silly cat you're gonna set your face on fire like that if you keep the torch so close

silly cats, dumb cats

Make him a follower. I want to make nice-looking screenshots of him. No offense but your toaster is one of the toastiest I've ever seen.

Jo's not a villan. He's just a dick.

>Impale a nigga
>Burn it after.

No, gentle cuddles only for that one. Especially afterwards.

Wasn't there a mod that lets you put a blanket over yourself when sleeping


ah shit this makes me want to make a Rank and File faceless soldier with cool fucking armor.

It's fun
I really should make some "Impaler" themed screenshots with Vlad

Yeah I know, my computer sucks. Though I'm not too sure how to do that...? I'm not a modder, or know anything of that nature, there a tutorial?

He's a celibate. Old fashion type who doesn't do anything before marriage. He would prefer his women pure and innocent for after marriage

I would like the one in the back as a follower one day, if you would be so kind. I would like him to accompany Iessa, or maybe I'nola.

W-why is the text glowing like that? I f-feel weird...

This? nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75579/?

Prepare your angus


Which version is better? Fertile or dead? I want something more detailed than Bethesda's Solstheim, but I want to keep the feel of the island the same.

>Defenguin has learned a new shout

>tfw i never figured out what that thing does.
Is it apart of some major questline?

Yeah you should.

The Defen gains a new ability!

Oh shit this looks good, I'm gonna go for dead edition, thats what Solstheim feels and looks like anyways, being Morrowind and all, dead and barren

Then ded

Its added by Dawnguard, so possibly the Dawnguard questline. I randomly found it the other day and was confused.

If you want to keep the feel of Solstheim, then dead.

But seriously though, how do I do that?

Ded edition seems to most appropriate, considering the location. Nice find.

Lads, I miss Niko.

I'm gonna give Fertile a go later some other time though

This is the closest thing to a concise guide. It doesn't cover absolutely everything you'll need, like making a custom race for him which you'll have to do. You can ask around here about that when the need arises.
Lost to the Ages quest I believe.

I miss you too.


It may seem hard, but once you get the hang of it, its pretty easy. Don't be scared to ask the thread for help too.




>Tells him to not be afraid of us

uugh... my head... i don't feel s- HNNG...



hes too busy licking honey's feet on tumblr to come and play with us anons


TREMBLE EVIL-DOERS! For I have arrived to defend those you seek to inflict harm upon! The time to delet has come!

>All this samefagging

Okay, so It was a long time ago I heavily modded Skyrim. Do people still use merged patches (TES5Edit) or only Based patches from WB?

The guide in op basically says that I should only use WB for patches and TES5Edit to clean stuff.

>abandoned temple finally downloads successfully.
That didn't take long at all.

I crash if I set FixParallaxTerrain to true with TKRE, is there a problem?

Use this to merge plugins nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69905/?

Wyre Bash is still essential for bashed patches, xEdit or TES5Edit is still needed to clean mods.

Get ready for some nice scenery.

>doesnt have dbz effects swirling around him
not real

s-sorry, senpai

>tfw too short to reach the chain

Can't he just squeeze through the bars?

too fat

a, TES5Edit is for cleaning.
b, "Merge Plugins by Mator" for plugin merging.
c, WR for bashed patches.

Thanks very much, m8. You guys are immensely helpful.

If you are scaling the thighs up one of the sliders makes that happen


I don't think I've gotten that far in that questline.
Everytime I start it up and visit the ghost girl, I usually just go do something else.

Isn't he squishy? I bet he could make it if he put some elbow grease into it.
I did it once. It actually gets pretty neat towards the end.

Making a new playthrough. Is something like PerMa/SkyRe worth it or should I go with various not so comprehensive overhaul mods and put something together from mods instead of using one big?
Or is this question retarded? Is it worth doing that?

Yeah probably. Did you need help answering anything else?

...Just kidding. If you're getting a CTD I suppose it's possible that... hrm. I'm not sure why that would happen. A ground texture either has parallax support or it doesn't, no meshes are needed and regardless of whether the texture is built for it or not it'll still be the same texture.

I'm not sure. Maybe make sure

as well?

Yeah, it's definitely Lost to the Ages. Definitely one of the better things from that DLC, especially as far as quests go. Nifty locations, decent story, rather meh reward, though.

But he did not bring any elbow grease

You have to squeeze it out.

Oh my a flying head.

Guess I know what to do if I wanna play Skyrim again with Veit.

Defenguin... how do you expect to defen without any elbow grease?

f-from where?
i have some concerns with where this is going!!!

Is "elbow grease" not a common phrase in your country?

So creepy. Where's the head from so I can at least texture it to match the doodle's coloration.

I'm not big on elves, but dark elves are okay in my book.

Your question is stupid because you thought about using PerMa or SkyRe.

Still hunting? I'm down if you are. If not that's cool. Just finished making a set that should get me through low rank.

I still blame you for me not being allowed to smoke anymore

I'm sorry, i just googled it. Feeling a bit stupid right now...
nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15429/? there, i would appreciate it a lot!

Yeah I'm sorta hunting right now. Going through some Village quests but I'm down to play online.
You wanna wreck through LR or do you wanna take the time to learn the monsters? (Pretty sure you just wanna blow through the quests to get to HR.)

Yep, who wants to play as the chosen hero who saves the world for the 6000000th time? Although she's more neutral than villainous.

>I'm not big on elves, but dark elves are okay in my book.

>Your question is stupid because you thought about using PerMa or SkyRe.
That's what I thought upon seeing how much shit I can do by just mixing mods.

Thanks for opening my eyes, senpai.

Is TKRE supposed to look like this?

>I'm not big on elves, but dark elves are okay in my book.
Good for you. At least you have a good head on your shoulders unlike the rest.

You're not very active here these days, are you?

Smoking is bad for your health. You shouldn't be doing it anyway. I did you a favor!


Stay ashy.

no, try turning sweet fx on/off, and make sure steam overlay is off

>I did you a favor!

Didn't you want to, ya know, turn me undead? That doesnt sound healthy.

it's not TKRE until the colors have come out of the screen and mugged you

We'd only do it once you died. Geez.

What can I say? DAO got me hooked. Speaking of DAO, I nearly jumped from my seat because of a piece of dialogue from that game.

>the colors have come out of the screen and mugged you
sounds more like tetrachromatic honestly

Undead is healthier than dead



>you kill someone so hard they turn into jelly

If you're planning on playing through DA2, brace for one of the shittiest RPGs of your life.

Steam overlay is already off. Here it is with Sweetfx turned on.

I'm using ELE light, but the readme says that should be fine.

Are there any mods with stirrups/toeless socks?

Pfft, even if I want to, I can't. There's no way to get DA 2 from Steam, which means that I'll have to buy it from Origin, GoG, etc.

And fuck that, I ain't giving anyone my credit card info.

That's pretty neat!

Quick poll guys


uh...okay...that didnt work out.
